ruthless replied to the topic The ScreenShots in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
Mizzy said ‘loving how big my boobs look in that top’
Obviously Rush is ‘alfie’
Mizzy rejected him, its bad form on his part.
ruthless replied to the topic david in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
You are really showing your true colours.
You really do not handle rejection very well.
Is this your little mizzy hate club?
are you waiting for sarapepsimax and linda to join in?
You should know this x
I have seen the pics before and so has everyone else and all i feel is sorry for you x
i loved you
you have to live with…[Read more]
ruthless replied to the topic The Samaritans in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
Oh and I might just add that he may post those pics up to ridicule me but he tossed off like a demented monkey to those pictures that he took as he is just a dirty old man who has no regard for women all he sees women are as a means to a wank.
He has a fetish for women who wear pink. I only wear black, I was a stupid idiot cos he said he l…[Read more]
ruthless replied to the topic The Samaritans in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
I kicked you off my site for being a trouble making shit stirring twat bag i deleted your accounts so you then proceeded to post up pics you took of me looking bad?
gosh wow golly wtf lol
i pissed you off before and the pics you took of me were spammed up all over.
yet you said ‘it was morg he must have hacked my computer and…[Read more]
ruthless replied to the topic The Samaritans in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
shame on you alfie
Bad form
I dont think you posting up nasty pictures you took of me when i was drunk and didnt even know are going to make you popular with anyone apart from pepsimax and morg and badder and the other trolls who find this kind of thing funny.
I am not embarrassed or ashamed or feel bad about myself at all. One night of…[Read more]
ruthless replied to the topic The Samaritans in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
Its ok coming to my site and seeing my nips or having sex with me is not a requirement pml.
Yes i am fat, did i ever say i was skinny?
this is a recent pic of me
so you have all seen those pics of me taken without my permission and i never got to say cheese and hes posted them to degrade me, embarrass me, humiliate me and hurt me when i…[Read more]
ruthless replied to the topic The Samaritans in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
Rush is alfie btw.
Will Martin do anything about this?
probably not
All these pics have been spammed through JC for the last year
the shock and wow factor has depleted somewhat.
I dont think that sarah will be shocked that alfie has posted them on the boards.
everyone has seen them already.
It is old news
All mizzy will say is her carpet…[Read more]
ruthless replied to the topic The Samaritans in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
oh and good luck x
ruthless replied to the topic The Samaritans in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
Stick to stacking shelves in a supermarket x
you couldnt build a tent let alone a site.
i suggest you stop goading and trying to insult me x
you just keep making yourself look like a prat x
are you still being bullied into a relationship with a man you do not love because he keeps threatening to rape your son??
you are very weak…[Read more]
ruthless replied to the topic The Samaritans in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
in fact this is the ANTI advert
Go to ukchat ive said it a million times before
I would rather my site stayed quiet and dead as long as i dont get these people come in:
blossom,tracynumber1, morg, weemo, badder, anth, roger, dyemystalker, jamie, janeylou, sarapepsimax, divineintervention, merlin, lia, echo/nemsis
all banned.
My site is a…[Read more]
ruthless replied to the topic The Samaritans in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
But then ‘Mizzy’ wants a non troll non scummy chatroom with people who just want a laugh without any bitch nastiness.
No she wouldnt tolerate bullying on her site
she has moderators around the clock ready to boot out anyone who wishes to troll spam or be nasty.
yet she never invites anyone from here to her site?
go figure?
ask yourself have…[Read more]
ruthless replied to the topic The Samaritans in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
She would not
It is so very bad for SEO content.
She would remove this kind of crap he is correct.
ruthless replied to the topic The Samaritans in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
Cool, i will look forward to bashing fuck out of you, undermining your posts and making you look very silly at mine then darling x
Now back to ruthless after all it is his account.
lol you have made me laugh lmfao
youre such an arsehole seriously pml
fine pml
cant stop laughing
i love you john x
ruthless replied to the topic The Samaritans in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
who is spamming the jc boards?
could you show me the spam on the boards please?
Please prove where either mizzy or ruthless have spammed the boards?
ruthless replied to the topic The Samaritans in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
Sarah has asked me to say:
Actually no that is not fair, I saw morg posting thins phone number up repeatedly because janey must have given his number to her. Morg was posting up that he was a woman and putting thin ices number up over and over again. Jane had thin ices number so she has given it to him.
Jane met thin years ago, I heard she w…[Read more]
ruthless replied to the topic The ScreenShots in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
Sarah (Mizzy) has asked me to paste this for her:
Thank you boo.
And thank you to kenty thin ice moosey and Sophia and to anyone else who has defended me that I may have missed out.
You are all correct I am not the spammer.
Linda also said I was not the spammer so thank you Linda for that.
I mean I still apparently work for the CIA FBI and…[Read more]
ruthless replied to the topic The reason me and Sarah don't speak any more………… in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
Message from my mate Sarah.
She was always your friend, she is loyal to all of her friends. As far as she is concerned you have taken issue with some of her friends for no real apparent reason.
She did not understand your issues with Moosey, she does not understand your issues with her other friends Rach and King Strongbow either.
As far as…[Read more]
ruthless replied to the topic Star signs in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 7 months ago
so your dad fucked ya mum around about 9months before u arose from the
cunt. hatch :)Wheres the mystery?
Stats wise in the UK at least you have a huge advantage being born in mid Sept.
ruthless replied to the topic Flirting in chatrooms whilst having a partner in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 7 months ago
It`s John.
And I never count nipples on friends.
Maybe make sense and you will get a decent reply.
ruthless replied to the topic Flirting in chatrooms whilst having a partner in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 7 months ago
hey team JIB :) x
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