SIMPLETON replied to the topic Spyware – a useful resource. in the board Technical Q&A 19 years ago
i use
LavaSofts AD-Aware 6.
SpyBots Search and Destroy.rids me of my ad/spy ware.
dont ever get any problems.
SIMPLETON replied to the topic BRING IT IN HERE in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
Oh dear what have i started.
Just shows how sad and pathetic some people really are uh (jizzUM)
cant make there own posts so bombard other peoples post with SH…..I…T..
im just :D to of got the party started :roll:
am done with this thread :!:
SIMPLETON replied to the topic BRING IT IN HERE in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
@James Belfast wrote:
I think it is an uneven contest with only one potential loser. Jigsy has already said she gets no pleasure from beating up simpletons – we should all be noble for once and leave the druggy alone.
ops did not see you there james belfook, you ok pal ?
and who mentioned a contest ? and beatings ?
and as for drugs ah…[Read more]
SIMPLETON replied to the topic BRING IT IN HERE in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
@Jigsy wrote:
@Jigsy wrote:
your egos and your so called erm is it “FLAMING”
No thanks , your board name says it all.
I have had enough of being nasty to simpletons, and its not very nice on my fart to be mean, to people who cant even spell sample words.
So keep waiting, im sure someone will be along soon…
SIMPLETON replied to the topic BRING IT IN HERE in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
@Jigsy wrote:
your egos and your so called erm is it “FLAMING”
No thanks , your board name says it all.
I have had enough of being nasty to simpletons, and its not very nice on my part to be mean, to people who cant even spell simple words.
So keep waiting, im sure someone will be along soon enough.
ok jizzUM sorry i cant spell…[Read more]
SIMPLETON replied to the topic BRING IT IN HERE in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
James belfook wrote
Oh you might be right, I just assumed the pic was linked to his lovely poem. I think PB took it off cos it showed her smoking a cigarette but that’s a bit harsh. Maybe subs has a picture of my mother/wife without a cigarette which PB would find acceptable?
SIMPLETON replied to the topic ONE THING in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
@angel1 wrote:
@angel1 wrote:
i would like to be able to change the fact my kids can never kiss thier father goodnight
i no .
but i believe he is still watching over them and they will do well inlife ..
yes, ur right they will because they are great kids and very strong willed
well there you go….
SIMPLETON replied to the topic BRING IT IN HERE in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
your egos and your so called erm is it “FLAMING”
SIMPLETON replied to the topic ONE FOR THE MUMS, there special ! in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
@PATS wrote:
cheers. i’ll nick that to put in my mums mothers day card in a couple of weeks. :wink:
lol Pats
SIMPLETON replied to the topic ONE FOR THE MUMS, there special ! in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
@Jigsy wrote:
@James Belfast wrote:
For all the times you gently picked me up when i was down,
For all them times you traded me a warm smile for a frown,
For all the times you tied my shoe or tucked me gently into bed,
Or needed something for yourself, but put me first instead
For all everything we shared, the dreams, the…
SIMPLETON replied to the topic ONE FOR THE MUMS, there special ! in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
@James Belfast wrote:
For all the times you gently picked me up when i was down,
For all them times you traded me a warm smile for a frown,
For all the times you tied my shoe or tucked me gently into bed,
Or needed something for yourself, but put me first instead
For all everything we shared, the dreams, the laughter and…
SIMPLETON replied to the topic ONE THING in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
@angel1 wrote:
i would like to be able to change the fact my kids can never kiss thier father goodnight
i no .
but i believe he is still watching over them and they will do well inlife ..
SIMPLETON replied to the topic Ummm? in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
guess what !!!
i think he as turned into a gorilla
SIMPLETON replied to the topic UH in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
@ForumHostPB wrote:
Has VIOD (Void???) been to the ‘Dead on Arivial’ school of spelling???
arrival *
oh dear
you been there to then ? :D
SIMPLETON replied to the topic New Kid on the Block. in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
greetings ally x
its not all bad :D
SIMPLETON replied to the topic What music are you listening to??? in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
R Kelly “If i could turn back the hands of time” at the moment :D
SIMPLETON replied to the topic ONE FOR THE MUMS, there special ! in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
@pixi wrote:
that was a lovely poem :)
well alot of mums im guessing use this site so its for u guys !!! :D
SIMPLETON replied to the topic ONE FOR THE MUMS, there special ! in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
@Jigsy wrote:
And here I didnt think you had it in you Simpleton.
Very nice, maybe this thread is a keeper. Dont be surprised if it gets moved though, after it is a kind of poem.
Since your new and all :wink: there is a specific thread for poems, just thought I would let you know. Im sweet like that.
why thank you :)
hmm guess you could be…[Read more]
SIMPLETON replied to the topic Truth Serum in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
@Becky wrote:
Would be my hubby so when i ask does my bum look big in this i will know :lol:
No i cant see you having a big booty becky :D