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  • #386170

    It is really shocking how old people get all this sympathy. They have lived lives on the back of future generations, whine incessantly about the good ol’ days, poisoned our water, polluted the air, and have created toxicity in their own families. Now that they have been shipped off to “homes” they complain that they have “no company.” WTF?! If they had been a tad more genial to their own children they might actually have someone that would care to visit. Instead, they must congregate their disgruntle, wrinkly old selves to some common area and blather on about their health concerns. If they died when they were supposed to they wouldn’t have such complaints; and people wouldn’t have to suffer their wheezing, snorting, burping, farting, and their insistent crackly voices. Send them inside and the world will be a more beautiful place. I mean, really, do they think we want to see their crepe skin and age spots? Shudder.



    I want to like Obama, as my predilection is for more liberal government, but there is something teflon about him. Everything seems to slide off him, including a genuine personality. However, the Presidency of the US is not what it once was, and as Bush proved, the real power is in the Plutocrats. The big money this time around seems to be backing Obama, and they are surely expecting their piece of the pie.

    And, as lil fek said, the whole process is unbearably long. No wonder nobody bothers to vote, as they are lulled into a stupor by the vacuous rhetoric: to which there seems no end.



    “Jingle jangle jolly” is reverberating in my brain. I love your use of alliteration and the rhythm of your poetry, Esme. It is unforced and evocative. I hope you are endeavoring to get these published, or have they been already?

    I have been in seance all morning with Pound and Keats, and both are in agreement that these distilled wonders must find a wider audience.



    You have received an apology after getting a bashing from a Canadian

    I wonder if they do the same for seals.

    If you do it in the evening it’s called night-clubbing. :twisted:


    ..oh and btw i thought stephens war and peace episode about how bullying disgusts him etc etc was made to look rather pathetic by his opening statement..

    Of course, Pebbles, you could care less about Sir Actor’s “feelings,” or whether he is bullied, you only wish to stir the pot…er, cauldron.

    Pat posted a very good explanation of what bullying is on another thread. In short, it is someone trying to take advantage over another, because it makes them feel less inadequate. However, that is different than calling someone to task for something you believed that they did wrong. If I take umbrage with something another man has said, or done, then I will tell that man; especially if I think the offense is particularly egregious. I don’t like conflict, and I will usually go far and wide to avoid it, but some things are worth taking a stand for, and it is these things which define us as humans. One can forever seek to see both sides of a debate, but at some point one has to shyt or get off the pot. If my child is standing by a river, I don’t wait for her to take an initial step in to see if the current might carry her away. I am proactive, and hasten to protect her. The trend of people waffling over everything is like an epidemic in Western society. If a person takes issue with another’s transgression, that is not bullying, it is standing up to be counted. It’s what people with self-worth do, and if they misstep they will likewise be big enough to set things right.



    Hurry up with that ice bucket, we’ll harvest the second kidney as well. Hell yes, I know this cracker ain’t dead…yet.


    @fastcars wrote:

    Am I the only one that falls asleep reading Stephen’s posts… :?:

    Am I the only one who thinks that Fasty would much rather have a picture of Heath Ledger in Brokeback Mountain? Really, a grown man using an avatar of comic villian…now that does make a person wonder.



    @esmeralda wrote:

    @stephen1 wrote:


    being bullied and threatened is all part of JC isn;t it?
    I’ve had sword doing it to me for years.

    It used to get me down at one time.
    Nobody seemed to care. Crying or Very sad

    But hey….life goes on and you learn to fend for yaself.
    Your post surprised me.
    Nobody ever did anything like that for me when I needed it.

    Well, it isn’t any wonder, because you are a f-ucking, whinging baby. Unlike you, Cath has integrity and a backbone.

    The Internet may indeed be buyer beware, but that doesn’t excuse the weak-minded, with yet weaker morals, from hiding behind the ejaculate that sticks to their computer screen, and hurling their evil, viscous bile into the cyber-world. In the real world they cower from the creak of the chair that they jerk-off in, with their oily, fat hands highlighting their ineptitude in even that sphere. They dream of splintered broom handles in their rectum, and sucking on their dog’s pink protuberance; which would sicken the mangiest of mutts. The shadow of their own repugnance is never far from their evil psyche and, hence, they promulgate the only thing that their synapses fire, that being filth. Filth, that has been further degraded by a spirit that fled long ago, for the more generous climes of a pile of sweet dog shyt.

    Dagger, only a f-cking coward’s coward would use such a handle, one that needs shoving down your cretinous, obsequious, scatological pie-hole.

    For all you people who think that baiting someone in a public forum is fun, or nothing of consequence are people who have lost a piece of your humanity. You may crack-wise, but you will not be wise, nor have wit. Even a dullard can humiliate with sarcastic cracking, but it takes a person of grace and intelligence to take a stand beside a friend. There are not two sides to this story, there is but one story. A weakling tried to bring down another, and that fact has been laid bare. You may debate the Internet is this and that, but every interaction between humans should be of some import; if not, then why the f-uck are you here in the first place? If you think that, because you don’t know someone, or will never meet them that it doesn’t matter how you treat them, or accord yourself, then you have duped even your myopia…people matter.

