Forum Replies Created
13 October, 2019 at 5:44 pm #1127584
Sophia that’s called paranoid schizophrenia but with being so butch and a fringe that could take of faster than Concord what more could you expect
12 October, 2019 at 7:11 pm #1127564Not as cheap as kenty or his raging mincer son or even tarquin for that matter eh Ge
12 October, 2019 at 12:38 pm #1127557Anyone seen paige plastic or fifi?
We love paige and you are not murdering her too sunny jim
Can’t wait until the fbi catch you up for the murderers of fifi, ellie,koko and poor fran.
Now you mention plastic come to think of it you met her too.
I sure hope when the fbi dea b nq and the mfi catch up with you YOU WILL NEVER GET OUT!!!!!!!
12 October, 2019 at 12:29 pm #1127556Moosey you sound very angry if not constipated maybe thins son can help you out as he is a professional in that department.
Are you sure you have not got underline mental health issues the atrocious Nhs system and your General Practitioner have naively not picked up on may I take this opportunity of actually being a “private” General Practitioner to suggest getting yourself checked for Bi Polar, ADHD along with paranoid schizophrenia as thin has been your mate for over 15 years and now you have turned on him.
We all know thins history here that him susieq kay kenty and ld had a foursome at the London meet in 2010 which resulted in scorpion aka susieq exposing what she had contracted from that horrendous drunken fumble that night in the Travelodge yes hiv and urged thin and kenty to contact all their exes which they blatantly ” refused to do ” on these very here boards.
Then he lied and deceived his own mincer and minceress yes his poor kids along with his wife as a long term scumbag adulterer and cheat for many years causing a lot of heart ache and pain to his family then ruined kentys marriage even ld’s girlfriend ( ns ) left her because of this man, then his wife ran off with tracy aka madfoooka to live with her in Newcastle. Yes so we have to ignore this stupid old man and certainly don’t show him any attention as that stops him from self harming
ps….why you arse licking moosey makes you look very weak and tragic you silly oap, maybe leave that to your son as he is a pro
12 October, 2019 at 12:29 am #1127547i meant I Love my best friend sassy
11 October, 2019 at 4:54 pm #1127541It’s Ethel ellies mum chrome you MURDERER
11 October, 2019 at 4:53 pm #1127540Has anyone noticed kay kenty has ” NEVER ” smoked then goes onto say she sometimes smokes at weekends Cuckoooo
Has anyone also noticed thin said he’s been healthy all his life then goes on to say he’s had 3 heart attacks through over straining himself pushing wheelbarrows as labourer for pittance Cuckooooo
These people correct themselves in their very next sentences
Tbh I think they need sectioned for their own safety
No wonder thin is so jealous of nine ball and makes fun of his mental health telling him he should get to work and sell his pool table when he’s clearly unfit for work and makes more than middleton on benefits which really crushes the oap lmfao
11 October, 2019 at 4:38 pm #1127537Chrome you are banned because the fbi want to speak to you for the murders of fran, koko, ellie, fifi,and old Eileen from the launderette
We all know you and scottishlad met fran at innerlitehan fayre in Scotland
We all know you met fifi at a travel lodge on the m1 in your campervan
We all know you met ellie in prestatyn
We all know you met koko at rockshots nightclub Newcastle
and NONE of them have been seen since
11 October, 2019 at 2:42 pm #1127533Oh gosh, oh dear thin your son has been sucking on raging mincers vapes since your wife left to suck on female mincers flaps son
It’s you who should be exterminated not the vape smokers or cigarette smokers for your naivety and sheer stupidity son
So in reality your son and daughter have smoked a good few in there time which means you are mocking your own eccentric children son
So keep pushing that wheelbarrow and getting woke up at 3am in the morning sounding like a oap with whooping cough son
Susieq sends her best regards now she s receiving all the right treatments son
9 October, 2019 at 10:18 pm #1127486I Love my best friend