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  • #290871

    @rubyred wrote:

    @~*Lucky*~ wrote:

    @rubyred wrote:

    your feet are bigger than me !!!..but at 27 stone i can take them on a square go !

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    i have lost a lot of weight lucky ..according to miss funnyfanny and despond…geoff despond. Sian is over 7 foot and im 27 stone when im sucking in me cheekbones !

    Ah but I had a magical treatment… I started smoking again, then stopped again… now a fully fledged smoker and feeling all good but I have to tuck my left lung into my sock!


    :lol: Cheeky mares!


    Fat as fook my feet… have you ever noticed on Jeremy Kyle that all the small pudgy women that don’t stand any taller their men are 2 feet taller when they sit next to them? It’s fat :lol:


    I only have mine sucked,,, no hard skin for me, I wouldn’t know! :lol:


    Nothing like a good chew eh lucks? :lol:


    The one eyed dog made me cry!

    #290852 Cometh to me.. look at my delights :lol:

    Dee you didn’t miss much in the way of JC entertainment :lol: Unless you call rainny doing kiddy dances :lol:


    This made me piss :lol:


    3 stone of monkey nuts!! Haha Ya wassak! Was that you narrating PATS? I could go for a ikkle trip around the town!! :lol: It’ll bring back memory!


    No worries chick, enjoy ya day… I am off in a mo too. Toodles xx

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