Rubbish. I was on different kind of medication too, and I lost 6 stone!
So all this “oh I was on medication.. So I can’t lose weight!” is a load of goat b0llocks.
I used to be fat, but now I’m a human. So as a former heavy-goer myself, I know what’s b0llocks and what’s not. [-( People get fat because they eat or drink alcohol (not mutually exclusive) too much, too often and they can’t be ar*ed to exercise. I know, I was there! I’ve got the t-shirt, although it’s too big for me to wear now!
Hey, when you lose weight you also gain an inch. No, I wasn’t talking about your penis, I was talking about height – But yes, you also gain an inch there, too!
If you class yourself as human I want to leave the human race. I’ve just cancelled my subscription. Where the hell do you people get off criticising others. Aint the world bad enough? The Arabs hate the Jews, thin hates fat, cats hate dogs & everyone hates us smokers. Whats wrong with a little understanding & less condenming. So you lost weight, so what? Were you a lazy, over eating drunk?
For you fatties, stop going with stupid diets, they don’t work. All I did was cut sugar out of my diet, cut down on drinking alcohol, stopped eating snacks… Perhaps amphetamine helped a little, I don’t know, I’m not a scientist. But I wouldn’t recommend the latter to help an 8 year old lose weight.
But no longer am I a cast member in ‘Land of the Giants’