active 8 months, 4 weeks agoForum Replies Created
20 July, 2019 at 11:39 am #111762620 July, 2019 at 3:13 am #1117597
Hahahahahaha Jesus Christ this is the most satirical post I’ve ever read! Lol
“how much attention seeking,site promoting,lies about JC members can you fit in one post” Mizzy : Hold my pint.
One,photos? I saw you give a picture to someone posting your pic you claimed was abusing you and you said” post this one,I look better in this one pml”
Two, when I left everyone every morning accepted your apologies for the night before ,when you were drunk and when you were abused over something you’d been through,they got behind you even people who didn’t like you. When I came back I was shocked at how you were being treated even defended you on the boards but then I started to see the you now. Attention seeking,lying, I don’t know everything that has happened in 3 years but to pretend you’re some innocent victim everytime is just obtuse. I’ve seen you on more than four occasions start on people when they are saying nothing to you lol.
When I informed you that the data leak from your site was a breech,you claimed it wasn’t your site,and it was closed. Both lies. You are a spammer,and this? Lol let me tell you something,I read this five times and laughed so hard even with my sore throat it was worth the pain.
How is this about spamming? It’s about you!
Either you are a hidden comedian whose just written the most satirical post of all time or you actually think people are that dense that they’ll call for this diatribe of abusive attention seeking.
Either way,thank you, I haven’t laughed that hard in over two months! Jesus.. funniest thing..
18 July, 2019 at 12:05 pm #1117488This isn’t some “let’s have a fight on the boards” post. I had a point,I made it.
The reason most use names is they believe it will be more personal in attack. This isn’t an attack. It’s criticism of the behaviour displayed by board members.
There is utterly no point in debating this further.
16 July, 2019 at 3:25 pm #1117313I for one recall Omar’s utter racism not long ago. It’s something she has been repeatedly warned for but we live in a society that claims only Caucasians can be racist.
The thing is if you’re born in a country but have a varied ethnic background especially in the state’s then you do double barrel. Ie describe yourself as “African American” that is loyalty to your roots which is understandable,no one ignores their family history. So when he says go back to your own country if you hate this one, he is stating the simple fact that the countries in their background aren’t stable ,which is true.
The truth is, in America and the UK ,we have had a pretence that everyone votes. Truth is that many people gave up voting long ago,they were fed up, had given up thinking the system was for them. Got used to being told what the latest issue was that they should be arguing for,changing for. Society didn’t change people’s opinions,it told them to not speak,so they stayed silent. But over the past 10 years,terrorism firstly caused people to want to protect home,made them start to speak. The people who were voting included people who cared more about plastic straws than poverty. They cared more about rich areas than the people losing their homes after the crash. If people spoke up ,they were called racists or not educated or unemployed ,they were ignored. The loudest voices only cared about their areas,their pretentious causes. Take Obama, the first black president and what did he do? They wanted him to say “look at how enlightened we are! We’re not racist!” But truth is these people aren’t honest with themselves. He did nothing for the African American community. Society was developing into a vote for impressions in America and the UK. Clinton lied repeatedly, yet they still wanted her, it was another ego boast. Trump however stood for the people who had been ignored ,people who had stayed silent. When they finally spoke by voting for someone who represented them ,they were abused,called racist, uneducated but they had had enough and wouldn’t put up with it anymore. The same happened with brexit. In America trump has actually done more for African Americans than Obama did and yet it’s ignored. What he’s doing might be rough,bumpy at times but he’s doing it and it’s working for the poorest and richest. The same in the UK. If I tell a terrorist go home that’s racist? No,it means literally why stay in a country you hate?if you don’t like it leave. It’s not racist when Brits leave and go to live in Spain or France or whatever.
It’s like the take a knee crowd. NFL members with massive wage packets that are paid for by people from all backgrounds then screaming American racism holds them back,it’s laughable and dishonest.
Screaming racism at people won’t work anymore,he’s uncouth yes. But he’s getting the job done and many of his friends are from mixed backgrounds and have always stated he’s not racist. Omar being in,that is the disgrace. A woman laughing about how Americans were afraid of ISIS ,a woman who can’t stop being racist weekly but no one wants to admit it for fear of being called racist themselves.
It’s time the pretentiousness stopped and we voted for those who can do the job rather than those who look good and do nothing.
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14 July, 2019 at 9:08 pm #1117260Linda, very good idea,can I make it without the grenadine though? I’ve got none in!😱 X
14 July, 2019 at 9:02 pm #1117259Thin,
Sometimes people get confused by multiple dialects that are infused into text speech. I’m raised around different nationalities so it’s easier I guess? Dunno.
The only person I’ve had difficulty understanding is Mr Q?
14 July, 2019 at 5:19 pm #1117257Linda, JC is something you understand more than me!. Everything you’ve said so far has been right,lol.
14 July, 2019 at 2:51 pm #1117249Thin, I’m not sure if it’s good there’s actually a collective of Peter Dr Vries on here lol. What was his quote? “Write drunk,edit sober” sadly JC has no delete button nor can we edit,so I blame them entirely,lol.
Actually, a while ago I had a post and a 45 minute conversation with a guide/host trying to find the delete button that they thought was here but I couldn’t find see lol.
Right, I have drinks to prepare,excuse me.
14 July, 2019 at 10:40 am #1117238Lol Sceptical,that made me laugh.
Very very true Sceptical, wise man!
14 July, 2019 at 10:15 am #1117233Last time I left ,I just didn’t log back in. Life catches up,you have fun ,it becomes a memory. I didn’t think anyone would even notice or that it would be an entire melodrama,I was just enjoying life.
Then I came back and had to apologise because some were angry I hadn’t said anything. As ocean recently said the friends you have in here are also part of your friends circle and he’s right. I just hadn’t thought that way back in the day. Some are on my Facebook,email,phone ect .
Saturday I was still a bit worse for wear after girls night out,seriously tired and then slammed with the guilt train and thought they aren’t logged in,I have to go now. I’ll just leave a post on boards, they’ll see it,know I’ve not just run off again,sorted.
Again I still think this is just drama over nothing, I gave up main for someone who drinks and logs in on the weekends under invisible. I thought it was fair for his friends and respectful because he’s been here longer than me. That’s it! Just simple!
Although my epic fail of a post might not of explained that very well…lol. But again I was tired and half drunk and now I recall ,wanted a snack.
How can a 3 minute post cause this much drama? Isn’t Mr Q in or something?lol