• For what its worth, I wholeheartedly disagree.

    This country has the highest level of divorce in Euorpe and the 4th highest rate in the world….we also have

    The highest number of single parent families in Europe
    The highest number of people living on their own in Europe
    The highest rate of teenage pregnancies in Europe
    The highest number of…[Read more]

  • Slayer replied to the topic A Ticking Bomb in the board Getting serious 13 years, 4 months ago

    @GAZLAN wrote:

    What it tells me is that people are becoming aware of just who and what is holding onto the chains around their necks. Admittedly, there are reports that these groups are infiltrated with those who seek to divert the agenda. I don’t consider it a movement to establish equality as much as it is a movement to stamp out blatant greed a…

    [Read more]

  • Slayer replied to the topic A Ticking Bomb in the board Getting serious 13 years, 4 months ago

    @GAZLAN wrote:

    A Modest Call to Action on this September 17th

    This statement is ours, and for anyone who will get behind it. Representing ourselves, we bring this call for revolution.

    We want freedom for all, without regards for identity, because we are all people, and because no other reason should be needed. However, this freedom has been…

    [Read more]

  • I have no spiritual guidance to give- nun at all!

  • lol- not if they were over 7 they wouldnt

    I cant have been that traumatised by not having to drink warm, sour, milk every morning!

  • You mean the same pope, as head of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith (the Inquistion to you and I), who knew about the child sex abuses in the German Catholic church and did nothing to act (indeed aguably condoning the abuse by his inaction).

    The same pope who criticised those who continue to raise the child sex abuse issue because…[Read more]

  • 19) Britain is owned by the Vatican.
    (Treaty of 1213)

    Err, no!

    The English Reformation, the creation of the church of England with a monarch as its supreme head (recognised by all clergy) and the surrender of the CoE of ALL its legislative powers and independence to the monarch actually happened!

    The 1534 Act of Clergy Submission removed ALL…[Read more]

  • @Melody wrote:

    @Quiet_Man wrote:

    @Melody wrote:

    So in the few short weeks that the two toff-boys have been in charge of the country they have or plan to:

    scrapped new school builds

    scrapped the building of a hospital and begun to ‘overhaul’ the nhs to cut costs

    vowed to make schools into academies… aka privatise them meaning that OFSTED…

    [Read more]

  • Reads just like a rant by Joseph Goebbels from the 1930’s…free speech, aint it great.

  • http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/manchester/8290669.stm

    I simply lose the will to live- a teenager rapes a 7 year old boy, is given a COMMUNITY ORDER, and then goes and abducts and assaults a 5 year old.

    If our judicial system only views child rape as a minor misdemeanour, then it as much our justice system at fault as the lawmakers…[Read more]

  • Slayer replied to the topic Swine flu in the board Getting serious 15 years, 7 months ago

    Far be it for me (!) to prove a point but now the massive media hype has died down and the media have stopped predicting everyone is going to die from the slightest sniffle, the incidents of reported “swine flu” have plummeted.

    No sh*t, sherlock!!!!

    Finally the latest info from within the NHS suggests on 17% of those who had “swine flu” and were…[Read more]

  • Slayer replied to the topic Swine flu in the board Getting serious 15 years, 7 months ago

    It is indeed :D

  • Slayer replied to the topic Swine flu in the board Getting serious 15 years, 7 months ago

    This thread demonstrates aptly the public hysteria to something whose symptoms are like a bad cold, something which will kill 90% LESS people than normal seasonal influenza (which we get every year without mass hysteria) and something which, if the government had said was “a nasty bug is doing the rounds” rather than give it a name, most people…[Read more]

  • From the Quantum Physics perspective, it is both!

  • Slayer replied to the topic Are you British? in the board Off topic chat 16 years ago

    @Sgt Pepper wrote:

    @Bassingbourne55 wrote:

    British, always British. The island we live on is called Great Britain and it is one nation.
    Great Britain should never be split up. The UK (which includes northern Ireland as well as Great Britain) is a different matter – N.Ireland should remain in the UK while the majority of its population wish to…

    [Read more]

  • I think I understand but it sounds no different than firms which for years have worked in places like Saudi, Qatar etc and employed British workers and took them over.

    I agree it must be very annoying for British firms to sub contract to european companies who then in turn bring over their own workers but isnt that what a free market economy is…[Read more]

  • Tictax

    You have me confused- in the first post you state

    “oil refinerys and power stations across uk are refusing point blank to give jobs to british ppl , in fact they have said if ur british dont apply”

    In the second post, you advise

    “the new european laws say anyone can tender for the jobs”

    Either British companies can tender or they…[Read more]

  • @Lovely Lady wrote:

    In the late 1980’s when football hollaganism was at its height, when a hooligan was sentenced in court the local news took the unprecented step of publishing their names and addresses together with their sentence on local news …… :shock: :shock: Although it didn’t give the number of the house it gave the name, road and…

    [Read more]

  • Its an interesting article and one which demonstrates how easy it is for an opinion to be formed within a mob which actually becomes the mob’s “raison d’etre”. However, any gathering of people with the intent to demonstrate has the potential to slide into an anarchistic, lawless rabble- the question is do we let that take precedent over the right…[Read more]

  • @ForumHostPB wrote:

    Well we all know the reason why “…..those monsters will get new identities when they emerge from jail” don’t we?

    The tabloids would take enormous pleasure in publishing their addresses and suchlike and as night follows day, “those monsters” will be killed by a baying mob whipped up into a frenzy of self justified rage. (A bit…

    [Read more]

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