Call me old fashioned but society started to go tit’s up when the local bobbies disappeared off our streets and the so called do gooders decided that it was wrong to give a kid a clip round the ear.
When I was a kid the 2 biggest fears to me were a the local bobby pitching up at the door to tell me dad that I’d been caught scrumping apples from the old dear down the road …. the shame of it ……. not only did the whole street know but, I got a clip off my much loved & respected dad! Mum god bless her was often heard ranting those immortal words…… Wait til your father gets home!!!! :roll:
How times have changed kids don’t have a scrap like they did in my day … knives are pulled & sadly lives are unnecessarily lost.
How are we supposed to teach our children right from wrong? The “old fashioned” beliefs that I grew up have been pushed aside giving way to the usual response from most kids is I’ll report you to the police & guess what ….. we as parents run the risk of being charged with assulting a minor !
I had a clip or 2 upside the ear in my time & it never did me any harm –
Believe it or not I am in the 35-45 age group so I am not that prehistoric am I?
This is just my views & undoubtably a few will disagree but take the police off the streets & parental control away & you end up with the society we now live in.
Sad but true 8-[