Beatty Blue replied to the topic Do you drink and if so how much? in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
@rubenesquefemale wrote:
@Beatty Blue wrote:
I drink only when there’s a good occation like last weekend was Midsummer 8) I don’t think I drink too much… just enough to lose a bit of my control (now this is the part where my friends ask “what control?”
… like last time… I told one of my “friends” that he wouldn’t look sexy even if he had a… -
ForumHostPB replied to the topic Do you believe in life after death? in the board Getting serious 19 years ago
@PATS wrote:
@rubenesquefemale wrote:
oh sorry!..itwasnt meant that way…being new on forums im not sure how to do that, if you tell me how then i will…happily
ignore him ruben. hes takin the pi/ss.
Yes rubenesque – PATS spotted it straight away – GOTCHA !!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
TADpole replied to the topic The death penalty…your views please in the board Getting serious 19 years ago
@rubenesquefemale wrote:
I think that now we can prove, with DNA testing and suchlike, that someone who is guilty of a crime such as murder, rape etc should be put to death.
Why keep these evil and dangerous people alive at the tax payers expense?Kill the perverts, and the low lives and half the population is sorted…..plus we can sleep better…[Read more]