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  • #254154

    We need a strong government.

    ‘Liberal’ is Latin for ‘big girly skirt-wearing floppy-wristed gay-gays’.

    They’re a bunch of soft foo-foos. They’d be OK in power of a country called Pink Britain, or, Fluffy Britain.

    But GREAT Britain needs a strong, militaristic government, that WILL SMASH ANY OPPOSITION INTO THE GROUND!


    @bassingbourne55 wrote:

    Yesterday saw another initiative to teach more ‘Britishness’ in schools, not only to migrants and people from ethnic minorities but to ‘indigenous’ British children.

    I think it is particularly important that the Britishness message gets across in Scotland and Wales. English, Scots, Welsh, Cornish – we are all British first and foremost. And I say that as a pro EU and a republican!!!!!!!!

    Pro EU & republican = anti-British terrorist.


    The union is a permanent union, the Scots signed it themselves – So tough sh!t.

    Britain will never break up – Not without civil war.

    If the ape-faced Scottish b*stards want a war, they can bring it on 8) We’ll only slaughter them and smash their cities to the ground 8)

    Great Britain is the greatest nation on earth, it’s the only civilized nation of earth, and the earth needs Great Britain.


    @bassingbourne55 wrote:

    The Queen theoretically holds ultimate power in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and several other places. She is the ultimate theoretical owner of all land and property in these countries, she is commander-in-chief of all their military forces and has the power to over-rule governments.

    So it would follow that she is implicated in the decision (whether right or wrong) to go to war in Iraq by the fact that she did not intervene to stop the invasion.

    Either that or she is purely a theoretical head of state who never intervenes, which proves that the monarchy is a complete waste of time and money!!!

    The last time that the ultimate power of the monarch was exercised was during the second world war to requisition land for airfields and other military sites.

    You evil, dirty b*stard. How dare you? How DARE you spit on the graves of dead British soldiers? How DARE you spit on our flag like this? How, very, dare you!

    By the way, I couldn’t give a toss about the Iraq war. Why would the Queen stop the invasion? Most people in Britain support the war.

    Bunch of Islamic tossers deserve to be bombed to hell and back!


    I’d also like a list of foreign films currently out on cinema please..

    ..So I know to avoid them.


    Tough! If they have children then they shouldn’t be smoking at all.


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    What I really don’t understand about all this ”Ban Smoking” stuff is this … if it really is so bad for you, then why not simply ban the sale of cigarettes (or tobacco generally) altogether???

    OK so the Government would lose billions in revenue – but all the time they effectively condone smoking by accepting the taxes on tobacco sales, they simply allow the problem to continue.

    It doesn’t make any sense to me, that you can go into a shop and quite legally purchase the tobacco product of your choice, but if you try to smoke it – then POW !!! BAM !!!! the anti-smoking Nazis are down on you like a ton of bricks.

    As has been pointed out, from July it will be against the law to smoke in certain defined areas / circumstances.

    So why not simply ban them altogether …. accept that the Treasury would lose billions ….. and have done with it. After all as the entire country would be much more healthy, illnesses would diminish, we could save a fortune on the NHS and sack loads of their staff to offset the Tax losses.

    If they ban smoking all together, that leaves an empty vacuum for organized crime :wink:

    We’ve had this debate many times before – Prohibition doesn’t work.

    So, let smokers buy their death-sticks and let them choke on ’em in their own homes, ban them from the streets – Persecute them like the vicious animals they are.


    Don’t be stupid.

    This is utter communist-terrorist nonsense.

    For starters, Scotland & England became a permanent union – Oh yes, those sad b*stards signed the agreement, there’s no going back.

    Great Britain will be here until the end of time.

    Every man, woman & child who goes against the ideology of Great Britain should be burnt alive.

    Bunch of evil nail-bombing, pope-bumming, anti-civilization, metric system-using, euro-loving b*stards deserve it.


    @pats wrote:

    @druid wrote:

    ugo said………..’It’

    It?………….. :roll:
    PATS…..its slappin time :evil:

    ugo is about as much use as a chocholate fireguard druid. i’d rather slap u…………….*leers* 8) :wink: :wink: :wink:

    I dunno. A chocolate fireguard would be OK if the fire was chocolate too.


    It means your internet is being gay.

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