active 8 months, 3 weeks ago-
SaraPepsiMax started the topic Visited to bother you,love Sara Pepsi Max in the forum Say hello! 8 months, 3 weeks ago
So I come back to visit and you’re all gone or asleep lol well that’s just rude lol well, can’t say I didn’t say hi lol miss some of you,the rest,no lol hope things got better for you all,life definitely is good. Stay safe.
SaraPepsiMax started the topic Hope you're all okay. in the forum Say hello! 4 years, 7 months ago
Spoke to an old friend yesterday about this place, whenever I came back it was always funny that at least 5 of the arguments were the same ones as when I left lol. Some of you I speak to already outside of here but a few I do miss and I hope you are all well and keeping safe. When things happen or we are bored,a lot of us come back to this place,…[Read more]
SaraPepsiMax started the topic Too The Lovely Bunch. in the forum Getting serious 5 years ago
I hope the start of your year has been good and that you’re all kicking ass and doing well. I apologise to those who I had said I would not just disappear but I got some freedom and you know it always goes to my head! And although I have thought about coming back, usually it mean’t coming in and putting up with certain people, just hoping for the…[Read more]
SaraPepsiMax started the topic Merry Christmas in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 2 months ago
The past year has been a long one that seemed to either go fast or drag on, but a new year is coming, no matter who you are, friend or non friend I hope that the new year brings good for you. I realise no one will lol (it’s JC lol) but please if there is a tiny ounce of you that gets into the spirt of Christmas try and bite your tongue with…[Read more]
SaraPepsiMax replied to the topic CHAT ROOM in the forum Say hello! 5 years, 2 months ago
Queen, it’s happened to a lot of people,ignore the troll telling you you’re banned, you arent. It’s a flaw with the site that’s being fixed.
SaraPepsiMax replied to the topic Can a No Deal Brexit be stopped? in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 2 months ago
Look at the news slowly sinking out, it’s as was calculated,the EU have stuck themselves into a corner and can’t bail out, and are STILL talking to countries who need help trying to add them. It’s even worse because it’s actually Germany that’s stagnating. They claimed previously it was lies there was any trouble. They fueled anti American…[Read more]
SaraPepsiMax replied to the topic Universal Credit. in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 2 months ago
That’s the one thing I’ve always refused to do, any job I hate. In school one of our teachers, insanely our art teacher,hated his job ,hated kids, told us weekly he did. I’ve tried lots of jobs, stuck to four or five I can do easily. Staying in a job you hate seems to be self imposed slave labour. It either has to be a job you love,or it pays damn…[Read more]
SaraPepsiMax posted an update 5 years, 2 months ago
2019 Has been a year that has dragged.. hopefully 2020 brings some type of peace to people, happiness.. let’s face it, if you’re over 30 you’ve earned it by now,lol
CalmFlowM and
SaraPepsiMax are now friends 5 years, 2 months ago
SaraPepsiMax replied to the topic Universal Credit. in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 2 months ago
It is bound to happen, we were taught you hit 16 you get a job, people are taught now, go to college till you’re 19 then work through uni, they have years less of work than we did and are told by us and I include myself in this how lucky they are compared to us. They see their work as more effort than we saw ours, in fact I doubt some of them…[Read more]
SaraPepsiMax started the topic Universal Credit. in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 2 months ago
I know this is an unusual subject but if it helps anyone then good. Earlier in the year I heard a strange story where a council (yes,you heard it right) stopped the housing benefit of a dad of three and threatened eviction for no rent paid then told him he would have to make a new claim and sign onto Universal credit, this isn’t lawful. For new…[Read more]
SaraPepsiMax replied to the topic Merry Christmas X in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 2 months ago
*hiding! Not hiring….lol
SaraPepsiMax started the topic Merry Christmas X in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 2 months ago
One, Games,consider hiring the ones that drive you mad now,just in case,lol
Two, Apparently justeat delivers on Christmas day so if someone messes up,keep it as a recover option (I wish this had been around when my mother cooked Christmas dinner one year lol)
Three,If you forgot to hide the games, remember no one can repair the window…[Read more] -
SaraPepsiMax replied to the topic Why does no one care? in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 3 months ago
If this is actually true,which I doubt,then the reason people are not defending you is that you yourself are part of the problem. It’s like asking people to stand in front of you to defend you against a man with a gun when you keep passing him bullets. In the room you claim to be abused in,you advertised where you were going, you can’t feel…[Read more]
SaraPepsiMax replied to the topic QUIZ ROOM LEAGUE TABLE 2019 in the forum The quiz room 5 years, 3 months ago
Ha! I thought I’d be at the bottom! Lol kinda pleased with that GD lol x
SaraPepsiMax replied to the topic Who was it in the forum Chat forum three boards 5 years, 3 months ago
Was only a while ago, they tried a bunch of people,including me. You’d think they would stop after they realised it wouldn’t work the first time but no, lol . Our very own village idiot, lol.
SaraPepsiMax replied to the topic I'm sure it's all a mistake…. in the forum Chat forum one boards 5 years, 4 months ago
How dare they block you?! Wait, what did you do? Lol message a guide and ask them what’s up, do you even know you’re really banned? The room doesn’t work for me sometimes.
SaraPepsiMax replied to the topic QUIZ in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 5 months ago
I’m the same, I go for the giggles ,it really is the people that make it, GD is awesome and it’s so funny when LD comes in,she cracks me up. I’ve missed about a week! But hopefully will make Sundays ,See you there Mrs Milky ;)
SaraPepsiMax replied to the topic Do you have a best friend? in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 5 months ago
Lol, I call that,total bullshit ,lol
SaraPepsiMax replied to the topic Favourite and Short Cut (Cheat) Recipes in the forum Chat forum three boards 5 years, 5 months ago
I love this, I put some Palma ham in at the end and kale. It’s funny,I saw the title and knew this post would be you ,lol. Yummy choice! ♥
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