LucyLocket replied to the topic Drugs in the family……the impact on family members in the board Chat forum two boards 13 years, 3 months ago
@RockyBlonde23 wrote:
I used to work with people who were addicts and recovering addicts – I worked in a mental health environment for over 5 years, but only lasted doing drug work for a few months because I couldn’t take the stories. Yet I was more than comfortable with mental health patients.
In my experience a lot of people who end up addicted…
LucyLocket replied to the topic 100 reasons why we should come to JC in the board Chat forum two boards 13 years, 5 months ago
@RockyBlonde23 wrote:
Because sometimes the drama is more interesting than soaps… and you don’t need a tv license!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
MasterPlan replied to the topic now sorted in the board Chat forum two boards 13 years, 5 months ago
@RockyBlonde23 wrote:
You should have turned it into a hugs thread Caps *Hugs Capster* I’ll start lol xxx
Ooo, don’t mind if I do!! *hugs you*