active 8 months, 4 weeks agoForum Replies Created
14 July, 2019 at 9:42 am #1117230
LOL at least you can reflect on how funny it is in hindsight.
Almost like you poetry slammed him with weasels facts!,lol.
13 July, 2019 at 6:11 pm #1117208Jesus Christ,it’s only keeping out of main for the weekend so he can go in without issue. Wasn’t meant to be a drama,lol.
Did you see what time I wrote that?After a night out too,so spell checkers hush it Jesus.
That said Wannabe that actually was funny but I’ll get you back for it.
Lol no problems Echo X
Cheeseburger, I haven’t read all you wrote, but I realise what you’re saying, the trigging reason was that someone mentioned they missed him and that it must be difficult if I’m always here. Which is a fair point. He uses main only at weekends and given I haven’t left here as you know for the past six weeks,I think it fair to give him at least one!.
You’re supposed to enjoy the peace!
13 July, 2019 at 1:31 pm #1117189Sceptical,
Thank you,see you after the weekend. And have a lovely one!
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11 July, 2019 at 10:24 am #1116983Mooosy, I definitely think there is room to expand it but I think what I may do after all is do a ‘like’ story and expand it just a tad because the subtly in this was fine for me but not everyone.
I completely agree, that was my worry, that it would fall into some big thing when all it had to be was itself. Short stories allow the person reading it to end it with their own imagination or hopes. Which means if we don’t like the ending we can change it to be happier,at least in our heads lol
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11 July, 2019 at 10:08 am #1116982Sceptical,
It’s a good way of thinking, as someone once told me allow all to speak and then there is either two outcomes,one you learn your view is flawed and get to rethink it or two you confirm your conviction and it’s the other side who learn more from the debate. It’s advice I still believe in but given the current climate it can get personal very fast.
Like you I don’t mind either way,to me everyone has a right to have their view and that should be respected.
I have fallen into that trap of saying something back to someone especially if they’re willing to talk but not willing to listen back and get personal, I’m working on that lol.
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11 July, 2019 at 3:43 am #1116970Moosey,
It was meant as a stand alone , I hadn’t considered a bigger interwoven piece, interesting idea. Unsure if it would bore people though lol
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10 July, 2019 at 7:01 pm #1116958Thank you Sceptical,
I wasn’t sure if it would be too much length wise.
You are right,we certainly need less of the attacks. So much more could be here.
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10 July, 2019 at 2:44 pm #1116951Sceptical, Kudos to you,that’s a very honest appraisal.
Those subjects religion and politics,yes.. I’ve discussed them in main and I’m aware it gets nasty hard and fast. Although I think with politics more so (Actually I believe we’re on opposing sides lol). It’s a shame because debate can be good.
As I experienced this morning unfortunately thinking someone had written on archaeology ,the typo should of given it away but I’m learning far slower than I should lol. A wise approach to ignore it ,I think in future I shall try and do the same.
That said,if anyone sees me writing about shoes or if the rock is attractive ,apologies in advance,lol.
9 July, 2019 at 2:14 pm #1116910Lol Echo spot on.
I read the post he made in ref to you, Sceptical,. Given how impartial you are on the boards it really did seem like an unprovoked attack from an outsider’s view.
The boards just seem like another version of F1 ,trolls,some impartial people and some content but rarely.
8 July, 2019 at 2:49 pm #1116879Let’s just go over the facts here.
Last time round I blocked you for two years which I had to do repeatedly because you were still ranting.
I stated “well the child must of been under 3 because he didn’t have a child 3 years ago” this statement is not threatening in any format,did not contain a troll.
You told the room I had been rude to you a while ago,24 days ago you pmd me about other members being sycophants ,to which I replied “sorry I was busy,how can I help?” You said you thought we had spoken or did you imagine in then today you didn’t pm the actual trolls but me again. Threatening me and abusing.
One:Guides can read PM’s.
Two:The rest of F1 are still here so this isn’t some me against you.
Three: So is the man you ranted like crazy at because I’d said hi to him. I have never had any form of relationship with you of any nature nor have the other girls you had ago at. For a heartbeat I thought you’d actually changed but your 4th sentence to me was trying to find out who I was pming! It’s the same stuff.
One more thing. It’s scroll now.. they can scroll up and see exactly word for word what I said better than you or I can here.
Like si chatguide told me back in the day:. Block him.
Your back to block.
Oh, and the lady being nice to you? She I count as a friend ,don’t do this to her ever.
End of conversation till year end 2021