Mibs – for goodness sake give it up will you ……… we all know theare is no love lost between you & Netty. You are quick enough to have a go at Netty for being childish!
Wouldn’t be so bad if you had some decent put downs but alas, not to be it would appear.
Shame on you – thought you would be old enough to know better.
Incidently can’t help but notice that you seem to be in jc alot of late – mmm pot kettle black spring to mind.
Anyway why don’t you find some other avenue to channel that intelligence that you keep raving about ….. & stop your pathetic assignation of Netty’s character.
Finally should you now be wondering what to do with that wooden spoon of yours , I have some super recipes should you want to try them…. please just ask!!!!! :roll:
This is now getting out of hand – Bat sorry no disrespect but I think you ought to put the whole convo on the boards not just the bits that suit.
It was me who logged in as locked out not Netty – I told you that straight away – yes Netty did then type as the screen print clearly shows ……….. For goodness sake give the guy a break.
How come everyone now jumping on the bandwagon – we are all supposed to be adults. Netty bin around long enough for peeps to make there own minds up about his character without what is begining to look like a personal vendetta against him.
As I have been told on several occasions when real pains pc me – iggy em can I respectfully suggest that peeps do the same if Netty’s style of chat offends. :shock:
Hellooooo Toy
Thank god someone sane!!!!!! bestest hedgehog juggler for miles me. Whistling is real bad though so please forgive me if I don’t attempt Yankee doodle dandy.
Well folks …. glad this lot is keeping you all amused.
Though why the hell I’m sat here typing more shytte is totally beyond me.
Is it not a well known fact that peeps adopt an alter ego when in chat rooms – when you know the real peeps behind the daft names then chuck your stones – Just got off the phone to the local quarry who are as i type blasting me a new supply of bestest chuckin stones ……… please form an orderly queue but I’m tellin you now I am first. Popcorn, hotdogs etc will be charged for but stones they come free.
Can we now get back to normality – Netty u bastad I don’t give a fcuk I know who you is & what you stand for so………. wtf !!!
Errrrr mmmm …….. Now here was me thinking that most peeps in chat had a brain ….. Oh dear how wrong I was …… Let ME just clear one little issue up for those of you that have lost something in translation here………. Netty was actually trying to phone me in the early hours of Christmas morning ( Yes under the influence of the famous voddi drunk as one of his famous kooonts) Whoooopi bliddy dooooo…… condemn him for having a drink hey hands up who else was sloshed twas christmas after all !!!!! Guess thats me too then.
Fgs the only thing the silly bastad did wrong was mis foookin dial a number (shucks got me stones ready for later).Guess all of you perfect peeps never done that. Did he not publicly appologise for the mistake. Oooooh would that be a yes??????
So…. loosely translated into simple terms for the silly peeps who wanna get a soddin life he made a mistake which by god is he paying for now – Good job I ain’t as condeming as the rest of you seem to be innit. All is well with the aforementioned Swackers & me.
FFS front page of Hello here we come !!!!!! …. Here endeth my only contribution. xx
Just hot footed it from the kitchen after trying Mels lovely reciepe – keep em coming Mel !!!
Remember Mel – you can please some of the folks some of the time. Don’t beat yerself up trying to please em all. In the words of a certain person foook em all !!! Pmsl
The dozy sod can’t remember his password ( I ask ya ) ………..so its from yer pal Netty too. & he still says if u were a woman he’d snog yer face off !!!!
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