active 8 months, 3 weeks agoForum Replies Created
14 June, 2019 at 2:15 pm #1115528
Thin,so rude,lol. And nice to meet you btw
Mr, didn’t John thaw die? Lol
1 member liked this post.
14 June, 2019 at 7:37 am #1115504The reality is Mizzy no one knows the truth of anyone’s lives unless they were there. So many lies have been told ,everyone’s heard worse and it not been true. People want to believe something is true but always doubt. But why do you need confirmation?why care about what someone says? Seeking validation constantly is a personal problem not theirs. Mizzy,when I left you told me you were going to sort life out,it’s three years later and it’s worse not better seemingly. This place isn’t the world and it makes small difficulties worse. I hope you get that power back to care more about fixing your life than what others think about. Only you can save yourself.
3 May, 2016 at 7:40 pm #992482Ah! Cruz! We met already,JustSara,you visited F1 and F2,Hope you’re finding it fun and welcome to the jc!
3 May, 2016 at 7:38 pm #992481Welcome Andrew! Hope you have fun! happy chatting!
15 April, 2016 at 4:21 pm #991303Actually Cherrie your debate as to people with ‘mother issues’ went on for over 22 minutes. It was sustained and had no bearing,because…He wasn’t there..Id yes, but he was on another page and had brb’d some time ago,You didn’t ‘make him quiet’ as you so stated,he was steaming football.
This is a sad post,it really is because I genuinely thought that you were probably misunderstood.But misunderstood people don’t tell fibs.
I wont reply to your further threads Cherrie and I hope you find what your looking for but friendship ,association with me otherwise. I do not befriend people who hit on 15 year olds yet you’ve known 2 and been quite close to them. Still are with one. As for my friends,which out of the 30plus do you feel is an abuser?whomever it is take your issue up with them. But our discussion in jc or here is over-
Mizzy.. I wasn’t sure about the type of person would get on in jc to be honest,I think we need a mix but right from the get go you were funny,sweet thoughtful and loved a natter, You’re honest about what you see and in your reactions ,and you don’t suffer fools gladly.
I’m glad you have stayed,we do need people like you.I heard back from another member of justchat that you had spoken to and were sweet and lovely,samuel ,and that was lovely to hear! So the fact that even when your not there people are saying you’re good and kind proves what type of person you are. Your a fiesty one lol one to watch,lol in all the good ways and I’m hoping you stay because you rock X xxx
JackH- your a wise wise man baby,that wizard has been rubbing off on you lol ;) lol I think you know more about jc than me,well I know you do! and thank you ,you have been great and as usual as sweet as a victoria sponge-made with eggs!!lol xxx15 April, 2016 at 1:38 pm #991250Cherrie. I give you absolute kudos for your post and being upfront enough to speak and explain some of the things.I believe that some things never get explained in jc and that leaves people with a very bad impression.I hope to clear up a few myths.
I spoke to a member of jc after I watched someone get abused,I hadn’t seen anything like that and was shocked that they would abuse someone who had arrived on the same day as me without knowing them. A member of jc who I had said they had been using the rooms for some time,X was there and I requested his advice on if this was normal. I was very upset I hadn’t been able to stop what happened as the person abused had become a friend. But for the next 5 hours X just chatted, until my friend returned- no regs were mentioned- it was about tv,weirdness and my previous chatroom experiance. When I saw you talk you seemed quite calm and kind to others but kept returning to the same subject,yes to engage with one person but what shocked me was you hadn’t considered anyone else might be upset by your comments,and since then I have learned that very many in there have been in that situation with parents. I didn’t believe family members should be brought up in a chatroom,it seemed beneath the impression of you. I defended not just him but the people in there from such. I still believe that it cuts too close to some and was beneath you,i do believe as a parent yourself you are capable of better and doubt you would say such things in public normally. You were then spoken to by someone else W , however despite popular belief I also confronted him over his what i saw as non defence over who i thought was his friend.There was no pre planning. When he mentioned ‘child’ I was taken aback and actually asked him the age. Its the first time I found out and then you confirmed the age. I am a mother. If your daughter was 17 and speaking to a man of a different age and far older I’m sure you would have the same concerns. Especially if those discussions were in private.I chose from that point to keep away from you feeling that it is better to keep away and talk to people I could understand a bit more.
You’re message is confusing to me. The fact remains that you did these things and yet you don’t seem the type of person to do these things,but the blame onto those two mentioned is unfair. And complete fabrication by other members of jc or one specifically. The same one who stated we were talking about you yesterday when infact we were engaged in mindless rather fun banter started by the lovely JackH .