    Sometimes a person must take a stand, yes, even amongst the foolishness of an Internet forum where even the lowliest coward will race to have the last word, and attempt to render that stand impotent. I applaud your stand, Cath, it is a quality all too rare these days. I recognized in your poetry a genuine person, and I don’t need a web-cam, a chat on the phone, or to meet you in person to know that…I am humbled by the beauty of your spirit.


    Stephen, you’re mistaking the enemy when you attack Actor in the manner which you have in your opening sentence. His observation was born out of sadness and frustration, and was posted with a touch of irony. He was neither having a dig at Cath nor sanctioning online bullying.
    Damning Actor as a ”f ucking whinging baby’ without ‘integrity or a backbone.’ sounds damn close to bullying to me. With benefit of the doubt I’m assuming that you read his post the wrong way, and equally with benefit of the doubt, I hope you’ll retract that part of your statement and apologise.

    Dear Esmeralda, as a person whom I highly respect, I have considered all that you have said. Yes, it was hasty of me to judge Sir Actor in that manner, but I’m afraid I was also given over to my own welling emotions on the matter. A fall-back position for many people, especially on the Internet, is to say that they were being ironic. Well, the use of real irony takes skill and acumen; otherwise it is more sarcasm. On such a sensitive matter, one would think that people would write prudently, and edit the more facile parts of their brain, before putting finger to keyboard. Otherwise, an off-hand remark might be misread as something contemptible.

    Dear Sir Actor: Esmeralda knows you better than I, and so if she says I overstepped my bounds then I take it seriously. However, did you not find your comment to Cath, at the very least, patronizing? Especially in light of the fact that she was sticking up for her friend on a very serious matter. Sometimes being a man means being manly, taking a side, defending openly, without the use of “irony,” what you mean. Well, enough of that. I do realize that you are not the enemy, and are not at all of the bullying ilk. You come here to have a bit of fun, and there is certainly no malice in your cyber-voice. Many of the things you write actually give me a chuckle. So, Sir Actor, in the spirit of board harmony, a realization that you are hurting yourself, and an acknowledgment of my own poor choice of words toward you, I unreservedly apologize.




    being bullied and threatened is all part of JC isn;t it?
    I’ve had sword doing it to me for years.

    It used to get me down at one time.
    Nobody seemed to care. Crying or Very sad

    But hey….life goes on and you learn to fend for yaself.
    Your post surprised me.
    Nobody ever did anything like that for me when I needed it.

    Well, it isn’t any wonder, because you are a f-ucking, whinging baby. Unlike you, Cath has integrity and a backbone.

    The Internet may indeed be buyer beware, but that doesn’t excuse the weak-minded, with yet weaker morals, from hiding behind the ejaculate that sticks to their computer screen, and hurling their evil, viscous bile into the cyber-world. In the real world they cower from the creak of the chair that they jerk-off in, with their oily, fat hands highlighting their ineptitude in even that sphere. They dream of splintered broom handles in their rectum, and sucking on their dog’s pink protuberance; which would sicken the mangiest of mutts. The shadow of their own repugnance is never far from their evil psyche and, hence, they promulgate the only thing that their synapses fire, that being filth. Filth, that has been further degraded by a spirit that fled long ago, for the more generous climes of a pile of sweet dog shyt.

    Dagger, only a f-cking coward’s coward would use such a handle, one that needs shoving down your cretinous, obsequious, scatological pie-hole.

    For all you people who think that baiting someone in a public forum is fun, or nothing of consequence are people who have lost a piece of your humanity. You may crack-wise, but you will not be wise, nor have wit. Even a dullard can humiliate with sarcastic cracking, but it takes a person of grace and intelligence to take a stand beside a friend. There are not two sides to this story, there is but one story. A weakling tried to bring down another, and that fact has been laid bare. You may debate the Internet is this and that, but every interaction between humans should be of some import; if not, then why the f-uck are you here in the first place? If you think that, because you don’t know someone, or will never meet them that it doesn’t matter how you treat them, or accord yourself, then you have duped even your myopia…people matter.

    Sometimes a person must take a stand, yes, even amongst the foolishness of an Internet forum where even the lowliest coward will race to have the last word, and attempt to render that stand impotent. I applaud your stand, Cath, it is a quality all too rare these days. I recognized in your poetry a genuine person, and I don’t need a web-cam, a chat on the phone, or to meet you in person to know that…I am humbled by the beauty of your spirit.



    Did you read the one about Obama? LMFAO. Great link to some wicked satire.

    The link pops up Eastenders for some reason, but the Obama story is on the same page.

    Obama Defends ‘Creationist Psycho Bitch’ Remark

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