Slayer replied to the topic Is Morrissey a racist? in the board Getting serious 17 years, 2 months ago
I’m sooo sorrryyy…. oohhh IIIIIIIIII’mmmmmm sooooo soooorrrryyyyyyy
Slayer replied to the topic Will you be panick buying petrol next week? in the board Getting serious 17 years, 2 months ago
I think you’ll find they did report it- although it was a media non event with a handful of people turning up here and there.
Not difficult for me to find it- how come you couldnt find it on the “visual media”- perhaps you werent looking in the right place…or perhaps your blinkers didnt allow you to…[Read more]
Slayer replied to the topic british hostage will die in ten days. in the board Getting serious 17 years, 2 months ago
Peoples experiences will often dictate their views and outlook- it would be odd if they didnt.
I think we do not place enough emphasis on what this nation is as opposed to what it isnt. I believe we are about as full as we can get in terms of permanent residency but also recognise economic migrancy sustains particularly our service and…[Read more]
Slayer replied to the topic Recession and house price fall. in the board Getting serious 17 years, 2 months ago
When the major banking corporations around the world agree to club together to provide a low interest slush fund for other banks to borrow from at rates they cant get elsewhere due to the credit crunch, then you know we are in a bit of a mess.
Inflation is going up but interest rates have to come down- get out yer tin hats n yer bully beef- its…[Read more]
Slayer replied to the topic british hostage will die in ten days. in the board Getting serious 17 years, 2 months ago
@waspish wrote:
@Slayer wrote:
@waspish wrote:
muslim extremists have released a statement saying that, the first of five british hostages will be killed. unless the british troops withdraw from iraq.
now i have a very nasty feeling that, in ten days time. these maniacs will actually do this. they have been embarassed by the teddy bear circus. and a… -
Slayer replied to the topic Racist asians attack white man in the board Getting serious 17 years, 2 months ago
@miss minx wrote:
And they all say its white people being racist? I think its DISGUSTING that they come over to this country and complain about their religion, culture etc.. not being respected when you get these individuals making the same racist remarks and assulting white people. However the goverment, police, newspapers etc… will probably let…
Slayer replied to the topic british hostage will die in ten days. in the board Getting serious 17 years, 2 months ago
@waspish wrote:
muslim extremists have released a statement saying that, the first of five british hostages will be killed. unless the british troops withdraw from iraq.
now i have a very nasty feeling that, in ten days time. these maniacs will actually do this. they have been embarassed by the teddy bear circus. and a live beheading is just the… -
Slayer replied to the topic Alan Shearer the new England manager, Bobby Robson No.2 in the board The locker room 17 years, 2 months ago
@emmalush wrote:
@out-and-about wrote:
@emmalush wrote:
Its currently like a managerial merry-go-round, foreigners saying maybe i’ll do it, maybe the FA will invite me to an expensive wine n dine talk sesh.
Alan is English, he’s watched the managerial England job very closely, he wont need persuading or £6 million football fans dosh via the…
Slayer replied to the topic Christmas appeal…… in the board Getting serious 17 years, 2 months ago
@ubermik wrote:
@ugo wrote:
@ubermik wrote:
@ugo wrote:
How sad & immature !
Well yes…….
It is a sad sad story
And he’s only 9 so of course he’s immature….. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Knob !!! Bet you come from somewhere like West Midlands dont ya or close ?
LOL, well firstly as it says that on my profile ANYWAY its hardly a guess now is it?
Slayer replied to the topic british hostage will die in ten days. in the board Getting serious 17 years, 2 months ago
@waspish wrote:
i havent forgotten ken bigley. and neither i expect have thousands of liverpudlians who tried in vain to get him released. i feel for his, and other families at this time of year, they wont be home to see the kids or grandkids this christmas. but that aside its now 8 days until the barbaric muslims behead another brit to keep the…
Slayer replied to the topic Chocolate Body Paint in the board Off topic chat 17 years, 3 months ago
chocolate body paint n the decorators are in….hmmm
one up the b/um, no harm done (as they say down my local) n you can create your own chocolate :wink:
Slayer replied to the topic Is Morrissey a racist? in the board Getting serious 17 years, 3 months ago
@ubermik wrote:
Thing is tho slayer you (well we) CANT be “racist” towards white europeans, a racist comment by definition is one that encompasses and includes ALL members of a race, which is sorta why its called “racist” rather than “SOME of themist” you see
same would apply to someone saying “you see that black man over there, well hes a…
Slayer replied to the topic Lash her !!! in the board Getting serious 17 years, 3 months ago
:oops: :lol: :oops: :lol:
Thought this said “Lush her”- had visions of our very own Emma getting medieval on this girls ass :twisted:
Slayer replied to the topic So …. what about the Bear then eh????? in the board Getting serious 17 years, 3 months ago
@waspish wrote:
thanx slayer ole chum! i thought the tail had lost its sting there for a while x x x
Wasp hunny, you’d be suprised how much we agree on :lol:
My stinger has been in rehab but is now fully recovered thanx
Slayer replied to the topic French hospitality turns into a multicultural hellhole in the board Getting serious 17 years, 3 months ago
actually to be pedantic- America has been around longer than any religion and indeed populated longer than any religion…we just didnt call it America
I, like the thread, was referring to modern day
Slayer replied to the topic Is Morrissey a racist? in the board Getting serious 17 years, 3 months ago
@ubermik wrote:
@Slayer wrote:
@ubermik wrote:
Ex smiths singer during an interview commented that the british identity has been lost due to an open door policy on immigration and the flood of immigrants its brought to britain
The publication (NME) said
“He might once have been the voice of a generation, but given his comments in these two…
Slayer replied to the topic Is Morrissey a racist? in the board Getting serious 17 years, 3 months ago
@ubermik wrote:
Ex smiths singer during an interview commented that the british identity has been lost due to an open door policy on immigration and the flood of immigrants its brought to britain
The publication (NME) said
“He might once have been the voice of a generation, but given his comments in these two interviews, he’s certainly not…
Slayer replied to the topic French hospitality turns into a multicultural hellhole in the board Getting serious 17 years, 3 months ago
@ubermik wrote:
Thats muslims for ya
Either you bend to what they want via peaceful means or they go for the non peaceful methods
Enoch Powell will one day be viewed as a visionary I reckon
They must have taken the lead from the US- if you dont do it our way, we’ll make ya
Slayer replied to the topic G’day from downunder!!! in the board Off topic chat 17 years, 3 months ago
She does Ugo…which means she is well n truly lost if she’s found JC!
Hi Cheza65- hope you enjoy your stay…n I think your war memorial is truly stunning
Slayer replied to the topic I Hereby Christen This Bear….. in the board Getting serious 17 years, 3 months ago
@Dafydd wrote:
I’d have been more concerned if the children had christened him Michael Jackson! By the way; it’s only just occured to me. How can Muslim children bestow a “Christian Name”?
They dont- its the West that calls it a “christian name”- its not called a “christian name” in Sudan- either first or birth name i believe
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