Soulie, I reckon forget towns and cities all together. Get yourself into some Wide Open Space.
is’nt that a feeder song?
i live in the middle of nowhere as it is, its nice to escape to the city, just like it is for somone who lives in the city to escape to the countryside
:lol: You live in the Peak District, Soulie. Why would you go to a city to camp? Anyroadup, camping isn’t about snaring chapettes. At least not in the short term. It’s about getting close to the land, developing a bit of a deeper side, an intimate bond between man and nature that borders on the spiritual. Chapettes dig that. At least the ones worth more than a quick shuftie up against a nightclub wall do.
i thought about bakewell, but when you live in it, you don’t tend to want to stay in it to get away