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  • #1067373

    Poor Gerry, dragged in by paranoid lies ( :wacko: ) Best not to recall the Jo Cox thread hey? I assume you were SPR or whatever his name was. Yes? No?? Mr Reason, we’re far from crucifying the successful. Just trying to understand why such a talentless man can be so successful. He was around for an awful long time. I remember him succeeding Tommy Trinder at the palladium (or was that Norman Vaughn?). H kept bothering me on the television ever after, through numerous game shows before ending with Strictly Come Dancing. I don’t think our discussion here affects his resting in peace one little bit, nor that it upsets any close relatives. I doubt very much whether any are reading it. I am sure that his children love him and miss him very deeply. But we have a lot of RIP threads on here. i was just interested in this one for reasons I’ve given, that’s all.

    NOOOOOO,, did you HAVE to mention Norman Vaughn. he was another one I just never took to.

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    I saw Mike Yarwood too, supported by Dick Emery.. of course I never “got ” the jokes and only liked it when the Dancing Girls came on 😁😀 hair all brushed, and face especially cleaned, for a night at the Theatre.. choc Ices at interval, probably cost my Father a small fortune for the tickets. I see the price of tickets now and I’m like ” no fecking way”. and make the standard, oft told “joke”  ” I want Shirley bassey, supported by lulu, supported by showaddywaddy for THAT money”..  my kids just groan.

    I can still smell my mothers saliva, mixed with lipstick, from her hanky, as she frantically tried to cleanup the choc ices face.. Now THATS true Nostalgia.. x


    Merely an opinion ,  remind me to tell you of the times I saw acts like \Danny la Rue, Cilla Black. Tommy Cooper and Mike and Bernnie winters with their super funny dog Shnorbitz.. On various Theatres In Blackpool during the 60’s. Of course times seemed more innocent then.. they were !  So my political brand of Nostalgia, comes from a later part of my life.


    When I turned ever so cynical. still, wont get into politics, as I will only bore myself. was simply answering sceps question with my own take on it..

    and I stand by it.. x

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    I think it could be that during his prime, it was Post war Britain. where times were good, full employment and people getting the oportunities to get out the slums and into social housing. people then laughed at anything, and what better a friendly faced charlatan, with sometimes some brilliantly camp humour. Royal variety shows were rife. End of the pier shows Booming.. Now people could leave their homes and see the people off the telly.

    Then the advent of the cleaned up sit-coms, where they all seemed to have the nuclear family, and lived in Surburbia, the game shows, that promised dreams come true at the spin of  Wheel or the end of a Brucies Conveyor belt.. The Bigger STARS were used for more ratings,, because ratings make prizes, don’t cha know.


    he fell in love with his leading assistants, causing more people to tune in to watch this blossoming love story “live”.  spinsters everywhere, were broken hearted :)


    And, he was a contributor to the fund raisers for the Tory party. Always on show, cracking naff  jokes to banquet halls full of millionaires.

    And he was a Snob.  He maybe never had the rougish good looks, but he played on Himself like a walking, talking Caricature,


    didn’t he do well, Patronising git. …

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    I never took a period since I was40.. I was in shock. several years later my GP. thinks its menopausal // 40 is kinda young huh ??


    oh to be 40 :)




    “shut up ” ..




    IF Carlsbergs did Lagers and IF Linda did Journalism.. thought id wandered in on a random Linda post there :)  bit much though innit ?


    I met lucky and Sian once.. They were gorgeous and as funny as their online characters..

    I still have not cancelled my wee holiday and have my kids telling me to go, and them weighing up the pros and cons.. Telling me it may be the last time :)


    met gambit too  mcfc.. he was fun. I think I used him as a climbing frame, as he was rather big.. big boys attract me somewhat..


    IM sat here marvelling at lindas fantastic googling abilities I know all those streets and roads well I should do I live here whitegate drive was a good shout im just round the corner I knew I was right to offer linda the job anyway cant stop im off to meet milky at 1pm to have lashings and lashings of beer.

    how dare you leave the house without my permission :)


    p.s have fun x

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