Does showing yourself up, stalking people with marriage proposals and acting like a complete chump qualify as troll fodder?
Im surprised you do not have a data centre for all your reports. You are a basic twat like the kid at school everybody is weary of the little shit that stays indoors while the rest go and play.
Linda what you rabbiting on about? You are a sour old maire and yes occasionally we use adult words – deal with it and grow with me. You are my friendliest enemey by a sling shot.
You know the block button why dont u ferkin use it you 2bit bob excuse for a chatter
Much love and while your at it quit pecking me all the time in room trying to act like your in my gang – you are so on top of yourself its like avalanche in slo-fail-motion.
This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by ruthless.
A puppet used most often in therapy in my case is a fluffy dog and kitty. Glad I don’t use sport items….Lord I be dead from demonstrations of feelings in anger. For all of us yes natural to be angry at things, these are emotions is how we deal that makes it interesting. For a young child their vocabulary and feelings not fully developed so use physical sairs said poor puppet..but interesting different anger display different forms of violence. One child may pick it up and realize after, it hurt what playing with. Forgiveness, tenderness, released the pressure child felt…for others rejects the puppet, decides not worth it, finds interest some where else avoiding. These are the clues and differences..These simple examples offered are a way to help. But if go on for years and no structure of some sort provided in finding ways or means to work with anger, change behaviors, these influence people later on in life…
Hope your teddy bear made it through a few sessions without going deaf with your innane clapping
Linda you are nasty piece of mixed onions. You come on here for what purpose? To fake visiting a country you been stalking with a blank spoon.
You are nasty and for a public speaker hahhahahaha what do u speak in double numbers
This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by ruthless.
This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by ruthless.
This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by ruthless.
GOD backwards is DOG and I have a timeshare in a PUG which backwards wobbles into a GUP
Mind the GUP, who has learnt a new trick!!! YAY! It got snipped and know its farting a lot less. Still a character still a dog and he knows the word NO!
There is a rumor I met somebody on here, its true. I met her. And it was ace. She was very good company and it felt natural. Will meet again if shes wants to.
The malicious jealousy comes from well MAL ( Spanish for bad) people who are to shit scared to meet a reflection never mind a human.
So chew on that!!!
This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by ruthless.