Forum Replies Created
9 December, 2008 at 2:06 pm #386882
@forumhostpb wrote:
Agreed …. but as I’ve said, that’s Contracts of Employment for you.
It’s all very well for the tabloid Media to scream for her blood, but they only do this to wind everybody up and thus sell more of their fish-n-chip wrappers.
Like it or not, she is an employee and as such she has legal rights – just like the rest of us. Kicking her out without a penny isn’t ”justice” it IS vindictive and legally it IS unfair.
Her real punishment is that she is at the top of her profession and she has now fallen right to the bottom. She will never be able to get another job at anywhere that level again. THAT is her punishment.
Kicking her out just before Christmas (“Happy Christmas Sharon….. oh and BTW – YOU’RE FIRED!!!”) with no compensation and way of paying her mortgage or any of her household bills seems to me to be totally over the top. After all SHE didn’t commit a criminal offense; SHE didn’t murder a child did she?
The council rightly waited for the report before their decision.
If you heard the news over the weekend, you will have heard Ofsted state they were lied to during their inspection into Haringey social services and had data witheld from them.
My guess is there will be no appeal, no pay off- she has gone under gross misconduct and the council have got this one right. Playing it this way has protected them from a future unfair dismissal case.
Not that I am defending the council any more than I have to.
22 November, 2008 at 8:55 am #386867@slayer wrote:
The comment regarding contempt of court was a crticism and I know the names were in the public domain last year however following the trial, the release of the names was made a court order banning their release or from them being named.
Several high profile websites have been formally warned to remove the names- I didnt want PB to get a knock on the door at 3am from a man wearing a surgical glove over his hand and a glint in his eye!
:oops: :oops: :oops:
That was meant to say “wasN’T”
21 November, 2008 at 8:29 pm #386864Ruby/PB
The comment regarding contempt of court was a crticism and I know the names were in the public domain last year however following the trial, the release of the names was made a court order banning their release or from them being named.
Several high profile websites have been formally warned to remove the names- I didnt want PB to get a knock on the door at 3am from a man wearing a surgical glove over his hand and a glint in his eye!
20 November, 2008 at 10:30 pm #386855@rubyred wrote:
Poor wee Laddie. No peace in life and now, No peace in death. with thousands upon thousands of ‘well wishers’ trampling over his own personal space in death.
well meaning ? yeah. ( maybe) . a memory and a thought would do me, and a promise IF i ever seen anything untoward I WOULD report it. Bat and I have had this conversation before. DONT turn this wee boy into a latter day Diana Spencer ffs !
Use the negative energy to look after your own kids, and kids around you. We are ALL angry. but time to be positive and TRY and ensure it NEVER happens again.false grief will NOT allow little Peter Connolly to rise again. He will be with us in all our hearts, due to the sheer cruelty of this particular case.
Suffice to say if Stephen Barker, Jason Barker and the woman?? ( tracey connolly) that birthed this wee laddie, were “set upon” .. all is fair in love ,war and memory !
At the risk of being exceptionally pedantic, the above post which names the victim and the two previously un-named murderers is actually a contempt of court- perhaps a mod would care to check it out.
I think it’s a very good idea to name them, unfortunately the court didnt.
19 November, 2008 at 10:30 pm #387266Why would anyone be afraid of being identified as a member of a legal british political party?
Don’t see what the fuss is :?
17 November, 2008 at 11:29 pm #386833you can also file a complaint on the Haringey council website (you dont have to be a residnet in Haringey to complain).
Its not much but its something
Petition online also signed.
13 November, 2008 at 7:51 am #386797If they get that far!!
They were actually found NOT guilty of murder or manslaughter (I hadnt picked up on that either).
Ulitmately Bat, they will be released in a year or so (if sentenced to prison) and they will go on their way- free to do whatever they wish.
There is often little justice for little ones in our world.
13 November, 2008 at 7:41 am #386795@forumhostpb wrote:
Yes I also listened to the reports today including some in depth interviews with the legal and medical people involved…. including the Judge that compiled the report into the Victoria Climbie killing that occurred only a few streets away from this poor child.
It appears that the child’s mother is at the heart of all this. Apparently she lied persistently to everybody about what was going on in the household, to the extent that a Police spokesman said that they had no idea that she had a ”partner” living with her. She covered up everything and constantly offered a variety of stories to explain how her child kept having bruises etc all over it.
It was also said that parents involved in persistent and continuous abuse are extremely clever at concocting lies and suchlike to disguise their crimes.
It was only when her child had been killed (i.e. murdered) by her lover(s) that she finally confessed to the catalogue of abuse to which it had been subjected. She had been visited over 100 times in the previous 3 months alone by doctors, nurses, social workers etc etc and it seems that none of them were aware of the true situation inside her house and which she expertly covered up with lie after lie.
Isnt that identical to the Climbie case- lots of different agencies and no one talking to each other? No one could explain 50 different injuries away IF the agencies had continually spoken to each other about the visits they have undertaken.
It seems the police were the only agency who had taken anything from the Climbie case but were over ruled by social workers.
What no-one has mentioned on here and which is making more angry than anything is the conviction.
They were NOT convicted on murder, manslaughter, GBH, torture, ABH or any directly violent other crime but simply “allowing the death of a baby”- this crime carries a SUSPENDED sentence or a few months in prison.
Yes, I fully understand the charge and the fact that a single injury could not be proven to have caused the death so they didnt charge with murder (even though its barking) but their conviction was on the weakest charge possible.
They have, in effect, got away with murder- just watch in a few weeks when the sentence is passed.
total and utter fu/ck up
7 November, 2008 at 11:45 pm #386381@allan wrote:
I agree thats its good that America has voted in a mixed race president but feel the guy is not getting enough credit for being the best candidate. Its almost as if he won the election solely on colour
Allan- he did win the election solely on his colour- he totally galvanised a black (and partially) Hispanic vote- 96% of ALL Afro Americans who voted, sided with Obama. When you consider there was only 2% between the two candidates, the black block vote was the decider.
Obama did not aim to “win” the black vote, nor did was he in any way black focussed but his advisors (and Obama) knew what would happen.
It does not detract from his abilities or his skills but he is in the White House because his colour persuaded millions of non white Americans to vote for him and to vote Democrat.
5 November, 2008 at 10:22 pm #386368I heard every TV station last night and radio/Tv stations today state the election was not about race.
This couldnt be more wrong- Obama was elected because he energsied a black vote and calmed white liberal voters into voting for him. His colour may have been an irrelvance to white voters but it was ESSENTIAL to black voters (in some areas 96% of Afro Americans voted for Obama) who voted for him- his colour played a fundamental part in HIS election. Had Hilary Clinton been the candidate, the Democrats may still have won but the turnout would have been low, a minority of afro americans would have voted and we wouldnt be thinking we have witnessed a world changing event (akin to JFK assassination, the fall of the Berlin wall, man walking on the moon etc).
It was about race but it wasnt about racism.
It also leaves the Republican party akin to Labour in the early 80’s- appealing to a diminishing core support (white, conservative) and having to reinvent itself.