Slayer replied to the topic Could medication be used for paedophilia? in the board Getting serious 17 years, 5 months ago
@ubermik wrote:
Topics like this are viewed with a near lack of common sense even by many alleged “profesionals”
Just because their sexuality isnt “normal” its assumed to be a totally different thing TO “sexuality” and is tried to be explained away as illness, evil, mental problems etc etc
Realistically tho its merely a sexual variant nothing…
Slayer replied to the topic What made u smile today………..again!!!!!!!!!!!!! in the board Tests, quizzes and games 17 years, 5 months ago
getting paid :)
Slayer replied to the topic I trust McCanns. says Sir Richard in the board Getting serious 17 years, 5 months ago
@ubermik wrote:
OMG lol
Lobotomised retards must look down on you then if you think thats “looking down” on someone :lol: :lol: :lol:
Since when has a statement of fact been either negative or positive? And even more intriguingly when as I DID point out, when its actually stated by the person themselves to begin with
You will struggle to find…
Slayer replied to the topic "the leaders of all the devolved UK governments" in the board Getting serious 17 years, 5 months ago
Now that is an interesting point- Could Engalnd&Wales become the Serbia&Montengro of Western Europe? Should Cornwall (as already stated, never actaully ceded into the UK at any point in its history) become autonomous? Wessex and Mercia don’t exist anymore so may be more difficult to find any support for autonomy- also the demography of both…[Read more]
Slayer replied to the topic Chris Langham in the board Getting serious 17 years, 5 months ago
@ubermik wrote:
Actually pebbles heres a paradigm shift for ya
Lets suppose for a moment that youre right, that people wanting to watch paedo stuff makes other people become paedos and start molesting kids (the ones you said would stop doing it if nobody wanted to watch)
If someones sexual drive can be so easily driven askew by a visual…
Slayer replied to the topic "the leaders of all the devolved UK governments" in the board Getting serious 17 years, 5 months ago
@Bassingbourne55 wrote:
The Isle of Man IS an independent country in the way that Canada, Australia and New Zealand are. It is a crown dependency, you are right, but it is not part of the UK in the way that England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are. It has its own parliament and passes its own laws. It is not a member of the EU. In…
Slayer replied to the topic Mc Canns are being framed in the board Getting serious 17 years, 5 months ago
@Bat wrote:
Oh dear me look at this then. Just as they were getting all nicely settled in back home too. Shame.
Oh, this is the Sky News exclusive report revelation (speculation reported as fact, you heard it here first folks) that the Portugese police had to publicly say was incorrect today because the British media keep publishing “leaks” and…[Read more]
Slayer replied to the topic Cheeky foreigners in the board Getting serious 17 years, 6 months ago
NO Emma, Paramount is a film company (n films are fiction right)
The truth is in the eye of the beholder
Slayer replied to the topic "the leaders of all the devolved UK governments" in the board Getting serious 17 years, 6 months ago
@Bassingbourne55 wrote:
Britain, geographically, is an island. Great Britain includes this island and numerous small islands around its coast (excluding the Isle of Man, which is an independent country).
Pedantic I am Bass but IoM isnt an independent country- its a Crown Dependency with the Queen as head of state- however it is a good example of…[Read more]
Slayer replied to the topic When the law fails the victims but not the criminals? in the board Getting serious 17 years, 6 months ago
@ubermik wrote:
What then?
I’ve just finished watching a film called “Out Law” starring Sean Bean (at cinemas 2007), about a group of ordinary people who have ended up feeling let down by the law, the government and the system in general
Annoyed at criminals walking out of jail for grievous assaults before the victim is even out of hospital, of…
Slayer replied to the topic Liverpool FC in the board The locker room 17 years, 6 months ago
Funny how none of the crowd know the verse to this so called “anthem”…only the chorus :lol:
As for most passionate, Newcastle would have a rabid hoard following them if they actually ever won anything… passionate fans count for nothing if your team is sh/yte.
Interestingly how Rafa has gone to Spain to buy his success and Wenger went to…[Read more]
Slayer replied to the topic BBC propagander machine, full steam ahead in the board Getting serious 17 years, 6 months ago
I much prefer black n white :wink:
Slayer replied to the topic Cheeky foreigners in the board Getting serious 17 years, 6 months ago
Nah Cas, either her batteries have run out or she’s chipped her tooth on her vibe again.
Seriously tho, if I bothered to respond to every remark from the likes of Emma, particularly in real life, I’d spend all day doing it.
Emma is a deluded, self denying, blinkered, bitter, lush who eats Axminster (I often find them the…[Read more]
Slayer replied to the topic Cheeky foreigners in the board Getting serious 17 years, 6 months ago
It’s ok Lil Fek- I’m used to it from Emma and dont even respond
BUT for the record my wife is as English as you n me
Slayer replied to the topic Nelson Mandela Tribute in the board Getting serious 17 years, 6 months ago
@ForumHostPB wrote:
I slightly agree with Emma here ….. pause whilst everybody falls on the floor in shock.
After all Mandela was a leading light in the South African Communist Party; he did actively lead armed insurrections in which civilians were callously murdered; he fully advocated and supported armed insurrection – a line that he was…
Slayer replied to the topic Cheeky foreigners in the board Getting serious 17 years, 6 months ago
£50 says its an urban myth…. or written by someone who had an aural photographic memory or a script :wink:
Slayer replied to the topic Have A Great Weekend in the board Off topic chat 17 years, 6 months ago
thank you, I did.
Got very very wet at V festival- Manics were their usual glorious selves, Mika was actually a really good showman, Mcfly were suprisingly cool, UnkleJam were excellent, Killers were sublime and Lily Allen was shyte
Just gotta was the mud outta me trainers
Slayer replied to the topic English girl is victim of government racists in the board Getting serious 17 years, 6 months ago
Emma, barking is barking
Its barking that she can apply in Scotland as a minority English but not in England
Now, your point is …..what?
Slayer replied to the topic the megga mosque rriddle in the board Getting serious 17 years, 6 months ago
I wouldnt disagree Bas but the current radicalisation of Islam and current strength of its corporate brand has as much to do with a global access to information (cheaply) via the internet and several powerful christian countries inane plans for world peace than its actually true strength-
There is, to my mind, more risk from HIV/AIDS and a lack…[Read more]
Slayer replied to the topic the megga mosque rriddle in the board Getting serious 17 years, 7 months ago
@Bassingbourne55 wrote:
Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia are large cities – I think about 1 million and 750,000 populations respectively. Only muslims are allowed in these cites – they are closed to other people.
If anyone seriously proposed building a church or synagogue in Mecca, they would be in dead trouble – so why should we allow a mega…
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