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  • #258913

    @smiley wrote:

    You’re wrong.

    Why is it wrong to hang a man accused of rape? I think it’s fair.

    If a man is accused of rape, hang him.

    If it turns out that the woman was lying – Hang her! Then the man gets justice.

    Can’t get much fairer than that, surely? :?


    I feel sorry for the poor bloke tho that would of been hanged with your justice system, what sort of justice is it for him when he is dead? What sort of justice is it for his family?

    I agree that both parties names should be witheld in such a case until its proven without doubt that the accused did in fact rape their victim!

    I also feel that if a man goes to the police and says he has been raped, he should be treat in the same way as if it was a women went in to say she had been raped.

    Its a very grey area in my opinion, I mean if you slept with someone and you were both consenting adults and u got stuck in there and after a few thrusts they decided they changed their minds (prob cuz you were crap lol), so you stopped then they decided to file a rape claim as they were actually screwed up sick ppl how would that stand?

    As mentioned in a post above if the evidence was there then fair enough, but by an examination of this person it would actually show you had sex so it cant just be decided on evidence – if you said no before having any sexual activity and it was forced then fair enough thats rape as you have not consented at all, but if you consent then half way through decide you have changed your mind that cant be rape can it?

    I think its different when its someone who has been viciously attacked in the street or from a pub and forced to have sex, than someone simply drunk who may consent then change their mind, or simply forget they consented in the 1st place as they were that drunk – surely someone who gets so drunk to not remember whether they did, didnt or whatever shouldnt be dealt with in the same way!!!


    I thought he died ages ago, maybe i was thinking of some other thong wearing mullet.


    I personally think it should not matter whether your gay, straight, black, white, what religion you follow or where you come from!!

    You often find the people who are the most outspoken and against any of the groups mentioned above are narrow minded bigots who either don’t understand, have no eduction or in the case of sexuality are more than likely confused themselves and wanna give it ago but are too afraid they might actually like it.

    There was so much press about jade and her crew in big brother bullying shilpa because of her way of life, and class, possibly race, and it actually shows what a small minority of people in this country and around the world think like…

    Who someone sleeps with, where they are from, what religion they follow, their colour, sex or whatever is not important and does not determine what type of person you are.

    And until mankind can actually accept that fully and embrace the fact that people will not be the same as each other, and not use such groups as an excuse for war, bullying, abuse or discrimination then we will never evolve into a better existence!!



    @geoff wrote:

    I was joking and I saw that gay boy on tv last night… ugo has probably had a few wanks over him already, so you’re in good company… :wink:

    Nothing wrong with a bit of self relief tho!!
    Although I can think of better things to do it over.


    A seriously screwed up one it seems at times…
    Its sad to see such bad things occur in this day and age!!!!!!


    I hope my postman is struggling tomorrow with the amount of cards i should get.
    Prob not haha, He prob wont come its hit and miss anyway :p


    can you collect boots advantage points haha


    @etonroadfan wrote:

    Deeper Shade Of Blue- Steps

    A classic!!
    Did you see ‘H’ do it on celeb big bro?

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