@dead_on_arrvial wrote:
There are many forms of “spam” these days; they come in different forms.
I believe that everyone has the right to offer a view on current events and take the time for comment.
So with this in mind has “Emmlush” been using this site for politic reasons in the hope of gaining support for her chosen political party?
I can’t find any posts from “Emmlush” that are not about the “BNP” and her support for them.
I feel that if a user of the boards continuously post about the same subject with a politic theme, they should be stopped from posting any more material on the same subject and this material should be treated has “spam” and removed.
This site is not a political forum and should not be used to promote any political parties.
As I have said – You’re a p!ss poor wind up.
I’m still waiting for you to come to my address with your “gang” to “f*ck me up” like you so promised.