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    Mizzy said ‘loving how big my boobs look in that top’

    Obviously Rush is ‘alfie’

    Mizzy rejected him, its bad form on his part.



    For what it is worth… I don’t for a minute think Mizzy is the spammer and if she does know who it is … what would she be able to do about it? We are all grown here and accountable for our OWN actions … she can’t be held responsible for the actions of people she knows … simple! I’m somewhat amused at you Sara clutching at straws to throw a lil shade Mizzy’s way but as funny as I find it … I did almost expect it! Yup, an oldie with expectations! Its blatantly obvious having read comments you have made in the room/boards and listening to the infantile voice message left on here for Mizzy that you dislike her! As an oldie to a youngster – and as I would advise my kids… if you can’t get along – ignore her! That said … like most … you wont … she is right now the ‘whipping boy’ … the person you have decided to try and step on to move yourself onwards and upwards in JC… you use a vast vocabulary along side the ‘correct’ opinions in order to gain favour …I find them often being in the wrong context somewhat annoying but that is my cross to bare. Man up … own your shit and be brutal – You dislike Mizzy and have and will continue to try and have others believe she is in league with the devil … personally … I’d put trust in her before you any day of the week … I’m allergic to sly fookas!

    Sarah (Mizzy) has asked me to paste this for her:

    Thank you boo.

    And thank you to kenty thin ice moosey and Sophia and to anyone else who has defended me that I may have missed out.

    You are all correct I am not the spammer.

    Linda also said I was not the spammer so thank you Linda for that.

    I mean I still apparently work for the CIA FBI and hacked her phone pc and god knows what else and everyone that has ever trolled her is me.  I mean apart from that least she admitted I am not the spammer lol (sorry I am still me).

    I have been the subject of 2 threads in 3 days? or was it two days?

    Taking advantage of the fact I was banned for posting a thread for saying bloss had an adams apple and a wee willy winkie? im sorry it really was a joke lol.

    My friend ruthless is kindly letting me respond without me having to be buying another account.  Danger mousey should not have been banned.  IMO the wrong people get banned here.

    start a campaign? unban mousey! lol ok don’t think that’s gonna happen lol

    I am very grateful he has let me have the chance to say thank you to kenty, moosey, boo, thin ice, Sophia and anyone else who is intelligent to realise that I am not what they keep accusing me of x

    I hope my mate ruthless wont be banned now for letting me say my piece.

    Wanted to say  thank you x

    I really really have appreciated reading the truth on here for a change!

    Heart warming x



    Pepsitwats – you know who the real spammers are, you are a double agent and you always were and always have been.  You will always suck up to the ones you think have all the power. You realised so long ago that you would always be a follower and never a leader.  You hang off people like a fridge magnet.  You seek out the ‘strongest most relevant’ influence and just tag on.

    Do they really give you credibility? Are you a real boy now? Pinocchio?

    I feel sorry for you x

    Please stop talking about me, bringing me up randomly and trying to use me to make yourself noticeable.

    And stop lying about me as  well please x

    In life you are a bluebottle, you suck in information like food then you crap it out totally jambled up then you eat it again and then you vomit it up a whole new story!

    No one believes anything you type and you have zero credibility

    you have achieved more than I have in such a very short time – and I drink ROFL

    however have you managed that?

    I mean apart from your vocaroo?

    way to go showing me up? I look so ridiculous pml



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    I got nothing against her at all and shes always a great friend. I just couldn’t stick her 2 asshole side kicks…King Strongbow and Rach. But I wish em all the best….

    Building a site with King Strongbow is suicide. But that’s just my opinion but more importantly……I hear they blocked (mizzy) from here as you like to call her.

    Its who you still let in that’s the real problem.

    Message from my mate Sarah.

    She was always your friend, she is loyal to all of her friends.  As far as she is concerned you have taken issue with some of her friends for no real apparent reason.

    She did not understand your issues with Moosey, she does not understand your issues with her other friends Rach and King Strongbow either.

    As far as she is concerned King Strongbow requested that you did not add nonsense to threads that had good SEO content as it was sabotaging the site and all the good work she was doing posting up film reviews recipes etc.  She explained to you that posting up good SEO content was important when establishing a new site.  You were asked kindly not to post up threads and comments that were derogatory to the sites growth.

    You took offence at that.

    Sarah says she is sorry that you and her do not talk anymore but saying nasty things about people she likes and cares for is not acceptable.

    You say that people she is friends with are ‘bad for her site’ but in fact you were ‘bad for her site’ by spoiling threads that were posted that did have very good SEO content by detracting from the point with remarks that had zero relevance and you did her a grave disservice when you were supposed to be her friend helping encouraging and looking out for her and her endeavours.

    Sarah says you have no one to blame but yourself and saying nasty uncalled for things about her friends it is neither acceptable or forgiveable.

    She is disappointed in you.  She would appreciate it if you would not post any more threads about her.

    If you are not a help to her then you are a hindrance.

    Her ‘real’ friends have assisted with threads, encouraged movement and not got jealous over stupid things that do not matter.  It was explained to you that a new site needs decent threads and good SEO content and you were told what that meant.  You chose to post up the same crap you post up here knowing its basically encouraging google to ignore, index and see the content in a derogatory way.

    You were forgiven for constantly doing that although you were asked kindly not to because Sarah cared for you and didn’t want to remove you from her life.

    But now you have repeatedly insulted people she genuinely cares for that have backed her up and helped her in her efforts to build something worthwhile for reasons not good enough for her to excuse.

    And one more thing.

    Sarah owns her site, runs her site, moderates her site and there is no spamming or trolling.

    Unless you apologise to Sarah’s friends then you are no friend of Sarah’s

    End of message





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    so your dad fucked ya mum around about 9months before u arose from the cunt.  hatch :)


    Wheres the mystery?


    Stats wise in the UK at least you have a huge advantage being born in mid Sept.



    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by  ruthless.

    CBA to read all the content.

    Linda you seem to own threads and spam – WHY?

    I can only speak for myself, this a technical issue.

    Maybe an educated woman could help?   Linda you do not even know the 5th.

    To be fair Linda you have gained a lot from copy and paste, possibly more anybody you fail to represent.

    As for the other lot of you, crack on.







    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by  ruthless.

    btw Linda did u have a point or was it random lotto words which light up green?



    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by  ruthless.
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    “mods”/”admins”/ et all. You might consider updating TOC`s and mantra to reflect the lame changes you made.

    Its very messy, its almost like a panic reaction to a mini skirt in the 1940s



    Under the freedom of information act, I`d like JC to provide an administrative / admin contact so I can produce  the requests ( for public info) and not conflict on GDPR ( privacy etc)


    I have tried the usual channels.

    Who is in charge?






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    MisterQ – will realise the irony of calling people hypocrites when he looks at his own record of promising to leave JC forever and returning like a shady Dickens character are a reboot.



    1 member liked this post.

    Team work exonerated.




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