Alas I can only do lunch on Sundays…shame, it’s a long time since I visited Lincoln and t’would be good to catch up with moneypenny again and also to meet some new people.
And Su, please don’t give up on the rooms, you are always a pleasure to see there, waving and giggling and not getting involved in all the tosh. You will be missed :(
Sunday is just another day :) Chat with MP … she’s in charge!
Regarding rooms – thank you so much for your lovely comment, how kind! I did actually pop my head around the door early this morning and was really pleasant, silly experience … so, who knows? Maybe I just need time to lick my war wounds! xx
… no boys allowed; just girls, though ‘lady’ is optional!!
I can be a lay-deee for the day!
You’ve already had the nod for a coffee date … don’t push it! (Unless you are actually pre-disposed to the wearing of women’s clothes? In which case, who am I to judge?!)
You sound like me su… I also quit chatting….. as you say life is too short :D
F3 is a bit like Coronation Street though you can stay away for months then as you say stick your head around the corner and you pick up the story straight away :roll:
It would be nice to put faces to names…. who knows if I am ever Lincoln way………
If you’re ever in Lincoln and in need of lunch … you’ll be made welcome :)
I do believe so . . . . but if she quotes more romantic French bullshyte, I don’t care, she can have me anyway she likes . . . (applies Kerrygold – doesn’t do Lurpak)
Lol I had to google John Cusack….very nice but its not good to fancy someone you could have given birth to (well almost) :shock:
Are we talking about the same person or are you a lot older than I thought you were? :shock: :lol:
He was born in 1966… :?
Ahh am an early 70s child so I win… he is the right age for me :lol:
at Melody … squabbling with Eve is bad enough … back off wench – I saw him first!! :lol: btw …. that someone who ‘looks exactly like him’ …? do you happen to know if he may be the slightest bit, well …. desperate and perhaps have a little shortness of sight? If so, please point him in my direction! (also an early 70s child) xx
Life IS too short … we have but one chance, one shot at making an impact. I wish it were the case that the impact was not a negative one, but from reading just a few of the conversations both in the room and now even on the boards, I feel that on this occasion and in this forum life itself is being wasted.
I am not a retard (bite the tongue, doubters!!), yet I like Nettie :o) – she was the first person on here to extend friendship, when I was being given a hard time as a ‘newbie’. That counts for something in my eyes. I also like lots of people who purport to being ‘on her side’. Equally, I dislike some of them.
I am not a bully (and so far removed from that end of the spectrum that I would intentionally fight the corner of those who are downtrodden, even if I DO dislike them), yet I like Thin – his humour and wit is biting, yet (as far as I know) when directed towards me is tempered with … humour rather than malice.
This response to the thread does not make me a ‘fence-sitter’. There is no fence. There is no divide. Individuals KNOW whether what they say is MEANT to be hurtful or cruel. Let them be judged on their own actions and may they eventually have a conscience to realise that boundaries of decency have been overstepped.
Hmmm – perhaps I shouldn’t have quit the room, and then maybe I wouldn’t be rambling so much now!!
I apologise for sounding ‘preachy’ … I am not a do-gooder (OO, far from it!!) However, I DO treat people as I find them. I refuse to be persuaded by others’ opinions and instead judge (yes, judge!! I am incredibly opinionated!) individuals upon their own actions. My opinion counts for nothing …. I am a nobody in your lives, but if it creates even a spark of self-reflection, then at least I will have made but a small impact. I am an eternal peacekeeper, so on that note I refuse to partake in the ACTUAL poll … though, being a lifelong Liverpool supporter I find myself strangely drawn towards the red team …
Ce n’est pas parce-ce que tu es belle que je t’adore, c’est parce-ce que je t’adore que tu es belle xx
I WISH I NEVER BLIDDY STARTED !! to make it worse, im one of these people that actually likes smoking :) Kick starts my day and cant get to the toilet without one ! Have to make an appointment with doc for this week, she seemed to think champix was the best thing ever. might give them a try and if i begin to feel weird i know it will be the constipation ( chuckle) . I know my health would improve without them, not to mention 70 quid extra in my purse a week, rather than in the goverments coffers.
will defo get back to you anc, as it be good to do it with someone ( ooh er)
/fingers the bensons packet.. golden tipped addictive wee scrotes :)
Keep at it ladies …. … it will be worth it. I gave up 10+ years ago, but could STILL light up as easy as anything. I feel for you both dearie dearie me :wink: