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  • #257329

    Utter nonsense.


    Super duper, yah. And you? Yah.


    @bassingbourne55 wrote:

    It is officially acceptable to use an apostrophe to denote te plural of abbreviated intitials such as CD’s, MOT’s etc. I heard this on Radio4, coming from the mouth of a language expert.

    Language changes – the more so now with netspeak and texting language. How long before ‘U’ replaces ‘you’ in normal English. It is not just English where changes are happenning because of technology. I’ve noticed on French chat boards that apostrophes within words are left out, so d’essence (of petrol) becomes dessance, for example.

    Land Rover apparently decreed that the word ‘Discoverys’ is the correct plural of their Discovery vehicle.

    ploosa change!!

    Utter nonsense.


    Me being better than all of you always makes me smile, hence my name, for I am Smiley, the smiling smiler! I’m great !!!


    As my alter-ego said… Welcome back, whoever you were!


    @cas wrote:

    Smiley (Tom)

    A young man of 20 who’s dating a 19 year old. So nineteen, in your world, still being a teenager, would you then call the 20 year old, a pervert. If so, i think it says more about you, than it would the 20 year old.

    Now now, no need to be facetious.

    I think you’re all sickos for defending perverts & paedophiles! Bunch of commies.

    Hang the lot of ye!


    @jelly tot wrote:

    @smiley wrote:

    That’s the communist point of view, sure.

    But I’m a civilized person, not a communist.

    The government has the right to set morals & standards. Including what constitutes as a reasonable age gap!


    Christ Smiley do you really need the government to tell you how to do everything in your life?

    If you do you should have all voting and age related privelages removed.

    An anti-British communist such as yourself would say that !!!


    It’s 2007… SO WHY ARE YOU STILL EATING CORNED BEEF? The rationing is over!

    Buy some real beef! :lol:


    ’94 Hardcore’



    @forumhostpb wrote:

    Well I just hope that she has read the diet thread on this Board. Christ she is the stuff that nightmares are made of eh?

    I mean, imagine going to sleep and then being woken up with her bouncing up and down on your manhood. It doesn’t bear thinking about. One misplaced bounce and she would snap you off at the root.

    You usually pay dominatrix prostitutes to do that for you don’t ya PB, huh, huh? Oh yes, I’ve seen you !!!

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