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  • #258908

    I’m known for my fair & just politics.

    I believe in a fair justice system.

    Hang rapists.

    Hang women who pretend they’ve been raped.

    There’s ya equal opportunities ya damn bra burning lesbian feminists.


    And yet you had to bite, innit Geoff?


    I think he’s lost his gut instinct about things a tad recently, but apart from that – I have no problemo with the old commie-loving, EU-bumming wombat-molester.


    I’ve never insulted you – That is why they don’t mean anything – Cos there aren’t any!


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    … and what exactly do you suggest should be done then Becky???

    Hang them all!!!… Obviously.

    I’ve been saying that’s the solution for years. It’s quick, it’s cheap, it’s simple – Just do it!


    @sharongooner wrote:

    I am better than you/o/o/o/o/o/. :wink:

    Impersonating is a form of flattery. I thank thee 8)


    Deport the lot of ’em.


    Proof that you’re a savage 8) Your insults mean nothing to me.


    I’m the most civilized person here.


    We are a civilized nation. Civilized people don’t smoke. Vicious, uncaring animals smoke.

    Hang the lot of ’em!

Viewing 10 posts - 931 through 940 (of 1,121 total)