Forum Replies Created
4 November, 2018 at 5:32 pm #1108898
Ever hear that expression…when some says “Do not” oh my just to do!
My mom especially would say “IF you don’t listen..wait till your father gets home..if you do that after I say will be grounded for a going better not…” providing some little examples..
So when some one says I am two (2) people and as long as I stay away..not mom look on me now.. you recall all those times I did anyways…. so I engage in this site with people from areas you and dad both loved to visit on your holidays..imagine that dad..this guy calling me a troll! Does your daughter sit down when false accusations made about her? Not know I take no doo doo dad..Does he have some form of mental impairment..oh excuse for many to use for attention seeking..lonliness..unhappy…
So Hugs as we have all said..basically the troll population of JC.. which are need to move forward and stop threatening a business owner with your VERBAL ABUSE and evidence writing… Don’t worry be happy at your other site… hey maybe you can be patrol for other what you feel trolling is.. as I will not tolerate your threats of THIS JC SITE..YOUR BIAS OPINIONS AND REPORTING..see how long it takes to make new friends…
Linda I have told you not to type to me go and troll someone else.
If you didn’t want anyone to type to you, you would leave for like ever and ever so we all wish you well and sincerely hope you enjoy chatting in your other wonderful site. Dismissed!
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29 October, 2018 at 6:09 pm #1108570That’s a nice post, Sophia, and a good thread.
Smells are very important to all of us as children.
I cna’t think of anything as good as the smells of your childhood, but I loved the smell of candy floss at the fair.
The sounds and laughter of the fairground were magic to me when i was a kid. There always seemed to be the promise of something wonderful about to happen, though usually all that did happen was being sick after eating the candy floss and whirling around on the wurlitzer.
Scep I’ll never forget the smell of hot dogs when the fair came to town. I knew they were wrong I knew they were dirty but god how I wanted one ! Those greasy onions made it!
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25 October, 2018 at 6:09 pm #1108439Bless her,its bound to make her upset,all the memmoreys and historey.
An update! Said person went under hypnosis to try and see if she could find her grandmothers necklace to no avail, however, the other night she was shouting in her sleep Clock Clock! Her husband woke her up and said fgs you’ve forgotten to set the alarm!
She said no no no go and look in the old clock we brought with us when we moved. He did so and guess what, there hanging behind the the little door was her grandmother’s necklace !
Even spookier was the fact that that was the day of her deceased grandfathers Birthday!
God I love a happy ending !
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14 October, 2018 at 1:23 pm #1108024Aww sorry to hear that. RIP Festus x
14 October, 2018 at 1:23 pm #1108022Wont you come out to play. Kenty evryone is missing you.I miss you in the room.miss the laughs.Please give me a txt,you know what im like with that daft phone.I hope evrything is ok with you.x
Its a phrase Everyone who is used to chatting with you misses you, pretty obvious what Jamie meant …. no need
Last time I had my wrists slapped was by an old schoolmarm when I bent a few desserts spoons in the Home Economics on the day I left school. Such a rebel!
13 October, 2018 at 5:48 pm #1107998Change something about JC to make it bigger and better what would change?
(Do hope Martin sticks his head in and takes note)
I would like to see chatters read the site rules and refrain from giving out any personal information about themselves, camming wannabee drug barons and such, falling in love with someone they pm that makes them feel special (without realising they are making at least 6 others feel special), resulting in the rest of us having to hear about the fall out for at least the next 10 years.
There’s only one Guide left now so they have a very hard job on their hands.
Someone pmed me on the boards recently and mentioned how we actually laughed until we cried in the good old days. It really did happen and could again so I would like to see JC move on, employ more Guides and the chatters take some responsibility for making it a fun place to visit.
Thank you Rose.Now wheres the rest of you? If you want changes tell Martin what you want.And maybe just maybe Martin will shift his butt and do something about it.
Somer my plea to Martin to ban a disgusting racist chatter (I sent the copied text naturally) fell on deaf ears so what chance do many of us have?
13 October, 2018 at 4:48 pm #1107993Change something about JC to make it bigger and better what would change?
(Do hope Martin sticks his head in and takes note)
I would like to see chatters read the site rules and refrain from giving out any personal information about themselves, camming wannabee drug barons and such, falling in love with someone they pm that makes them feel special (without realising they are making at least 6 others feel special), resulting in the rest of us having to hear about the fall out for at least the next 10 years.
There’s only one Guide left now so they have a very hard job on their hands.
Someone pmed me on the boards recently and mentioned how we actually laughed until we cried in the good old days. It really did happen and could again so I would like to see JC move on, employ more Guides and the chatters take some responsibility for making it a fun place to visit.
7 members liked this post.
11 October, 2018 at 9:08 pm #1107947Wont you come out to play. Kenty evryone is missing you.I miss you in the room.miss the laughs.Please give me a txt,you know what im like with that daft phone.I hope evrything is ok with you.x
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7 October, 2018 at 4:36 pm #1107733Thanks ann i have passed the message onto morgs mother and she has told me you are quite welcome to accompany her when she visits next on the 22nd of october in prison, and will pick you up and take you to the prison, and also drop you back home after the visit.
Can’t work out if you are sad or desperate or both!
At least a few more people are seeing you for what you have always been its a shame people like poor Born trusted you into her home and personal space.Shame on you
Orchid even an out of the loop old person like me would know straight away that wasn’t posted by weemo herself! I’ve heard it’s this morg person who she has befriended for whatever reason (only known to herself).
He or she is obviously a halfwit fuelled by some substance or other and in need of help in so many ways. Though have to say I enjoyed reading your post because I actually understood it which is a rarity these days as these boards are full of the most unbelievable shyte I’ve ever had the pleasure to scan through and scroll past!
5 October, 2018 at 8:50 pm #1107660I own very little jewelry.I have two rings,wedding,and engagment rings and two pieces of silver jewelry that were given to me as a gift.I wouldent part with these pieces of jewlry,but i hardley ever wear them.Got my ears ears pierced when i was 16,but took them out because they iritated me.My rings onley go on my pinky now lolI just dont like wearing jewelry.Although i like to see what other folk are wearing.Perhaps a watch for going out.Jewelry irittates and annoys me,i just like to be free of that sort of thing.I,d love to hear about other folks jewelry storeys.
This is such a poignant thread to me right now. A beautiful Indian lady I know has moved in the last two months and only told me two days ago that in the move she has lost the most precious thing she owns which was an 18 carat gold necklace her grandmother had left her. She can’t sleep, it’s driving her mad that she can’t find it!
Her husband said to her you know what, our kids are safe we can eat we have a good life. She said I know all that is true and you are so right but my heart still breaks for the loss of something my grandmother wore for her wedding.
I want to go and ransack her house and find this bloody necklace but of course I can’t and never will !
I wish she hadn’t told me tbh lol