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  • #400574

    Happy Birthday Tina!
    Hope you have a lovely day!

    Love Rose


    @kateee wrote:

    urs is not the only cat to bring home strange things mine has given me 2 guinea pigs, a gerbil, blanket weed from someones pond flowers and a packet of pork scratchings (open)….now thats what i call a weird cat!!!

    i also get the usual birds mice frogs toads worms slugs snails

    What a bugga I’d have prefered cheese and onion crisps!


    @quiet_man wrote:

    Just back from a months hols, 2 weeks of it spent in Brittany.

    Life’s good :D

    A months holiday? are you minted asl?


    Bloody clever though !


    @Bad Manners wrote:

    User List was always on the left as far as I can remember in the ChatRooms. Now it’s on the right!, and I protest about it. Very petty you might say, but It’s the principle of the thing!

    Ok who’s with me? Anyone?

    It’s all about equality the right handers found it easier to have names on left now its the turn of the left handers to have their turn!


    Have got 3 lots of dog sitting booked a weekend in London seeing my Grandaughter and 4 girlies for a weekend p*ss up and food fest, all of which I’m looking forward too!

    On the down side gardening and finish decorating (if I get round to it)!


    @sarah_1 wrote:

    Can anyone care to enlighten me on how this started off as a thread about room abuse & an alledged unfair banning & ended up trying to slate the British Forces. :?

    Not to mention the issues of scrollers , IP addresses & the failing of JC admin & guides all on the same thread.

    Sheesh I’m totally confused ……. What is the real issue here ? (answers on a postcard please) :wink:
    I’m damned if I can work it out. :lol:

    Well at least people are posting and not one of them is Will, that has to be a bonus!


    @toybulldog wrote:

    another good one last night and thanks for the laffs all.
    Destination was the Bahamas which beats Barry Island anytime . . . :)

    1. The Naz Experience
    2. Amelia
    3. Cath56
    4. Diane
    5. Susie Q
    + Dave 53
    7. Cosy M
    8. Brian
    + Shrimps R << << yeah like we don’t know who that really was
    10. Tina
    11. Pingu
    + Rosepetal

    (the last named arrived late, scored a point by complete accident and then promptly fell asleep – face up in the crudites. Again). :lol:

    And there was no Festus which made everybody’s weekend. 8)

    peace + luv

    And the Sour Cream Dip was a devil to get out of my fringe! :wink:


    @kent f OBE wrote:

    PETE: please take note of what Yoda has just posted lol im liking her idea :D

    I’m common can I be your slave?? :wink:


    @toybulldog wrote:

    @Rosepetal wrote:

    @will wrote:

    seriously… what is yoda and toybulldogs problem………. yeah i post shyte

    Your so much more interesting when riled Will! Asl?


    If I was you I’d get some urgent legal advice – I’ll be fighting for custody of ALL your cookery books and the majority of ya Twiglet collection.

    If there’s any left.

    god i’m right fuming here.
    :evil: :evil:

    Toy, if you ever as much as touch my Mrs Beaton I’ll shove my Twiglets right up your Sweetbreads! :lol:

Viewing 10 posts - 561 through 570 (of 872 total)