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  • #1143894

    Hi Linda,

    you don’t need to have a covid test to enter the UK nor do you have to wear masks. We had to have covid tests for USA and show our vaccine proof , fill out a locator, inform where we were staying while in New York and wear masks! we kept forgetting and was reminded  each time we entered a shop etc which was a good thing and shows New york at least are following guidelines :) Now i am back home i’m forgetting we don’t need masks except if its  personal choice.  All you need is proof of vaccine and fill out a locator form online.

    If you are fully vaccinated

    Before you travel to England you must complete a passenger locator form. You need to do this in the 48 hours before you arrive in England.

    You do not need to take any COVID-19 travel tests before you travel to England or after you arrive.

    You do not need to quarantine when you arrive in England.


    Hi Linda, hope you are keeping well. Just to give you some info about AER LINGUS. i recently flew home from New York via JFK. AER LINGUS is a irish airline. They fly out from Terminal 5 gate 30 from JFK. Its a small plane with three seats to the left and three to the right. I found the seats pretty comfortable and as its a small aircraft it took us a little over 5 hours from jfk to manchester unlike the 7 hours on the jumbos!. I would recommend row 7 it’s directly behind the first class cabin which has 6 rows. Row 7 has lots of leg room, my only complaint being the tv was a little far away for my eyes to see :) You get soft drinks free but have to pay for alcohol! one small can of beer and one tiny bottle of JD £10 thats almost $14!! I bought my own from the dutyfree for the journey back home :) I spent 10 days in New York and was surprised at how pleasant the weather was it was hitting 15!!! obviously i came prepared for the worse as the week before they have almost 2 ft of snow. I was sorry to hear about your relationship ( i’m not going to give a lecture on love rats excect to say their are three stages of healing ”  the Discovery, the Acceptance, and  the Next Chapter ”  If you do ever come back to the uk and fancy a tour around the city of Liverpool give me a shout! As far as British airways goes i can’t recommend them as they are nothing but hassle and have no manners or care when dealing with its customers. The smaller airlines offer more of a personal touch thats my opinion anyway.  Take care Linda :heart:

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    And the gobshyte rudeboy pops up like a puss filled zit haha wondered when lemon head would bite. Thanks for reading my post :) I never bothered reading yours I’m guessing its filled with the same hatred that consumes  and controls your everyday life that you spend in just chat . How can the black community dismantal a problem that they didn’t create??? Why don’t you go back to abusing Linda like you normally do! you sad jerk.  Its called having an opinion unlike the shit you spew out. You stupid boy. Don’t waste any ink as I wont be reading it :) I don’t read anything you write anyway. Linda should see Trump for what he is sadly she is still under Trumps charming influence . Have a nice day lemon head and I don’t mean the American candy type !


    Linda, the man is a clown! The story that’s pushed 100,000 covid death’s below the fold and is America’s pre existing condition which is ” RACISM” Trump is  a destroyer he has made a bad situation much worse. He’s a vulgar, crass , toxic, narcissistic idiot. While your country waits in vain for a speech that might heal wounds, what’s Trump doing? having a path cleared so he can wave a bible outside a church! that the last time he entered was for his Inauguration. American needs moral leadership instead you have Donald Trump! He doesn’t have a clue. He’s a TV personality with a cult following that’s centered around this white power persona rooted in white supremacy and racism. The man can’t see his citizens are in pain and hurting and this clown doesn’t have the ability to address that. Trump is actually adding fuel to the flames he is so disconnected from what is happening right now. All Trump is doing is protecting his position by wanting to kill its people, if that protects him. He may not have created hostility and diversion but he certainly incites it! Trump made me laugh during one of his talks stating he is an ally of all peaceful protester’s hahah while in the background you can hear guns etc going off! then says this ” I am now going to pay my respects to a very special place which was St Johns church. Their was one problem, a gang of peaceful protesters were in his way so he had military police open fire and toss tear gas to clear a path for him, “bit like Jesus parting the waves”just look at what happened when the coward in charge wanted to cross the street for a meaningless photo op they moved in force against peaceful demonstrators. Just following orders.Trump obviously forgot what he said earlier ” I am an ally for all peaceful protester’s” I nearly threw up when I watched Trump standing outside St Johns church were he groped a bible upside down probably the last time he held one was when he was sworn in. The only bible he owns is Hustler magazine. When asked by a reporter why he was holding a bible outside st johns Trump said ” we have a great country, that’s my thoughts ” that’s all the man said! wtf the man had just threatened the military on peaceful protester’s! then had a photo with all his white advisors, reportedly the reason Trump wanted this photo taken because he was upset by coverage he had to be rushed down to his underground bunker . What people are failing to get, a man was murdered by some scumbag cop who had 17 complaints made against him 16 of those were closed without any disciplinary action . A black man is murdered , the police are met with rioting and white Americans gawk at the violence of the protests , not the violence of the system to which they are responding! In civilized countries its called murder. ffs 8 minutes and 46 seconds and thank god that 17 year old girl filmed it on their phone!
    When Trump was voted for president the American people got a dictator I only hope the next election will see the end of Trump what with the health, economics and social crisis in a mess it looks promising :) By the way Linda when Trump phoned the family of George Floyd, Georges brother said Trump wouldn’t let him get a word in! now why does that sound familiar? the phone call lasted 2 min”  To quote Philonise Floyd, said his conversation with Trump was “so fast.””He didn’t give me an opportunity to even speak,” Floyd said. “It was hard. I was trying to talk to him, but he just kept, like, pushing me off, like ‘I don’t want to hear what you’re talking about.’  America is being ruled by a spoilt child! Cheers ya all :)




