spotlight replied to the topic Reality TV….. in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 3 months ago
It’s a tough one, they have been done to death over the last couple of years, I know people knock reality TV but I must admit when it’s done well, it makes great telly, Really enjoyed I’m a celeb this year, think it’s been the best one.
I’ll have a think about show and come back later.
spotlight replied to the topic Are you getting them out today? in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 3 months ago
@AbitofMary_J wrote:
not that Im wishing to correct Mrs Spotlight…. but your xmas dec’s should go up 12 days before christmas and taking down on the 12th day after christmas….. hense the song the 12 days of Christmas………… bad bad luck putting them up too early before hand..!!!
Thanks for the tip AbitofMary, I’m just getting a little…[Read more]
spotlight replied to the topic Polish workers, good or bad? in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 3 months ago
@Rainbowbrite wrote:
Erm well you obviously have rasist tendencies…. to bring this subject up. Most people…. i dont care what anyone says… have rasist views somewhere inside their tiny little minds.
I work with two polish girls but i’m not about to tell them to cheap wine off so my jobless mate can have their job. In fact they bring…
spotlight replied to the topic Being Thankful For What You Have in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 3 months ago
Well said women, I’m always thankful at xmas when me, my lovely wife and gorgeous kids are sat around the dining table enjoying our meal, i’m glad we’ve all made it safely for another year, life deals some bummer hands at times, and if you can dodge the bullets for a whole year, then anything else is a bonus, I’m not rich financially, but my…[Read more]
spotlight replied to the topic Sleep or Sex? in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 3 months ago
@ForumHostPB wrote:
Don’t listen to these mere females … what do they know anyway? No you have the right idea matey, get the sex stuff out of the way as quick as possible and then get on with something more interesting like reading a book or watching the TV (or in your case falling asleep).
All these women want to do is to make it last a totally…
spotlight replied to the topic can anyone here… in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 10 months ago
I can play the Triangle and the Tangerine. :lol:
spotlight replied to the topic what are you most afraid of? in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
butterflies and moths :x hideous creatures from the depths of hell, can’t understand people who say they don’t like moths but like butterflies….wtf? their the same F****** thing, just that one of them has bothered to make the effort and apply a bit of make up before scaring you to death ( like a clown in many ways, but without the custard…[Read more]
spotlight replied to the topic polish workers in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
Nothing against the Polish people at my place mate, a nice bunch of chaps they are, going around later to play them at poker, so hopefully take some of their hard earned cash of them :lol:
spotlight replied to the topic trying to organise in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
I’ll try and make it mate, depends on the traffic :lol:
spotlight replied to the topic 2.7 % fat in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
yeah must admit mate, couldn’t sleep last night, terrible heartburn
so got up and played some more poker, must be doing something right at the moment, my last 6 games iv’e won 4 and finished 2nd in another, i blew a big lead in the other with one bad call finished 3rd, disapointing really, lost to a better kicker.
But up to $50 now and…[Read more]
spotlight replied to the topic 2.7 % fat in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
No mate your thinking of Shaturates :)
spotlight replied to the topic best man speeches in the board Off topic chat 19 years, 1 month ago
Hiya mate,
Reckon you should go the whole hog and have a David brent style speech prepared.
There’s lots of ways you can tell jokes about Martin and his skin-flint ways. For instance you could say I’m gonna make this a short speech, because i’m charging Martin 20p a minute for me sevices and when i told him about this he replied okay 5 mins…[Read more]
spotlight replied to the topic the offside rule for ladys (and morph) in the board The locker room 19 years, 1 month ago
@Soulie wrote:
appently these rules don’t apply at the trafford centre
The Trafford centre or old trafford was that old bean? :lol:
spotlight replied to the topic be honest now… in the board Off topic chat 19 years, 1 month ago
OOHHH wish I had sky again, since we moved the wife says we can’t afford it :(
spotlight replied to the topic be honest now… in the board Off topic chat 19 years, 1 month ago
@pikey wrote:
:lol: I refuse the temptation to translate.
I’ve been watching Life on Mars of a Monday night. Anyone else been following it? I think it’s the best thing that’s been on the gogglebox for months.
Yeah I’ve been watching it too, quite good isn’t it? was a bit sceptical at first,but kinda like that sort of programme, was a big fan of…[Read more]
spotlight replied to the topic What celeb do you look like?? in the board Off topic chat 19 years, 1 month ago
Just posted a pic of my wife and got some startling results :lol:
72% Charlize Theron
70% Penelope Cruz
68% Anna Kournacova
66% Halle Berry
63% Winona Ryder
Think I’ll be having an orgy tonight :lol:
spotlight replied to the topic What celeb do you look like?? in the board Off topic chat 19 years, 1 month ago
@alan snowman wrote:
i got told i looked like renee zellweger and im a bloke
You got any plans tonight sexy? :lol:
spotlight replied to the topic What celeb do you look like?? in the board Off topic chat 19 years, 1 month ago
apparantly I look
52% like morgan freeman :lol:
50% like Al Pacino 8)
48% mel brook :roll:
spotlight replied to the topic The Arctic Monkeys in the board Off topic chat 19 years, 1 month ago
Give me Barry Manilow anyday.
spotlight replied to the topic Valetines verses… in the board Off topic chat 19 years, 1 month ago
I worked in a bakery a few years back and my mate fancied one of the packers, so we got us heads together and wroth the following verses and left it in a card with her name on it, we didn’t really think the plan through though as she proceeded to show everyone else in the shop the saucy little card we had left her :lol: she blamed him for the…[Read more]
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