if its spiders you like ive got a shed full – swear some of them look like bird eaters the size of em – i only know this from looking though the heavily cobwebbed window – one of them once had a massive bumble bee in its clasp! its my shed dammit and they wont let me in!! cu.nts.
Hoover it out and spray it with Acclaim from Boots (£12 a can but worth it) and when the little critters walk on it they DIE!
I know that feeling well Sharon, I love bugs and every year collect a selection of them, put them in an empty plastic fish tank with some leaves and stones, take them to school for the children to see them. If they are brave enough they put their hands in for a tickle! My favourite are those shield bugs and beautiful copper coloured beetles.
Two years ago I nearly hyperventilated with excitement when at a friends house I saw what looked like a hummingbird it was so beautiful and on looking it up I discovered it was a hummingbird hawkmoth, however I draw the line at big spiders Ive got a phobia! The one you found in your garden is known in our family as a pappy garden spider, my sister and mother freak out at them but have to say I dont mind them so much and yours was a lovely speciman.