Squeezy replied to the topic JC BEST MALE AWARD in the board Polls 15 years ago
Squeezy replied to the topic Happy birthday in the board Off topic chat 17 years ago
Hope you have a great day
Squeezy replied to the topic May birthdays in the board Off topic chat 17 years ago
@AbitofMary_J wrote:
we’re all well, apart fae ma knee but whats new eh lol the boy will b 3..!!! and lass 10 this yr..!! OMG where have the yrs gone… get dawny to give ya my email etc and keep intouch xxx
How time flies, eh? My lad’s nearly 3 as well….hopefully he will be leaving those ‘terrible twos’ behind him….I might go insane if he…[Read more]
Squeezy replied to the topic May birthdays in the board Off topic chat 17 years ago
Yes, we are all brill, ty
Had the little one last July, bought a new house just before Christmas, so it’s been all go.
Hope you and the family are all doing great MJ
Squeezy replied to the topic May birthdays in the board Off topic chat 17 years ago
@AbitofMary_J wrote:
@Rainbowbrite wrote:
It’s Squeezy’s birthday on the 17th of May too you know. :D
aint seen SqueeZy fir yonkeys…. u intouch rainyroos’?? say elo fae me x and happy bday when it comes
Hi M_J
Rainny pm’d me – thanks for the birthday wishes :D
Squeezy replied to the topic Wait for a hello!!!! in the board Off topic chat 18 years ago
@Dis wrote:
No I’m an old member (Sounds a bit crude doesn’t it) just haven’t been on in about 2 years, thought maybe some of the old regulars would have recognised old Disillusioned but seems I have been thrown onto the old JC scrap heap. :(
If some old friends still remember me then Hellloooooo! Just thought I’d check in and remind you I’m not…
Squeezy replied to the topic Try this… "…… was arrested for…" in the board Off topic chat 18 years ago
I was arrested for” protesting the barbed . wire fencing of thousands of miles of reservation land
At age twelve, I was arrested for firing a gun as part of a New Year’s celebration
I started young…. :D
Quite boring stuff though :?
Squeezy replied to the topic strippin for the women in the board Off topic chat 18 years ago
Blimey….is this pic still here?? :lol:
Squeezy replied to the topic The Greatest Thread Ever in the board Off topic chat 18 years ago
@PATS wrote:
@Squeezy wrote:
@cath 55 wrote:
will u 2 get a feckin room pmsl xxxx :wink: :wink: :wink: 8)
Why? Do they have a banter room? :D :lol:
becareful squeezy……………nxt thing ye know geoff will be acused of chasing a married woman…like fastcars is wif me. u know male/female friendships are/nt allowed in ere!!!!!!!!!…
Squeezy replied to the topic The Greatest Thread Ever in the board Off topic chat 18 years ago
@cath 55 wrote:
will u 2 get a feckin room pmsl xxxx :wink: :wink: :wink: 8)
Why? Do they have a banter room? :D :lol:
Squeezy replied to the topic The Greatest Thread Ever in the board Off topic chat 18 years ago
Hehe :lol:
Squeezy replied to the topic The Greatest Thread Ever in the board Off topic chat 18 years ago
@Geoff wrote:
Deciphered… Dus vis face look bovvered?
Exactly…but I’m not chavvy enough to come out with that..haha :lol:
Squeezy replied to the topic The Greatest Thread Ever in the board Off topic chat 18 years ago
Squeezy replied to the topic The Greatest Thread Ever in the board Off topic chat 18 years ago
Shurrup :P :lol:
Squeezy replied to the topic The Greatest Thread Ever in the board Off topic chat 18 years ago
Wow M – didn’t think we’d have the pleasure of your company again.
How’s the family? :D
Squeezy replied to the topic thought for christmas in the board Off topic chat 18 years ago
@PATS wrote:
@ForumHostPB wrote:
But would they really???
Try this on for size…..
They’d have arrived late because they had ”nothing to wear” and had to go to the shops to buy a new dress and then spent hours doing their make-up and washing their hair.
They would have got totally lost from trying to read the map upside down.
They’d have asked… -
Squeezy replied to the topic Godiwoman in the board Off topic chat 18 years ago
Yep, I got it – lotta shyte :roll:
Squeezy replied to the topic Christmas Pressies in the board Off topic chat 18 years ago
Mine are all bought, but not wrapped yet.
Squeezy replied to the topic just have a look in the board Chat forum three boards 18 years ago
Y’know Ugo – I’m getting the distinct impression that you and Bat aren’t exactly the best of friends….. :-k
Squeezy replied to the topic What made u smile today………..again!!!!!!!!!!!!! in the board Tests, quizzes and games 18 years ago
@fastcars wrote:
@sharongooner wrote:
@fastcars wrote:
Downloading Google Earth…..
gimme ur addresses so i can ave a look at your house.,… 8)
Sorry to dissapoint, but if thats the free version it was frozen in 2002 or something like that. My house dont exist, but I get some joy at looking at me mum and dads :lol:
I did wonder why my old red…
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