Slayer replied to the topic "there will be a crunch on supply and demand" in the board Getting serious 17 years, 4 months ago
@emmalush wrote:
The media is normally very carefull in panicking the public, and cautious of what they say, but this is the bbc, they aren’t exactly professional.
Did she let it slip? Petrol is now approximately £1 a litre, so how long before oil runs out?
A Crude Awakening: The Oil Crash – trailer…
Slayer replied to the topic Man jailed for urinating on woman in the board Getting serious 17 years, 4 months ago
What suprised me more was the length of sentence.
Normally these sort of things are 12 months community service (a joke) and a slap on the wrist.. n I bet thats what he was expecting but the local magisgtrates referred him to crown court to get a stiffer sentence…n he got 3 years in the nick
Now that did make me smile :D
Slayer replied to the topic nostradamus said it was coming in the board Getting serious 17 years, 4 months ago
@Bad Manners wrote:
The thing with Nostradmus is that any of his verses can be taken to mean hundreds of different things, or be interpreted in hundreds of different ways.
The verses are cryptical and vague. Any number of them can be fitted into any number of historical events.
He mentions things like natural disasters and wars etc. These are…
Slayer replied to the topic Review of child inmate batons ban in the board Getting serious 17 years, 4 months ago
Birch everyone of the ’em first- they wouldnt come back again
Slayer replied to the topic School probes racism claim against boy, four in the board Getting serious 17 years, 4 months ago
Has anyone actually READ the story… or has everyone made up their minds on the spin.
A nursery school nurse had a chat with the two kids as one felt he had been singled out (for spitting at) because of his colour.
The nursery nurse found there was nothing but a naughty little four year old who now knows it bad to spit.
And thats it!! ffs, GET…[Read more]
Slayer replied to the topic Sack McClaren befrore he makes a fool of himself… in the board The locker room 17 years, 4 months ago
England have qualify over 12 games not one.
Macedonia at home should have been a banker and was a dire performance- Israel away should have been 3 points and Crotia away at worst should have been a draw.
We didnt lose it in Russia, we lost it over the course of the campaign.
Some of it is Mclaren- particularly his substitutions and team…[Read more]
Slayer replied to the topic Sack McClaren befrore he makes a fool of himself… in the board The locker room 17 years, 4 months ago
@HermanGRRRman! wrote:
McClown is a Co ck! :evil:
Not as big a co ck as the scouser who missed an open goal from 6 yards which would have made it 2-0 and Euro 2008 here we come!
Team failed…end of story
Slayer replied to the topic Long live the IRA in the board Getting serious 17 years, 5 months ago
@waspish wrote:
my sons employer took on two chaps a week ago, he thought they were polish but it turns out they were czech. it took them nearly two weeks to steal almost all the power tools laders mixers and even the works van, and it serves the pillock right ha was paying a fiver a hour cos both men are on benefits…. the cops wont do a thing…
Slayer replied to the topic keep quiz in forum 3 in the board Chat forum three boards 17 years, 5 months ago
This has to be the funniest thread I’ve read this year :lol: :lol: :lol:
Classic JC
Slayer replied to the topic 10 year old beaten by immigrant into a pool of blood in the board Getting serious 17 years, 5 months ago
@ubermik wrote:
@Slayer wrote:
@ubermik wrote:
IF, and its an important if, you CAN with any sense or validity claim that NO white english person would EVER have reacted to a scumbag little scrote in this way, THEN, and ONLY then does this become anything whatsoever to do with race or immigration
As I know many white british people WOULD react in…
Slayer replied to the topic 10 year old beaten by immigrant into a pool of blood in the board Getting serious 17 years, 5 months ago
@ubermik wrote:
IF, and its an important if, you CAN with any sense or validity claim that NO white english person would EVER have reacted to a scumbag little scrote in this way, THEN, and ONLY then does this become anything whatsoever to do with race or immigration
As I know many white british people WOULD react in this exact same way then it…
Slayer replied to the topic Lauren Harries & Family Radio? in the board Off topic chat 17 years, 5 months ago
wasnt he the lil boy on Wogan who knew all about antiques aged 10 n then became a woman when he grew up…. or did i just dream that?
Slayer replied to the topic election coming vote for this ? in the board Getting serious 17 years, 5 months ago
Absolutely Sharon..in fact a recent poll showed 3rd generation Britons MORE concerned about immigration than white Britons….but as the programme said, perhaps if we stopped looking at everyone as “British West Indian, British Muslim, British Indian, British White etc” n just said “British” then we move on a step (n I’m as guilty as anyone of…[Read more]
Slayer replied to the topic DISPATCHES ANYONE WATCH IT ?? in the board Getting serious 17 years, 5 months ago
Ah Sharon but watch when you pay doule or triple for your grocery bill!
This lil ole county of mine has approx 100,000 migrant summer workers (my village of 358 has 650 eastern Europeans living in big converted warehouses down the lane- n no, we dont have any trouble n the local pub landlord thinks its xmas every day!) but its a chicken n egg…[Read more]
Slayer replied to the topic election coming vote for this ? in the board Getting serious 17 years, 5 months ago
@waspish wrote:
ive just decided this would be my policy for britain on immigration what thinks you all :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
anyone wanting to live in britain must :
1 pass an oral and written english test to gcse standard.
if they cant read and speak english they dont get in.As only 50% of English people manage to pass an English GCSE,…[Read more]
Slayer replied to the topic DISPATCHES ANYONE WATCH IT ?? in the board Getting serious 17 years, 5 months ago
@waspish wrote:
@*Sian wrote:
I watched some of it… Nothing I didn’t already know… all our resourses are used helping others rather than our own.
We have a polish invasion where I live no longer can you talk your own tongue and be understood. Plap!
I notice that in one town in lincoln the population is one third immigrant workers mainly young…
Slayer replied to the topic Replacing a Boiler at home? Part 1 in the board Off topic chat 17 years, 5 months ago
Replacing an old boiler at home?
Simply get a good lawyer and divorce her- cheap at half the price
Slayer replied to the topic 10 year old beaten by immigrant into a pool of blood in the board Getting serious 17 years, 5 months ago
@ubermik wrote:
As much as I dont agree with many aspects of our immigration policy I dont think thats the main topic in this thread
Just because he was beaten by an “immigrant” doesnt really impinge on this at all IMO
The basic facts here that are being clouded by pointing out she is an immigrant is that the kid is a disrespectful little…
Slayer replied to the topic Dave Longley sick sad bstad. in the board Getting serious 17 years, 5 months ago
Rhys Jones is from Croxteth in Liverpool (ffs Uber,I knowe you watch the news) and Maddie’s Mcann’s mother is a Liverpudlian
Taking it one stage further then- is the inference that ANY comedy is funny (to some) and it is the beholder who is at fault for not finding it funny rather than the comedian? Therefore should a comedian be able to tell…[Read more]
Slayer replied to the topic Dave Longley sick sad bstad. in the board Getting serious 17 years, 5 months ago
@ubermik wrote:
@Anita Gofradump wrote:
Comedy, humour, jokes, call it what you will. Has no boundries, so i don’t see these jokes as a problem personally, would they of been so p!ssed off had he made some manc jokes like those, or even about colin mccrae, i think not.
I have to agree with that
Humour is subjective, theres no universal right or…
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