active 8 months, 3 weeks agoForum Replies Created
7 September, 2019 at 8:08 pm #1125703
The spamming in F1 makes sense all of a sudden
Yup Draccy 🐼♥ ♥♥ .
7 September, 2019 at 8:02 pm #1125701The spamming of F1 froze the page for many and caused lag, which falls under the the law as a violation ,you might find it funny that someone broke the law in order to gain more custom for their own site, I don’t. Many of you are older than me too, I would of expected better.
6 September, 2019 at 11:03 pm #1125661Lol Those are the memories that make you look back and realise the what seemed rational back then, clearly wasn’t lol. Me and some friends decided on travelling , no one to this day knows where we were going ,even the driver. We pulled off at one point into a swan station, got back in and as we were joining the motorway I’m suddenly struck by why we are really driving this van slow, I remember letting go of the steering wheel and telling my mate ” wait! I can’t drive! ” We got out swapped round, our other mate in the front totally confused. At the time it was as if we’d just fixed this problem , we were happy with ourselves ,lol. We might not repeat them in practice but they are funny to look back on lol
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6 September, 2019 at 4:50 am #1125625Realising I did the washing up already. Realising it’s friday, ergo nearly the weekend lol. Clean smooth bedding. My cat when he falls asleep face first on me after kneeding.The quiet in the early hours as the sun starts to come up slowly. Taking my bra off after a full day in it lol. The first coffee & Vape of the day. Finding an old song from when I was a teen, Finding that thing I lost ,finally. Waking up not having to rush about. The other half calling me a particular nickname. Remembering my sons hand after he was born,on a stressful day I remember that. This post made me consider just how many ‘little happys’ we have in a day. Good post :)
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5 September, 2019 at 6:44 pm #1125613Why do you make so many posts trying to discuss them? It’s a tad stalkerish.
5 September, 2019 at 6:42 pm #1125612Obsessions are weird,you can think back to why it started but not understand why that thing and not a different thing. I like my shoes have many but prefer walking barefoot lol. I thought this was my only obsession till I sorted though my makeup…over 130 nail varnish and too much makeup but I rarely wear either.Maybe collecting is part of the human condition,like preserving part of human culture or maybe we’re just weird lol ♥
3 September, 2019 at 6:15 pm #1125528Literally sent into there, there’s two guests and yet one still spammed the room. Then they have the audacity to complain about guides banning? They’ve got rid of more guests in the same time frame than guides have combined. If it is a paid bunch for another site, well I look forward to those sites crashing and burning. They’ll have all our spammers with them there soon.
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31 August, 2019 at 2:10 am #1125222Women who help kill children or do so themselves. Feminists who demand women don’t have children or a relationship with a man. People who treat others differently because of class. Tapioca pudding.
28 August, 2019 at 8:06 pm #1125133Years ago it was in fact both men and women who couldn’t give. That being set right was an important step in British history, making the country a democracy so no matter what class ,sex ,wage, area people had the right to vote for what they wanted. No matter what the result , government should of worked hard to deliver it but they devolved into fighting,bullying and instead of bringing the country together,they divided it even further. It was a record vote,with many voting for the first time ,the importance of that should of been noted. Closing parliament and the house of lords ,akin to suspending someone for bad behaviour, it is right. It is time government delivered on the vote,whether they like it or not,it IS their duty. They must Never be allowed to ignore the will of the people not lapse into this stall again. The stain isn’t people voting brexit, it’s government treating people as if their vote was “wrong” . Brexit Day will be the day democracy is finally restored.
28 August, 2019 at 10:39 am #1125101Brilliant but take my unloyal dog, with my blessing. I’ll pay you to take her lol.
Ate a whole quilt and two pillows by gnawing tiny holes in them and nibbling out the filling.
Whines if I don’t let her win tug of war.
Whines if I chat to my neighbour over the wall.
Jumps on chairs and the sofa backwards.
Sits on the sofa and watches TV like a human.
“Get on your chair” translates as slowly wriggling off it paw by paw until her whole body is on the floor and just her two rear paws are on it.
Runs around like a maniac if she sees a ‘slug’.
Snipped open the wire fencing I bought to protect my plants with surgical precision, then finished off eating the plants.
Ate my patio chairs, one by one.
Is currently eating the decking, board by board.
Ate 7 cushions.
Is scared of cardboard boxes, large or small.
Will eat any kind of fruit like a monkey.
Follows me everywhere including the toilet and sits on my feet, nowhere else is good enough but my feet.
Not allowed in the kitchen so whines at the door instead.
Ate the entire “lemon” spray bottle I bought to stop her chewing things.
Ate the “lemon” cable protector that stunk the house out with the most pungent smell known to man, no problem at all finishing that off.
Stole the slate from my water feature and took it into her cage one bit at a time, but furtively, as if I couldn’t see her doing it from a few inches away.
Is obsessed with feet and will NOT sleep until she has gnawed on mine for a few minutes.
Yes take her! Please!!
Your entire post says one thing clearly,you love that daft dog of yours ,lol