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  • #1021835

    Or get the guides to boot them.. simples

    Well yes often !


    Yep disgusted with the behaviour of late Cosy !


    Incidentally Blossom you stated ” Wow the only reason I criticised your pic was because it was fake ” so what’s this comment all about then.. Blossom “but I can assure you that you’re much uglier than I am (going by your pic), plus I still have all my own teeth ( which you don’t seem to have)….and they happen to be WHITE (whereas yours are a dingy Yellow)” The usual hypocrisy and people not like having it dished back to them as they can’t handle it



    You have got to be Alfie! No one other than him would take so much energy to type  such vitriol about her other than  him! We all know she’s nuts but when she’s not on one or typing all that boring past rubbish that you’ve both shared. She’s an ok person when she chats normally, (ish).  When she chats without the stress of knowing Alfie isn’t there she’s perfectly ok (ish). Lot’s like her as do I, but dear god we are all sick to death of hearing about what went on with you two !!


    Your posts are beyond childish!



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    Just asking, as some of these women posting are starting to come across as angry men :yes:

    You are of course completely sane Blossom. You constantly post about these low life’s you choose to chat with on a regular basis. You don’t have an ounce of paranoia according to you even though you never stop asking who is who!
    Your quite abusive at times and have allowed yourself to get sucked into an online distructive relationship that your more than happy to display in the chatroom for us all to witness.

    If by any chance there was an infinitesimal chance that you were ‘sane’ why would you keep coming back for more agro from the people you purport to be causing you so much annoyance ?

    Your one of those mystery chatters in as much as no one will ever understand why you choose to verbally self harm and blame others for your pain !

    Weird, very very weird !

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    My kitties <3 <3 <3

    Treacle is the sort of cat I would love but have to say both your pussies are very pretty!


    I often look on there to compare prices and am quite shocked at what they charge for some things!

    Do you mean in terms of things being expensive or inexpensive? I find that most individuals who craft their own products from scratch tend to underprice their work.

    You have a good point there, I make everything from scratch and if I charged for my time I would have to charge a lot more!

    But comparing very similar  things on Etsy to what I make they charge more than double what I do.  Mind you they have the hassle and expense of having to get things hallmarked and paying postage.  I make sure what I make is under the legal weight so I can avoid hallmarking.

    Not on the High Street is even more expensive for some things. The sellers there have to pay quite a lot to join though.







    Those look great – keep up the good work! Are you on Etsy?

    Thank you. No I’m not on Etsy, I’ve looked into it in depth and was very tempted to join but then decided it wasn’t for me.  However, I often look on there to compare prices and am quite shocked at what they charge for some things!


    took this on the walk down to the horse field yesterday

    Nice! We’re getting a good chunk of snow today; the back is filling up fast!

    I’d love to see some snow we haven’t had any yet this year!



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