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    That’s correct Milky. Trigger was put up at the Adelphi when Roy was sick  with the flu. Trigger paid Roy a visit :) And here’s the picture that was printed in the Liverpool Echo.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by  Sophia.

    A horse is a horse, of course, of course, and no one can talk to a horse of course that is, of course, unless its the famous  Mr Ed…. Go right to the source and ask the horse he’ll give you the answer that you’ll endorse. He’s always on a steady course . Talk to Mr. Ed….. People yakkity yak a streak and waste your time of day but Mr Ed will never speak unless he has something to say….A horse is a horse, of course, of course, and this one will talk till his voice is hoarse…You never heard of a talking horse? WELL LISTEN TO THIS!! I AM MR.ED

    Sung by Alan Young ( Wilbur) who lived to the ripe old age of 96 .Died 20 may 2016.  Born in North Shields, Northumberland.

    Be happy everyone :)  :heart:


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    Hi Linda!  i’m with you on the coal. I have had every type of bbq burner, gas, electric. You can’t beat the ole charcoal for giving that satisfying sizzle as you load up the grill:) and no risk of running out of gas! Someone gave me an old oil drum cut in half , its great if you’re having a party:) the other half of the drum gets filled with ice for the beers :) If its just a few people i tend to buy those big throw away bbqs , they are also great for taking to the beach or park. ” i always clean up my mess afterwards.” We are having lovely weather the next few days might make use of the garden and have a bbq!  Hope all’s well with you x


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    Hi Linda! while visiting America last year we stopped off for a few hours at Santa Monica pier to dip our toes in the Pacific Ocean Like you do -, would have loved to go surfing singing to the beachboys haha  bit old for that now  :) Sadly on this particular day their was a memorial of some sort going on for Military men and woman who had committed suicide. Young people who were struggling with mental demons caused by serving their country. I was told more than 45,000 veterans and active-duty service members have killed themselves in the past six years. That’s more than twenty a day! That’s more suicides each year than the total deaths in Afghanistan and Iraq. That’s not counting the many suicides among military families, spouses and dependants.  It deeply affected me that day listening to people telling their story. Seeing soldiers polished boots tied to the wooden crosses. One father was saying one of the biggest battles is the military culture. Seeking mental health treatment goes against everything they are taught in boot camp.  I just hope today there is professional help out there for any one going down this route. In the end everyone has a role in helping we love who are experiencing tough times to discuss their struggles, god bless them all…. Hope you are keeping well Linda x Its nice to see some decent posts for a change :)

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by  Sophia.
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    Did I mention i’m living it up in Krakow. I only come here for the great cocktails :) hahaha


    Perfect Gem
    Topics: 19
    Replies: 369
    Googled pics and unlimited wi fi hahahahaha I don’t have to play your sad games luv. Find them on google if you can hahahaha……. Linda, it was an experience to add to the rest…..Here’s more cocktail pics for fake gem to drool over. Now google them you stupid person! Krakow do the most amazing cocktails  :) Whenever you leave your sad pit look up the Bubble bar in Krakow :) have some fun in the bubble pool while drinking mmmmm cocktails

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