Angels in America was something of a must see event all those years ago. I’ve still got the videos of the series from when I copied it from Sky. I’m guessing I’m one of the few people remaining that still have a video player, and I can hear the hoots of derision from the Ipad generation, but I care not for your Tivos and uber hi-tec visual technology that can intravaneously drip the latest blockbuster directly onto your eyeballs.
Truth be told, although it was a very weighty theme with a memorable cast, I found it a bit too didactic – and Pacino wasn’t much cop. Don’t remember this scene, though. And anything with Top Hat by Fred Astaire, a personal fave of mine, is a good thing. Not to mention Moon River, for reasons my chosen nom de plume should explain.
I recently discovered a very good Danish series about the AIDS epidemic called Torka aldrig tårar utan handskar (never dry tears without wearing gloves). It’s based on a book that I haven’t read, but I don’t think i’ve seen anything as good. Hollow at me if your interested and i’ll point you in the right direction.
Anyway, I digress, back to things of a terpsichorean nature. I see your romantic dance, applaud appreciatively and raise you Denis Lavant. No one moves like him, well maybe a young Jackie Chan.
He’s imbued with the spirit of Chaplin and Bolshoi greats of yore. You’ll probably recognise him from Stella Artois adverts, and if you haven’t seen les amants du pont neuf, you’re in for a visual treat.
Angels in America was something of a must see event all those years ago. I’ve still got the videos of the series from when I copied it from Sky. I’m guessing I’m one of the few people remaining that still have a video player, and I can hear the hoots of derision from the Ipad generation, but I care not for your Tivos and uber hi-tec visual technology that can intravaneously drip the latest blockbuster directly onto your eyeballs.
Truth be told, although it was a very weighty theme with a memorable cast, I found it a bit too didactic – and Pacino wasn’t much cop. Don’t remember this scene, though. And anything with Top Hat by Fred Astaire, a personal fave of mine, is a good thing. Not to mention Moon River, for reasons my chosen nom de plume should explain.
I recently discovered a very good Danish series about the AIDS epidemic called Torka aldrig tårar utan handskar (never dry tears without wearing gloves). It’s based on a book that I haven’t read, but I don’t think i’ve seen anything as good. Hollow at me if your interested and i’ll point you in the right direction.
Anyway, I digress, back to things of a terpsichorean nature. I see your romantic dance, applaud appreciatively and raise you Denis Lavant. No one moves like him, well maybe a young Jackie Chan.
He’s imbued with the spirit of Chaplin and Bolshoi greats of yore. You’ll probably recognise him from Stella Artois adverts, and if you haven’t seen les amants du pont neuf, you’re in for a visual treat.
with one swift move you trumped me, trapper. It was a particular favourite of my Old Man’s, so it resonates more than you could possibly know.
He died last year, i think, and I half remember a story about this song.
He was on a tour bus with members of Elvis’s backing band, and he quickly wrote this song and said, ‘fellas I think i’ve just written a hit’ and they heartily agreed.
I like you rusty as you know
but metal machine was probably the worst album ive ever heard
utter shyte
just 50 mins of electronic feedback
my ears still hurt.
Lol. firstly, the bro love is mutual. Secondly, I completely agree, I can’t get my ears around it – and I like stuff like free jazz.
The story may be apocryphal but I like the ring of it so I’m going to maintain it’s true: he created the album to get round a contractual obligation. Rather than produce what the suits wanted, he gave them an album most people would not be able to appreciate.
Never was easy listening – if you were really listening.
Called Kanye West’s last album a masterpiece, but called A Tribe Called Quest a Tribe Called Thieves for sampling A Walk On The Wild Side, and nearly destroying a band I loved in the process.
Was one of the first to use his art, namely Metal Music Machine, to get back at his record label. Setting a trend followed by Prince and Neil Young to name two more.
Cantakerous, recalcitrant and apparently a rather difficult man to interview.
He spoke a certain truth in his music and words. Which is more than can be said of many
What can I say? To be honest, I was hoping for an apology and a continuation with my introduction thread. I got the idea from a football message board – it worked very well on there! But I hate upsetting people, unless I feel it is absolutely necessary for the future of this planet and its inhabitants. So I can only apologise for making such a fuss. And I can tell he is troubled by my complaints, so I will say sorry to sceptical guy. I deny that I have been abusive though.
When my medical condition is at its worse, it is so difficult to be positive. And with arthritis, people just think you have stiff joints etc; but it affects the whole of me. Mouth ulcers, sore eyes and headaches and that is the main reason I am avoiding chat at the moment. I already spend enough time in front of my screen working. There are other symptoms too, but I won’t go into that just now. I am not looking for sympathy, just searching for a way to lead a more fulfilling life. I still feel young; I still feel full of energy and passion; and I can still be warm to people and make them laugh. Hopefully this will be with me, rather than at me!
Once again, I apologise for causing a scene. But I am having a bad decade!
I’m very sympathetic about what you’re going through, and I can appreciate the psychological manifestations. However, I don’t think any sort of apology is necessary from you or Scep here. Some people will say things you don’t like, that’s the nature of JC.
There’s an introduction thread that already exists and many have already contributed there. I’ve not managed to be as courageous as you and have yet to post my mugshot. Many others also choose to remain private, and I think both these factors impaired your thread from having the desired impact. I wouldn’t take it personally.
Have a look at some of the older threads and you will see comments that attest to a rather supportive community and you’ll also soon identify the chaps and chapettes you may want to have more detailed conversations with.
I’m loath to tell people what to do, and I’ll even say once again that it would be great to have you chatting away on here, but if comments you don’t like have an impact on your health – and this should be your paramount consideration – it might not be a good idea to post here.
well, I didn’t delete any…and it doesn’t make any sense…I’ve been frightened to reply directly to the guy in case he does another flounce, leading to another hail of abuse…
hopefully, he’s gone to a website where he’s popular with 100% instead of just 90% of users
Ok….if anyone wants to leave then just leave….don’t make an excuse up and drag someone elses name into it…..if we all left here and chat because of someone else there would be no one left in either place!
There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a sensitive soul, but when you are putting others down to excuse your personal weaknesses its not sensitivity, it’s bleating like a bloody big baby who is throwing his toys out of the pram.
And that is a general observation.
Amen to that, sister. the original ‘so-called’ transgression (is this guy for real?) was a small thing to get uppity about, and many took the time, myself included, to illustrate to Martin what the boards are like.
Hopefully he’ll come back and realise that sometimes the things we post don’t necessarily generate a response to our liking – that’s life.
Lol @ 90% popularity, you’re doing well if you’re just tolerated in JC somedays.
The good old days are always best because they are lost in time. I have been here for nigh on two years now and the names mean nothing to me so why have they stopped posting or moved on? Things evolve – chat and forums included. People come and go, some leave a mark others don’t, some remembered and others best forgotten
Who are ya again J?
In the good old days I knew the answer to that question but as the mists of time wrap around me I have no idea ;)
Lol j. It’s happening to us all, i’m afraid. Hope all is well with you and yours.