I believe you have made some mistakes but also believe you could be different out of this room ,I dont know. But I believe we have a choice, and since the discussion reagrding you and the essy person I have no clear picture of if you have been naive in your friendships and we’re mistaken about you and a genuine person or not.
The facts of it look bad don’t they?2 weeks ago the person you were speaking to last night hit on a 15 year old and began discussion what he wanted to do to her despite her saying stop and asking us for help so my impression of you is now tarred but not by anyone else but by the company you’ve kept and by the things that you’ve stated. There is a misguided belief I have to agree with everyone and do as they wish and that is not the case. Just like the impression you have of me and what you have been told is based on being told it.Not actually knowing me. But that is the same as the trolls,you do something wrong even before and it will be used. We’re all different people. And we all develop impressions of eachother. I don’t engage with 5 members of chat,inc yourself currently but do with another 39 ,32 of whom I have never had a disagreement,I feel that ,that is wholly within my rights. As is yours to not want to talk to me.
Just like the conferences,Just chat is like the film,the more you think you see,the less you’ll actually know.
Thank you for your post and I hope you will enage in the taking care of and support of new members of jc across rooms one and two,and ensure they have a safe and welcoming time and enjoy the jc as much as we all attempt to.
Sara13 April, 2016 at 5:38 pm #991137Actually that is the only issue,Dog nights. Recently I was in jc late and was the only name remotely female and only female actively talking,one member got nasty and sent full pm page declaration of how he would rape me,the others kept talking in chat asking for attention ,calling eachother names ect ,telling me to talk to them ect.The pm box went off so many times I left. I couldn’t write in main. It’s wrong.
I have password with each person apart from my newbies who can pm anytime,i do pm them when they are in the room ,with an assist if they seem to be being bullied ect. You on about Merlin pming you?LOL I’ll let him see that and tell me off ,Lol . It’s quieter in F2,Might be worth double logging and seeing what it’s like during the day ,see if there is a way to move at least a few of the nervous chatters there . I will check the pms,Lol Not sure which thing I didn’t answer ,Lol
xXx13 April, 2016 at 4:54 pm #991130It really does seem to help, I watched new people log in and log out before and the regs never said hi,My annoying welcome to jc might annoy some on occasion but the newer members now say hi to new people too,So it works. One of the newbies said something that made me think a little,F2 is not heavily populated,if some newbies are too nervous,or having problems,sending them to F2 might be a good idea,double page to check they are ok ,might work?I know some have difficulty with the speed of the room sometimes.
Block is an issue. *lol *adolf *shiddy * all know far too well to just change names and relog in to spam, ugh.
You’re from Southampton I just assumed it was a given,Lol Just kidding,Lol.
Yes,I saw someone write yesterday with all credulity that the earth might be flat and we’ve been fooled.She mean’t it too!!,Lol. Maybe you can convince her the opposite,Lol,Chat is always a debate ground after all ,Lol You could sell ice to eskimos Lol
xXx13 April, 2016 at 1:45 am #991109Jack..You’re secretly showing you’re smart,Lol.
Why did the people in the forum stop coming?seems a good idea. At least for the legal side .
Given hints and tips they seem to be doing ok. I watched 14 come in,I adopted 5 and my five are still here in F1 and there is one of the non adopted that did thier own thang ,still coming back,the rest didn’t come back at all so it works,as long as they’re given support and a little bit of help along the way.
The racial abuse and the name changes to abuse very much younger members.
Lol You’ve seen me in action JackH ,I haven’t swallowed the rule book,Lol I have my own morals to live by and have fun in there myself Lol
xxx12 April, 2016 at 11:09 pm #991102Actually… That is a good point. That’s what we need really a general host. I mean booting is the only possible action but if they got booted say after enough warnings. Things that are enough to make people leave like ralphy currently with the race stuff, or Adolf aka shiddy with his spam and lol with his spam. I mean their adults,the room is 24 hours open . Don’t know how that would work though.
I don’t get paid! and I don’t work for jc,they wouldn’t have me! Lol. But I spend a extra ordinate amount of time in there, Lol,Don’t say how long,lol.
And not long back the room was left with just 2 people. Spammers decimated it but when i kept talking,people came back. It sounds sad to some and no doubt the troller’s will try and bully me about it. i frankly don’t care. If we talk and make sure they are looked after,they will come back and benefits all of them really. If I had my own way,racial abuse and spamming and some things,inform them ,make sure they know what they’re doing is wrong then failing that boot.
But that is not an option,so for now we have to keep on collecting our newbies and taking carefor them till they are mixing with the sharks lol ,And hopefully teaching them enough that they wont feel they have to leave! -