Soulie replied to the topic best man speeches in the board Off topic chat 19 years, 1 month ago
@spotlight wrote:
Hiya mate,
Reckon you should go the whole hog and have a David brent style speech prepared.
There’s lots of ways you can tell jokes about Martin and his skin-flint ways. For instance you could say I’m gonna make this a short speech, because i’m charging Martin 20p a minute for me sevices and when i told him about this he…
Robyn replied to the topic What was your favorite toy as a child ? in the board Off topic chat 19 years, 4 months ago
@spotlight wrote:
Cool presents you had “Made up name” One of my very faves was the evil Kneival bike, it was the one where you had to place it into a wind up contraption thingy me jobby and turn the handle really fast, the faster you turned the faster it went on release….unfortunately 9 times out of 10 the bike would immediately fall over upon…
Soulie replied to the topic As long as I’m still breathing… in the board Off topic chat 19 years, 4 months ago
@spotlight wrote:
@Soulie wrote:
because my mum said just last night she would’nt mind a lodger
MMMMMM your mum’s looking for a lodger eh :lol: when trace finaly gets bored of me and kicks me out I’l take the spare room, I’m quite handy around the house, I can put a few shelfs up for your mum and dad when their out :lol:
Lovely house your…
Soulie replied to the topic why do dogs… in the board Off topic chat 19 years, 4 months ago
@spotlight wrote:
@Soulie wrote:
i have a liking to dogs
I know that why it would have a sore bottom :)
you are mistaking some of my past girlfriends, for bitches
Giggles replied to the topic Any port in a storm? in the board Off topic chat 19 years, 4 months ago
@spotlight wrote:
@Giggles wrote:
what kind of place is called level 2? :-k
could be worse though, it could be called second base :lol:
:lol: Very good ms giggles,would be the ideal name for that club though:) Either that or Easy riders.
*bows* 8)
Squeezy replied to the topic E bay, best description ever! in the board Off topic chat 19 years, 4 months ago
@Robyn wrote:
@spotlight wrote:
Best $100 I’ve ever spent :lol:
Talking about leather pants, my elder brother once told me a story about his pair, (I know I have a brother who wore leather pants) ffs, he went to watch Ghandi when it was on at the pictures (I know I have a brother who went to the pictures and watched Ghandi) He was smoking during…
Robyn replied to the topic E bay, best description ever! in the board Off topic chat 19 years, 4 months ago
@spotlight wrote:
Best $100 I’ve ever spent :lol:
Talking about leather pants, my elder brother once told me a story about his pair, (I know I have a brother who wore leather pants) ffs, he went to watch Ghandi when it was on at the pictures (I know I have a brother who went to the pictures and watched Ghandi) He was smoking during the film,…
Giggles replied to the topic fast food in the board Off topic chat 19 years, 5 months ago
@spotlight wrote:
Cheese on toast, I work in a cheese warehouse, it’s not made of cheese, you get what I mean :) never knew there were so many varieties, think I’ve tried them all now :)
now on my ideal job list thats right up there with wine taster :P 8) jammie bugger :wink:
I do have a drawer full of crap yeah but as for the toastie…[Read more]
GEMZ replied to the topic I will survive!! in the board Off topic chat 19 years, 5 months ago
@spotlight wrote:
I’m in shock :o :o
I thought you were a nice and innocent girl next door type.
if you believe that you’d believe anything lol
Squeezy replied to the topic hello in the board Off topic chat 19 years, 5 months ago
Squeezy replied to the topic JC’s Most Wanted in the board Off topic chat 19 years, 5 months ago
@spotlight wrote:
Lee Mack An up and coming comedian who was on the apollo live a couple of weeks back, very very funny :P
I saw him – he was great…mad as a hatter lol.
He is apparently going to be starring in a new comedy along with Cathering Tate. 8)
Tiz Me replied to the topic Sue Pollard in the board Off topic chat 19 years, 5 months ago
@spotlight wrote:
Well here she is again, on loose women:( talk about living on past glories(HI DE HI) thats all she says, move on it was 20 years ago, what has she done since?
I mean I met the Chuckle Brothers 3 years ago, and I’m not always banging on about it.
Weren’t she in that other one with her co-star from Hi-de-hi Paul Shane? Think it…[Read more]
Squeezy replied to the topic Sue Pollard in the board Off topic chat 19 years, 5 months ago
@spotlight wrote:
Well here she is again, on loose women:( talk about living on past glories(HI DE HI) thats all she says, move on it was 20 years ago, what has she done since?
.Well….she was actually on advertising the fact that she is appearing in the ‘Vagina Monologues’ in Cambridge at the moment. So I guess that means she has some…[Read more]
angel replied to the topic oohhhh me backs gone. in the board Off topic chat 19 years, 6 months ago
@spotlight wrote:
Put me back out at work on Monday afternoon, battled on until leaving time cause I’m really hard:) went Doctors yesterday and I the bottom muscles in my back have gone into Spasm
So she’s signed me off for a week, maybe two. So sat at home watching Laurel and Hardy,playing online poker, eeeeeehhh every clouds got a silver…
stevenage_f replied to the topic oohhhh me backs gone. in the board Off topic chat 19 years, 6 months ago
@spotlight wrote:
Put me back out at work on Monday afternoon, battled on until leaving time cause I’m really hard:) went Doctors yesterday and I the bottom muscles in my back have gone into Spasm
So she’s signed me off for a week, maybe two. So sat at home watching Laurel and Hardy,playing online poker, eeeeeehhh every clouds got a silver…
Tiz Me replied to the topic I owe you nothing ! in the board Off topic chat 19 years, 6 months ago
@spotlight wrote:
Had a dream I was in BROS last night:( Where the hell did that come from? ffs. Aren’t dreams weird.
You’re lucky it was just a one off, for Tommy, it’s a dream he’s tried to fulfil, and when i say he wants to be IN bros, he wants to BE IN ALL of them. :lol:
Rainbowbrite replied to the topic womens logic ! in the board Off topic chat 19 years, 6 months ago
@spotlight wrote:
Yeah she has got a sense of humour Sunny, she married me and I survived a nuclear war, told her I was the only bloke left:)
Ah! so thats why she opted for you.
Normally the line “not even if you were the last guy on earth” works for me and they give up.
You must be the stubborn type! :lol: :lol:
stevenage_f replied to the topic womens logic ! in the board Off topic chat 19 years, 6 months ago
@spotlight wrote:
Yeah gonna have to become the enemy of all the Females of Just chat, but don’t they say the funniest things at times,
I was telling my wife a story about a time when I was at school and my stand-in English teacher burst into the classroom and declared that World war 3 had just started and we were under nuclear attack:(…