I missed the ‘profound’ too! I just saw the ‘humerous’ :shock:
Anc – I burried the hatchet with you a long time ago – but you are beginning to remind me exactly why I disliked you!!!
You are a very bitter woman .. very!!!! You cant help but keep venting …. and you are the one that proclaims to be ‘above it all’ I really dont know what Susie has done to warrant your continual pops at her – and to be honest – I dont give a shyte! She at least has the decorum to bite her lip and not drag personal cr ap onto here for all to see …… something you would do well to consider – because the only person right now whos looking like they have their head up their arze …. is you!!!!
As for not naming names – is that cos you cant? You just think its a way of getting ppl to interact? Tugging the strings in the hopes ppl will wanna pm you for the gossip??? I for one have never been shy of making it clear who i like and who I dont – same goes for most users of JC – both in the rooms and on the boards!
I tolerated you for the sake of the room …….. I spoke to you when you had concerns regarding a mutual ‘friend’ …… thats as far as my tolerance goes!
I recall in an earlier post you commenting on ‘being better’ than some at the meet because you spoke well? For the record I have a very broad accent – I speak with a derbys dialect etc – but I have a far better set of morals and values than yourself ….. If you wanna play the ‘i have it all and I’m better than you’ card – pick yourself up out that gutter you have fallen into of late – brush yaself down and plz try and regain some dignity before its too late and the ppl who still like you – wake up and smell the venom!!!!
You got me so wrong! – I am retaliating to what has been said to me – wouldn’t you? I got more m8’s in here than you lot realise – and yes, I can name names, but I am nicer than most people in here!!!!!