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  • #318506

    @pete wrote:

    Think ya got away with that poli… mum’s the word eh :wink:

    and of course as in sercet board ffs

    Or maybe Janey is a throw back from Borstal Boys where sercet trainig was a daily exercise regime for the little thugs :wink:


    @sword wrote:

    Wow another quick post. No answer to the above question though… keep it coming Sianny, having a laugh at your expense is getting boring but I’ll have it anyway.

    How exactly does one get their chobber chewed off please sword :?: :wink: :lol:


    LMFAO @ Chobber :lol: :lol:


    @*Sian wrote:

    @rednotdead wrote:

    @sword wrote:

    I can always guarantee three of my puppies to reply… does it get to you Sianny that I never bite (literally)?

    I think i’d quite like to be bitten by you sword :oops: :lol: :lol: :wink:

    Ewwww have you not seen his chewed up manhood? :lol:

    Chewed up :?: :?: SOOOOOOOOOOOO Sian the gossip is true

    I heard you were the one who chewed it :wink: :? :shock: :lol:


    @sword wrote:

    @*Sian wrote:

    I am in reply to you, I am waiting for you to reply, I love the bite, you hadn’t left me a comment to reply to, I just came on to the internet and you appeared like Paul Daniels :lol: You sit and watch.

    Plus I wouldn’t say you are thick, that is obvious, you’re actually not. You’re just a poor deluded man with morals of a suer rat.

    Why are you just using my comments in different text?


    For the same reason she can’t spell sewer
    :lol: :shock: :wink:


    @sword wrote:

    I can always guarantee three of my puppies to reply… does it get to you Sianny that I never bite (literally)?

    I think i’d quite like to be bitten by you sword :oops: :lol: :lol: :wink:


    @pete wrote:

    yeah but whats a sercet.. you sure that was a secret you told me and not just kinky? :wink: :lol:

    Jesus Pete ..everyone knows a sercet is what your computer stuff is soldered on to :P :P :wink:


    Emma is time and time again proving the blind stupidity of the BNP fanatic .. and they wondered how Hitler influenced so many .. ask Emma :roll: There is plenty of proof, photographs, witness statements to prove the Holocaust happened. Emma’s ignorance is astounding and to be so blase about the loss of millions of lives shows the true nature of 10 reasons why we should never let the BNP in power


    Cheers toy !!! I didn’t know that Mick had done that although I did know that Lazzlo Papp had just died .You sound like you know a bit about boxing yourself !? I have another snippet of information to stick in the old scrap book we’re putting together. All his boxing memorabilia was stolen by gypsys when they robbed my nan’s house years ago for the copper piping … winkers :twisted: :twisted:

    Sadly shazza Mick doesn’t remember much anymore.. its heartbreaking. but what can you do…..we’re all dead proud of him xx thanks for both your comments much appreciated xxx


    no worries doa :wink: :lol:

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