Sir Actor replied to the topic Kates questions in the board Getting serious 16 years, 6 months ago
@Cherry Coke wrote:
Kate chooses to remain silent, I agree with bat. You would think the mother of a missing child would be willing to answer any questions thrown at her, dispite what solicitors have advised.
It’s pretty obvious that the police regard her as a suspect in all of this.
What would be the point of her answering questions that are just…[Read more] -
Sir Actor replied to the topic DOLLY THE CAMEL !!!!!! in the board Jokes and humourous links 16 years, 6 months ago
Sir Actor replied to the topic Brit Flicks in the board Art, poetry, music and film 16 years, 6 months ago
improvisation. ?
Sir Actor replied to the topic what made you wanna puke today? in the board Off topic chat 16 years, 6 months ago
@Pete wrote:
@Sir Actor wrote:
I won £50 on the bandit that night so he musta seen me coming…. :-k
it’s a fruit machine… :roll: but you know that anyway ya fek. :?
Sir Actor replied to the topic what made you wanna puke today? in the board Off topic chat 16 years, 6 months ago
@rubyred wrote:
oh very i said same,, they have did more like,, “funny little djays” etc,, and a million pound selling album. I met them before they were famous,and they were wee boys.. just tonight..
i had been to doctors and wasnt feeling that good.. Son treated me, and it was quiet in the alcove. and we discussed life. then we were bombarded…
Sir Actor replied to the topic what made you wanna puke today? in the board Off topic chat 16 years, 6 months ago
@rubyred wrote:
the View ! nice wee laddies from Dryburgh in Dundee.. but seeing them tonight i was annoyed :)
/crabbit auld fooker.
Reminds me of A brimful of asher on the 45….
Everybody needs a bussom for a pillow. :roll:
Sir Actor replied to the topic what made you wanna puke today? in the board Off topic chat 16 years, 6 months ago
@~Pebbles~ wrote:
I know its not real life, but just the thought of that zitty asian lad on eastenders preparing currys for sale to the general public made my gut wrench :-…
The one that Beale had was in tupperware dishes ffs!
I’m more inclined to puke at Max and Ronnie.
You just know where they’ll end up.
:-… -
Sir Actor replied to the topic what made you wanna puke today? in the board Off topic chat 16 years, 6 months ago
@rubyred wrote:
having my tea with my son in an alcove area.. minding our own till rock stars came in and proved their ” rock star status” by eating like pigs and throwing it about ! I think it annoyed them that we didnt fawn over them.. and me annoying them by asking ” dont you know who I am !! .. somewhat haughtily.
i mean its GREAT that local…
Sir Actor replied to the topic Brit Flicks in the board Art, poetry, music and film 16 years, 6 months ago
Brits abroad doing a runner… Happens most summers doesn’t it?
I used to have Michael Caine do my answer machine.
“TERRY!! you’re only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!” -
Sir Actor replied to the topic Sven in the board Off topic chat 16 years, 6 months ago
@bon bon wrote:
do you have birds flying around your kitchen :shock:
I thought sharon was referring to herself as a bird.
Well she is aint she. A bird. :roll: -
Sir Actor replied to the topic what music are you in the mood for?? in the board Off topic chat 16 years, 6 months ago
Elvis Costello – I can’t stand up for falling down.
You’ve gotta laugh at these guys dancing ffs!!! :lol:
Sir Actor replied to the topic What’s nice, where! in the board Off topic chat 16 years, 6 months ago
@PATS wrote:
i remember me an my mate bein biker chicks when we were 16 lol. was speeding down the road one day and my mates b/friends bike skidded.she shot off and hit a bus queue..the people standin there went down like a row of skittles. :lol:
:lol: It’s the way you tell em. :wink:
so you went from being a biker chick to a BB freak!! :twisted: :P
Sir Actor replied to the topic Brit Flicks in the board Art, poetry, music and film 16 years, 6 months ago
@sharongooner wrote:
Dave loves the fight scenes in BJ’s with the two toffs lmao.
:D I love seeing Hugh Grant get his arse kicked too. :P
Sir Actor replied to the topic What made you smile chapter 49 in the board Off topic chat 16 years, 7 months ago
:P hehe. no probz. :roll:
Sir Actor replied to the topic Brit Flicks in the board Art, poetry, music and film 16 years, 7 months ago
Love Actually is my favourite film of recent years.
It’s a collection of different love situations within one film and is brilliantly made.
It will make you laugh and cry in equal measure and think about the people you love and why you love them.this is my favourite clipfrom the film.
Andrew Lincoln is obsessed with Keira Knightley but decides -…[Read more] -
Sir Actor replied to the topic What f00ked you off (part two ) in the board Off topic chat 16 years, 7 months ago
sian. :twisted:
Sir Actor replied to the topic post what is on your mind this very moment in the board Chat Rooms – Forum One Boards 16 years, 7 months ago
@bon bon wrote:
shall I eat that last chocolate eclair before bed
and finish it off with a glass of Andrews[-X i can’t decide for you Di….you’re going to have to do this one on your own.
Sir Actor replied to the topic post what is on your mind this very moment in the board Chat forum one boards 16 years, 7 months ago
@*Sian wrote:
Burberry? I didn’t wear it the first time nevermind this time! :lol:
ok well just take that shell suit you’ve been keeping for that special occasion. :wink:
Sir Actor replied to the topic post what is on your mind this very moment in the board Chat forum one boards 16 years, 7 months ago
@*Sian wrote:
What to wear this weekend :oops:
might be best to leave the burberry stuff at home sian. :-
Jeans n sweatshirt’ll do for the outdoor stuff.
For bed… :-k -
Sir Actor replied to the topic BIG BROTHER !!!!!!!!!!!!!! in the board Off topic chat 16 years, 7 months ago
@*Sian wrote:
jeeze not another 4 weeks of this shyte? Surely not??
sian…is there no chance you’d consider “doing” BB??
It’s the only way I’d ever watch it. 8-[
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