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    Unfortunately I only got to the saturday show in Staffs this year n Pogues were on Sunday (tho Saturday in Essex) at Weston Pk.


    This is barking.

    This is (as far as I can tell) the ONLY criminal compensation awards which don’t take alcohol into account.

    If you are blind drunk, get mugged cos you are incapable of standing, your award is reduced (should you get any) because of the condition YOU PLACED YOURSELF IN.

    “Drunk” doesnt jus happen, you make it happen.

    Rape is a heinous, evil act BUT you get so drunk you can’t stand and lose all power of rational thought and action, then you must accept part responsibility for placing yourself in that position IF that is the circumstances you found yourself in.

    Ok everyone, look at it another way.

    IF you went out, n left your front door open and 3 windows open and were burgled- who would you firstly blame? Yourself for being so feckin stupid in not locking the house up- the scrote who nicked your stuff is at fault, but you contributed by not being careful in what you did.

    Now how is getting so drunk you can’t even stand so different?


    I was at Weston park yesterday for V- me, and thousands of others, crammed round the main stage for Miss Winehouse.

    She was due on about 6:05pm- her band came on about 6:20pm and the crowd cheered- after about 5 minutes, a few boos started when she still hadnt appeared- after about 10 mins slow handclapping and more booing- after about 15 mins of her band jus stood there, she saunters across the stage n starts to muted cheers

    This is the second time I’ve seen her live (first at Arctic Monkeys last year in Manchester)- yesterday at V, IMO, she was shambolically bad- she forgot lines, she was wound up like a spring, she giggled, didnt know what song was next, drank throughout her entire (short) set, was incoherent for 80% of most songs, could hardly talk, mumbled-

    I have never seen so many people walk away from an artists set as I did yesterday- the amount of people walking away, genuinely pi/ssed off at the “artist” on stage- the crowd must have halved by the time she finished

    Mrs Slayer has her albums, I kinda like her music as slightly quirky, 40’s/50’s retro, unique voice but yesterday was really really really bad.

    At 7:05 she just walked off, not a word to the crowd.

    AT 7:35pm, the Kings of Leon strolled on, played 75 minutes of the most glorious sublime rock and walked off- the crowd got bigger throughout their set, the crowd sang the entire time- the difference was beyond comparison.

    The best and the worst of V in the space of 2 1/2 hours..that and taking a full on head shot of a paper pint glass full of warm pi/ss just of KoL ended with “Slow Night, So Long”- it was wet anyway but warm pi/ss down yer neck isnt the nicest thing in the world, not when it starts dripping in yer mouth!


    I proposed to the first Mrs Slayer in Skegness..what a feckin misake that was, not that I blame Skegness for it- must have been all the air went to my head.

    Was last there a couple of weeks ago but only for fish n chip tea by the sea.


    Which is why “life” in prison should mean just that- you stay there til you die

    I would bring back capital punishment tomorrow BUT recognising the arguments against in terms of innocents etc then lock them up for life

    Life currently means (normally) 12 years which is both insulting and completely lacking any deterrent


    I seem to remember a state some while back which was suppressing one section of its community in an area called Kosovo- the West didnt like it and felt the need to step in with bombs etc.

    That state was Serbia, of which Russia is an historical as well as recent ally- as Georgia was suppressing ethnic Russians in South Ossetia- what is the difference?

    In fact. ultimately we effected regime change in Serbia through our military actions in Kosovo and changed to a regime which was much more friendly to the West- if Russia did the same in Georgia and maniupluated a new regime which was Kremlin that really any different than our actions in Kosvo?


    Did I know all “what” two weeks?

    That South Ossetia was a disputed region of, yes but then again I like and enjoy politics the world over and have followed the Soviet meltdown since the 90’s.

    But more to the point, I have a point of view…just like anyone else on here n one of the great things I like about JC is the opportunity to debate an argument- bit like a virtual speakers corner or a cold Tuesday night down the pub- I wouldnt expect anyone to agree with me but its fun to argue the point


    @woohoo wrote:

    Reading the local paper yesterday, and a man who was convicted for breaking into someone’s house claims that it was THEIR FAULT as they had left their window open!

    It’s like being caught shoplifting at Tesco’s and claiming that it’s Tesco’s fault as they shouldn’t have put the stuff out on the shelf.

    On a serious note though, whilst he was in the house, the occupiers were upstairs fast asleep, and the man stated that if confronted he’d have fought back.

    Frightening thought, especially if there were children there!!


    Scrotes use any excuse to try and get off- this made me chuckle but he was convicted- seems the jury saw him for a fu/ckwit too


    But what difference does that make?

    The idea of self government down to a micro level takes us almost back to the medieval age with each town or county being governed by a sherriff and the country being a cobbled together alliance of barons and lords rather than a cohesive melting pot of all and sundry.

    South Ossetia has never been a country, never will be a country and even if Russia gets its way, it will still only be part of Russia- it can never be independent of anything


    @esmeralda wrote:

    In one repect, the Russian action is justifiable insofar as the Georgians picked this fight by enforcing their right to govern Ossetia despite the large Russian population. The Russians, however, in moving to protect their citizens, have as ever, used a 20 lb hammer to crack a nut.


    Surely that cannot be a jusitfiable reason. South Ossetia is part of Georgia- the fact it has a high Russian ethnicity is irrelevant- it is part of the country of Georgia and can be governed however Georgia wishes without political or physical interference from neighbours. It is Georgian sovereign territory

    Thats the very reason Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia in 1938- to protect the Germans in the Sudetanland

    Its all going a bit Pete Tong over there

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