Spanish replied to the topic Rate the person above you out of TEN ? in the board Chat forum three boards 19 years ago
3.1427 – cos she bakes a mean PI
Spanish replied to the topic The Person Below Me Is………………. in the board Chat forum three boards 19 years ago
…. is gonna bend over and take it like a woman :wink: :wink:
Spanish replied to the topic LOVE IS …………..:) in the board Chat forum three boards 19 years ago
Love is…………. a great way to burn up some calories :wink:
Spanish replied to the topic What would you say if you woke up to the person above you ? in the board Chat forum one boards 19 years ago
With you, I dont need viagra, I need hallucinagenics :lol: :lol: :lol:
Spanish replied to the topic When was the last time you… in the board Chat forum one boards 19 years ago
20 minutes ago – smiled at a girl in the street and she smiled back :D :D
When was the last time you did something romantic?
Spanish replied to the topic When was the last time you… in the board Chat forum one boards 19 years ago
I struggle to be anything but
When was the last time you broke the law?
Spanish replied to the topic What would you say if you woke up to the person above you ? in the board Chat forum one boards 19 years ago
I’ve only just got warmed up…… are you free all week? :wink:
Spanish replied to the topic What would you say if you woke up to the person above you ? in the board Chat forum one boards 19 years ago
Of course, as long as you make me dinner in bed tonight :D
Spanish replied to the topic When was the last time you… in the board Chat forum one boards 19 years ago
This afternoon
When was the last time you watched pornography?
Spanish replied to the topic LOVE IS …………..:) in the board Chat forum three boards 19 years ago
Love is…… knowing what she’s thinking
Spanish replied to the topic What music are you listening to??? in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
L.A. Guns – Sex Action :wink:
Spanish replied to the topic What is a friend in the board Chat forum one boards 19 years ago
A friend is someone who is responsible for what got between your teeth in the first place :wink: :wink:
Spanish replied to the topic post what is on your mind this very moment in the board Chat forum one boards 19 years ago
@American Woman wrote:
Why does my son always find the strangest things to get into????
[-XA new, weird girlfriend is it? :wink: :wink:
Spanish replied to the topic What would you say if you woke up to the person above you ? in the board Chat forum one boards 19 years ago
We only accept sterling, none of those silly dollars, thankyou :lol: :lol:
Spanish replied to the topic What made u smile today………..again!!!!!!!!!!!!! in the board Tests, quizzes and games 19 years ago
An MSN convo I just had with someone about clueless men :lol: :lol: :lol:
Spanish replied to the topic When was the last time you… in the board Chat forum one boards 19 years ago
erm…… as above :oops:
When was the last time you were with someone who didnt know what they were doing in bed?
Spanish replied to the topic What’s four words you want to hear? in the board Chat forum one boards 19 years ago
OUCH!!! Mind my tonsils
Spanish replied to the topic When was the last time you… in the board Chat forum one boards 19 years ago
March 2002
When was the last time you tried something new in bed?
Spanish replied to the topic What is a friend in the board Chat forum one boards 19 years ago
@*Sian* wrote:
Someone that doesn’t sh*t on you from a great height :roll:
That’s birds for you :lol: :lol: :lol:
Spanish replied to the topic What would you say if you woke up to the person above you ? in the board Chat forum one boards 19 years ago
Pass the baby oil over dear :wink:
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