Nem, If they judge you by your past don’t be surprised when they become part of it. They are like plungers, they keep bringing up the same old shit :) shows you how sad their own existance must be . Dont regret your past Nem, just regret the time you wasted with the wrong people. It doesn’t matter who you used to be. All that matters is who you have become. Walk your own path in life Nems you don’t need anyones approval in this world or from cyber saddos!! Stop apologising its not you who has the problem. Walk away from these sad shit plungers :)
Sceps me and you both know it , i can probably vouch for the majority in here who have the same opinion. Someone thick like him should practice his spelling. Mr Q its ” sympathy ” something you are void of.
Men and women went to war so that wankers like you are free to breath the air and to give you a better way of life. You sad lump of shyte. Obviously you come from a family full of cowards, lunatics and sad old men with nothing going for them except being an annoying little rat in the land of cyber space. Wankers like you can act like a piece of shit at a moments notice, youve done yourself proud this past week. Are you suffering from a mutant strain of compulsive posting disorder?? going by the shyte you put up i can answer my own question ” YES ” No doubt Mr Q will become more controversial before building up to a crescendo of abuse followed by a theatrical flounce blaming everyone for his issues.
Scep, what’s done is done. You harp on to a tedious and excessive extent that i can’t be bothered reading your long drawn out arguments of which you feel is a one man crusade of you’re right i’m wrong attitude . If anyone feels that passionate about this woman and her baby they should write to whoever they feel was to blame? Arguements, discussions on chatroom boards really arent the place and being honest doesnt really help the cause. Im done with this subject now.
Getting back to the main subject. Whos to blame? Sharmeena Begun( not to be confused with Shamima Begum) was the first girl who left alone in dec 2014 two months later her three friends followed. Sharmeena Begun used to ask her father to take her to the mosque it was at this mosque that Sharmeena was first radicalised, most likely by members of a women’s wing of the Islamic Forum of Europe known as ‘Sisters Forum’ or ‘Muslimaat’. Sharmeena’s uncle told the press 4 years ago that she was told she will go to paradise. Her uncle quoted ” i am 500 per cent sure she was groomed at the East London Mosque. She was spending most of her time in the mosque, after school and all the time, she was spending in the mosque” One of the other three girls whos father is Abase Hussen who took his daughter then aged 13 to a ” hate preacher rally” was filmed burning flags standing next to Michael Adebolajo , the other killer of Lee Rigby. It sickens me to watch Abase Husse clutching one of her teddy bears while telling the press, he could think of ‘nothing’ to explain why she and two friends had decided to join IS,as the families blamed the authorities for failing to stop them. as well as keeping quiet about his own links to radicalism! What about the mosque? Might any fingers be pointed there? Four years ago, when Shamima and friends went out to join ISIS, Muslim leaders in Britain were very fast to blame the internet for the radicalisation. The other girl Shamina Begum whos 3 children are deceased why did she ask to come back to the UK so close to the birth of her baby?Why did she wait until the other two died? its not the way any mother would act or behave . I don’t think any airline would accept you at almost 9 mths into a pregnancy? . Why did the airline in the UK allow 3 youngsters to leave the country? from my experience you are classed as a child .A passenger at the age 14 or 15 years can only travel on a direct flight from a UK airport must have a young persons declaration form and must be completed by a parent. The people who do bear some responsibility should be called out, prosecuted, punished, deported or imprisoned. That is what a sane society would do. The only people to blame are those who influenced them, probably people they knew, grew up with , lived with and hung around with. They were also old enough to understand the wrongfulness of their behaviour. I am only sad that children had to suffer because of their actions.
He told me I was right, and that James Hunt has become Cockney rhyming slang” ………… Scep. James Hunt was formula one racing car driver. Hunt was prone to spectacular accidents, hence his nickname of “ Hunt the shunt ” How can he be confused with James Blunt???
Windows tend to shut as you get older, after which we are doomed to listen to the same three bands until our dying days. I’m glad to say my windows are always open.
Sorry and sad to see you go moo. At least you went out with no fuss or long goodbyes, unlike some! Anyway moo- i hope you think about coming back sometime soon otherwise the losers have won!!! As the song goes…..
linda, i wouldnt waste ink replying. This argument wont go away . He goes on and on like an old woman leaning on her mop! Every reply is long winded and personally boring as watching paint dry. Hope all well with you Linda x
I have to disagree with sceps comment about American music. Thank god for motown The Temps, Marvin Gaye, Four Tops, Smokey Robinson etc too many to mention. Then we had the amazing sound of the Eagles, Bruce Springsteen, Bob Dylan, Nirvana, The Doors, Stills and Nash, England Dan and John Ford coley etc, etc, etc. Not only were they good performers many were brilliant song writers. Glad i was introduced to this music as a kid growing up around the night clubs and shebeens of Liverpool 8 Toxteth. Coming from a musical background im forever grateful being exposed to such great music. Alway remember LOVE is the answer