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  • #257016


    Don’t leave me to be the only patriotic Briton on the boards !


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    @salacia wrote:

    Apologies PB, an earlier ‘ skirmish’ clouded my judgement…… :wink:

    Apology accepted salacia – and thank you for making it, It is appreciated.

    Liar !!


    @fastcars wrote:

    Blank means white…. as in white skinned.

    sorry for late reply…. only just sin this.

    Oh, sh!t. I didn’t know that.

    I liked that track too until now :oops:

    I really need to be careful when downloading Dutch tracks in future!!! :lol:

    I found out the other day that N.S.D.A.P is some Dutch nazi party :s I liked that track too !!!!




    Obviously, since I’m all of them – Including you!


    Ok, so lets say they were members at best. Its fair to assume they dont represent the core of the BNP, not in any way typical of the BNP.

    In most or all walks of life there are characters that most dont associate ourselves with. Millions dont drink down tut pub, millions march against so called respectable MP’s who voted for wars.

    I agree – But like in everything else, the minority ruin it for the majority. Image is everything in modern politics.

    I can assure you the people who support the BNP here in the midlands are very angry people. Its about directing that anger politically and positively.

    Take ken livingstone, he hates me, so he’ll do his upmost to make me look bad. All in a day’s work.

    He hates me too, all New Labour does, though – Liberals too. My aggressive (but properly channeled) anti-communist views don’t fit in with their idea of political correctness.

    Off topic, but the anti-communist thing just made me giggle, as I accidently set the banner ads in Google to show in the Russian Federation, and my site’s been invaded by Russians lately :shock:

    God help their poor communist eyes if they had read the serious discussions forum on my boards! :lol:

    Would you explain how that conversation happened, and who you asked, was it someone who had authority to give you the required answer?

    Whats the old gangs policies on the disabled?

    I was simply inquiring with the local BNP representative on their policies – I was interested.

    New Labour are hardly any better when it comes to the disabled, carers save the NHS hundreds of thousands GBP each year – Yet get paid next to nothing.


    Then what are their opinons, views, policies on the subject? I can’t seem to find anything on their website.


    You’re still replying… She still has you hooked.

    “Get unhooked”.

    Where have I heard that before?.. Did I watch TV today? I don’t know.


    @emmalush wrote:

    @smiley wrote:

    I’m a Tory myself, I support some of the BNP policies but I’ve been up-close to some of these people, been to BNP meetings, I’ve had them in my home, I know what some of them are like – Quite a few scary characters indeed – So I will never vote them.

    Can you tell us how high up within the BNP these “scary characters” were? What year this happened? What did they do and/or say that made them seem scary to you?

    Ive been to a few meetings, and they all seem very hard working individuals with families who want decency on our streets. I may not have witnessed the norm, and its good to know about the whole picture.

    Dont suppose i’ll be “congratulated” for this :wink: :D

    I shouldn’t imagine they were too high up in the BNP ranks. I’m only young, so obviously only the past few years.

    They were probably only a minority, all depends on area I guess. Me being from the north, you’re obviously going to get angrier people.

    I like the BNP policies such as bringing back hanging, withdrawing from the EU etc – They fit me to a T(T). But I’m a carer for a disabled person myself, they have no policy on the disabled…. And refused to mention them when I inquired – That was a rather uncomfortable thought.

    Are they just going to execute all disabled people aswell as the foreigners?

    As for DOA, he doesn’t have a clue of what he’s talking about – He’s just some p!ss poor wind up who’s bitter about me being greater than him, I wouldn’t worry about what he has to say.


    To be fair, she’s got 3 pages, replies from staff, other users having a pop..

    I’d say she’s done pretty well innit.

    Reel ’em in!


    To be fair, I’ve never seen Emma be blatantly racist.

    Just because somebody supports the BNP doesn’t automatically make them a racist – The BNP does offer policies that no other party does. Such as a full withdrawal from the EU – That’s not racist. Tough punishment for criminals – That’s not racist either!

    So it’s not fair to brand her a racist. If some-one is very passionate about politics, they have every right to post & preach about it.

    Not her fault if none of you have any views of your own, just re-cycled communist propaganda spoon-fed to you by New Labour.

    I’m a Tory myself, I support some of the BNP policies but I’ve been up-close to some of these people, been to BNP meetings, I’ve had them in my home, I know what some of them are like – Quite a few scary characters indeed – So I will never vote them.

    Everyone has a right to support & vote for whom ever they like – As long as it isn’t for the French or the communists, as that is a vicious & evil crime against humanity [-(

    Keep up the good work, Emma!

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