rubenesquefemale replied to the topic Do you drink and if so how much? in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 8 months ago
@sweetasbaileez wrote:
me ??!! i drink as much as i want when i want…dont have a social life as in going to the pub as i have a daughter who i trust very few ppl to look after. so we get friends round, have a party…out comes the dance mats, the eye toy and the latest craze in our house….buzz….no its a ps2 game for all u pervs out there !! i…
rubenesquefemale replied to the topic Do you drink and if so how much? in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 8 months ago
@Beatty Blue wrote:
I drink only when there’s a good occation like last weekend was Midsummer 8) I don’t think I drink too much… just enough to lose a bit of my control (now this is the part where my friends ask “what control?”
… like last time… I told one of my “friends” that he wouldn’t look sexy even if he had a plastic bag covering his… -
rubenesquefemale replied to the topic Which Message board user is this??? in the board Getting serious 18 years, 8 months ago
I only got a red screen too…maybe it’s a men only site!
rubenesquefemale replied to the topic If you had three wishes what would they be? in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 8 months ago
@ugo wrote:
1) turn back the clock
2) not to dissapoint my true love
3) another three wishes
is this selfish
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
no it’s not…it’s lovely!
rubenesquefemale replied to the topic new here in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 8 months ago
@Ow£n Ka$h wrote:
@rubenesquefemale wrote:
:D Hi everyone!..im new here..anyone want to tie me up and spank my bottom? :P
naughty!..naughty!…you read my mind!
rubenesquefemale replied to the topic What pissed u off 2day……..AGAIN in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 8 months ago
getting a summons from council tax for 1239.00 quid, not a very nice start to the day. :evil:
rubenesquefemale replied to the topic If you had to kill someone who would you choose and why? in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 8 months ago
@*Sian* wrote:
There isn’t anybody worthy of me going to prison 8)
yeah ok…but what if it was a murder you could get away with?
rubenesquefemale replied to the topic If you had three wishes what would they be? in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 8 months ago
@American Woman wrote:
Well my first one would be for a bunch more wishes. Is that considered cheating? :twisted:
Mmmm??!!….yes..I think it is…only three allowed..sorry!
rubenesquefemale replied to the topic Hi I’m new here! in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 8 months ago
I’m pretty new here myself too, nice to meet ya! :D
rubenesquefemale replied to the topic World Cup 2006 Predictions…. in the board The locker room 18 years, 8 months ago
@Magoo wrote:
You and your fellow knitters?
“knit 1, purl 1, knit 1, purl 1″….sorry dear…did you say something?
rubenesquefemale replied to the topic World Cup 2006 Predictions…. in the board The locker room 18 years, 8 months ago
@Magoo wrote:
I’m glad you only rest your case and not that of those that understand the game. Go back to knitting, you seem to be an expert on the subject.
I never said I was an expert on the subject and no, I am not, I just feel, along with many other people that England don’t seem to have been giving it their all and we are lucky to be where we…[Read more]
rubenesquefemale replied to the topic World Cup 2006 Predictions…. in the board The locker room 18 years, 8 months ago
@Magoo wrote:
I’m glad you only rest your case and not that of those that understand the game. Go back to knitting, you seem to be an expert on the subject.
I never said I was an expert on the subject and no, I am not, I just feel, along with many other people that England don’t seem to have been giving it their all and we are lucky to be where we…[Read more]
rubenesquefemale replied to the topic Do you believe in life after death? in the board Getting serious 18 years, 8 months ago
@Magoo wrote:
The Nostradamus effect.
rubenesquefemale replied to the topic Do you believe in life after death? in the board Getting serious 18 years, 8 months ago
so for those of you who don’t believe in an afterlife how do you explain that when some people go to visit mediums/spiritualists and suchlike, are given information that only they would know about?
rubenesquefemale replied to the topic World Cup 2006 Predictions…. in the board The locker room 18 years, 8 months ago
@AbitofMary_J wrote:
@rubenesquefemale wrote:
when will England start playing football instead of standing around knitting?!…
Portugal 10….England nil…..at this rate.
don’t think that will happen….. statement like that…. make me say woman shouldnt yak on Fitba lol…. Portugal have lost 3 key players…. did that guy get red…
rubenesquefemale replied to the topic Do you believe in life after death? in the board Getting serious 18 years, 8 months ago
@Drivel wrote:
There’s got to be something else out there But if you realise we are limited to what we can understand – always looking for logic – there could be something way above our comprehension
hence : What you don’t know , is what you don’t know , you don’t know
Yes, totally agree with that, also why should the exsistence of an…[Read more]
rubenesquefemale replied to the topic World Cup 2006 Predictions…. in the board The locker room 18 years, 8 months ago
when will England start playing football instead of standing around knitting?!…
Portugal 10….England nil…..at this rate.
rubenesquefemale replied to the topic Do you believe in life after death? in the board Getting serious 18 years, 8 months ago
@cath 55 wrote:
i just want a life before death please :roll: :roll: :wink: :lol:
hugssssssssss xxx
Yeah!…I know what you mean!
rubenesquefemale replied to the topic Is this "sentence" long enough? in the board Getting serious 18 years, 8 months ago
and if we brought back the death sentence then all these vile creatures could be exterminated!…kill em all I say!
rubenesquefemale replied to the topic Do you believe in life after death? in the board Getting serious 18 years, 8 months ago
oh sorry!..itwasnt meant that way…being new on forums im not sure how to do that, if you tell me how then i will…happily
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