Slayer replied to the topic al quaida call british muslims to arms in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago
@emmalush wrote:
@waspish wrote:
i do believe without doubt the terrible extremes the naziz did were real, and i honestly think that anyone who denies it on a self imposed technicallity is devoid of reasoning at all. we dont need to see photographs of people actually being gassed. to know that it happened. there were piles of bodies 18 feet high,…
Slayer replied to the topic Teaching unbelief as "faith alone" in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago
@Forget Me Not wrote:
Actually he is historically correct. during the middle ages the Roman Catholic church used the image of hell and the concept of damnation in order to coerce and frankly bully frightened, and unintelligent, members of the masses so that they would pour money into their coffers which they then spent on their debauched lifestyle.…
Slayer replied to the topic BNP have never had a better opportunity in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago
No feckwit
Im what you call a liberal right winger
I’d hang every drug dealer, paedo n murderer from the highest lampost, I’d make prisoners work 14 hour days on chain gangs cleaning up the sh/it that anti social scum leave behind, I’d make said anti-social scum give up every single right they had, every penny they had, every luxury they had n…[Read more]
Slayer replied to the topic Democracy and all that… in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago
@fastcars wrote:
The rate of income tax in Holland is 42%. That isnt for high earners. Thats what Joe average pays. Thats almost double what you lot pay isnt it?
The public transport infrastructure here is second to none.
There is no such thing as a NHS system. Why? Because it simply doesnt work.
Hospital waiting lists. What are they?
There are… -
Slayer replied to the topic Teaching unbelief as "faith alone" in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago
Not really sure how the masses are controlled in a country where only 5% of Christians go to church
Slayer replied to the topic BNP have never had a better opportunity in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago
read this first paragraph from the BNP’s mission statement- Ive highlighted the bits which treat non whites
“The British National Party exists to secure a future for the indigenous peoples of these islands in the North Atlantic which have been our homeland for millennia. We use the term indigenous to describe the people whose ancestors were…[Read more]
Slayer replied to the topic Italy’s most prominent muslim converts to catholicism in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago
@Bassingbourne55 wrote:
I wonder if anyone’s ever tried to belong to more than one religion. I mean, you could a Muslim on Friday, a Jew on Saturday, a Christian on Sunday and and an atheist for the other four days!
You just want to hedge your bets for as many bank holidays as possible :lol:
Slayer replied to the topic BNP have never had a better opportunity in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago
And of course getting rid of policies which treat anyone who isnt white as a second class citizen (well, actually not a citizen at all)
Get rid of those and what’s left may well float a few people’s boats- I would expect them to do fairly well in May’s local elections
Slayer replied to the topic How deep is your snow? in the board Off topic chat 16 years, 11 months ago
I told Mrs Slayer to expect 8 inches when she woke up this morning…..boy, was she disappointed :shock:
Slayer replied to the topic al quaida call british muslims to arms in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago
@waspish wrote:
@Slayer wrote:
I’m sorry Wasp but to state “no one has proved” and continually say “that doesnt mean it happened” is like saying “prove you exist” and when you stand in front of me, I’ll say “still doesnt prove it!”
It is the most ridiculous thing you can possibly imagine- to conitnue to deny something in the presence of absolute…
Slayer replied to the topic BNP have never had a better opportunity in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago
they’ve got 2 out of 3 (not sure about petrol tax!) n they don’t seem to get much of the vote at all really
I wonder why?
Slayer replied to the topic Should China hold the Olympics? in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago
@sharongooner wrote:
@pikey wrote:
China, while it may be many things, is not a whaling nation. It’s a good thing you didn’t mention it.
Perhaps not on the scale with Japan but they do.
Along with tigers and elephants.
Do the humans in Tibet being killed not bother you? It does me. They are a horrid nation and I hate the fact it all gets…
Slayer replied to the topic The White Season – BBC2 March 7th in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago
@waspish wrote:
@Slayer wrote:
@waspish wrote:
carefull r.o.t.t or youll becalled a racist an carted away in the middle of the night by browns gestapo.. :wink: youre not allwed to be patriotic in england. scotland and wales ok. but not in england.
No one would want to cart ROTT anywhere!
Although ROTT’s eloquence in vocabulary is not to my liking…
Slayer replied to the topic I just don’t believe this (Maddie McCann – ver. 2008.1) in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago
So did I and my bro when we were young cos me mam n dad worked BUT looking back, it didnt make it right- we walked almost a mile to get home at ages 8 and 6! Scares the shy/te out of me looking back and none of my kids walk home alone from school (i’ll still make them walk but they walk with me :lol: )
Is leaving a 3 year old with her sisters in…[Read more]
Slayer replied to the topic al quaida call british muslims to arms in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago
I’m sorry Wasp but to state “no one has proved” and continually say “that doesnt mean it happened” is like saying “prove you exist” and when you stand in front of me, I’ll say “still doesnt prove it!”
It is the most ridiculous thing you can possibly imagine- to conitnue to deny something in the presence of absolute proof
Do you seriously,…[Read more]
Slayer replied to the topic Nick Griffin & Abu Hamza at the Radio Academy 2002 in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago
@emmalush wrote:
@Slayer wrote:
The SNP and Plaid Cymru embrace all cultures, creeds and races and recognise them as Scottish or Welsh
The BNP (or should that be ENP) only recognise those who are white and English- it may indeed be a nationalistic party but please dont compare them with the Scots n Welsh cos there is no comparison
The snp and plaid…
Slayer replied to the topic Nick Griffin & Abu Hamza at the Radio Academy 2002 in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago
Indeed Bushy, where over half my little village is Eastern European- I know all about multi culturlism- good and bad
Slayer replied to the topic If Ireland is so great…. in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago
Do a bit of diggin in history n you’ll find our empire built by Scots as much as English- in fact, proportionally the Scots contributed significantly more to the British Empire than did most English people :D
Slayer replied to the topic Vicar attack in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago
@emmalush wrote:
If you do a google search of “asian vicar tower hamlets”, no BBC link, only the daily mail and sunday mail.
Oh yes you did :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
You quite categorically clearly and unequivically said the BBC didnt report it (or does “no link” mean you’re too thick to find it :wink: )
Slayer replied to the topic Nottingham Eye in the board Off topic chat 16 years, 11 months ago
You would seriously have to ask yourself who the fu/ck would want to look out over NOTTINGHAM!
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