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  • #419379

    @cas wrote:

    @reason wrote:

    And as for narrow minded backstabbers who where quick to turn before they knew facts then you made a good impression of that,you don’t know half cas and yet again you spout your evil bitterness for no good reason.

    It was nothing to do with facts. It was more to do with you not liking what you were hearing and then being as nasty to me as you were to the other person concerned!! No??!! yea well i guess you would say that eh. I’m not being evil or bitter, get over yourself, your really not that important. It initially was more a post to the new user, pointing out that he or she will find plenty of numpties around here and you proved my point nicely netty, so thankyou

    :roll: :roll: :roll:

    Thin summed it up nicely earlier so i’ll say no more.


    And as for narrow minded backstabbers who where quick to turn before they knew facts then you made a good impression of that,you don’t know half cas and yet again you spout your evil bitterness for no good reason.


    @cas wrote:

    @reason wrote:

    Wakeup was the only numpty i could see,wanting to show moi his “nuts” on m sn,silly man must be as bent as a nine bob note :shock:

    I think your confusing sarcasm with any real interest in seeing yours or anyone elses ‘nuts’ on m s n. Run along n play with yr action man :roll:

    Worst attempt at sarcasm i’ve ever seen,bit like you in your perfectly black and white world innit cas,as another well known chatter often says sort of”walk a mile in another mans shoes” n all that.


    Wakeup was the only numpty i could see,wanting to show moi his “nuts” on m sn,silly man must be as bent as a nine bob note :shock:


    @wakeupdeadisgodlike wrote:

    @reason wrote:

    @wakeupdeadisgodlike wrote:

    you honestly believe the family lawyer would come out with anything other than what he has? He’s hardly goin to say he died drug fueled and trying to nosh himself off while his husband is getting bummed of some Bulgarian is he…

    Yet another namechanger with no balls,trying to be controversial :roll:

    Sorry but you fail. I have used this name or a variant of it for all my time on here – a lot of people in 3 can vouch for that. Are you always so welcoming of new forum members?

    P.S if you ask me nicely i may show you my nuts on msn.

    Oh i do apologise,you must have started using 3 after i stopped using it because i can’t remember such a tvvat using it

    BTW it’s Mr Swackers to you.


    @thin ice wrote:

    @melody wrote:

    @thin ice wrote:

    @anc wrote:

    I think peeps should put themselves forward for the programme ‘Dating In The Dark’ – could be interesting! pmsl :lol:

    sha gging in the dark is good ancy panky when you aint sure who it is lol

    you could be doing ya sister :?

    as long as you dont kiss its ok

    lmao that’s foookin sick but funny :lol: :lol:


    @wakeupdeadisgodlike wrote:

    you honestly believe the family lawyer would come out with anything other than what he has? He’s hardly goin to say he died drug fueled and trying to nosh himself off while his husband is getting bummed of some Bulgarian is he…

    Yet another namechanger with no balls,trying to be controversial :roll:


    @will wrote:

    so cos steven gateley had a few drinks and died later on by chokin to death.. or woteva the cause wss he deserves to die? he dont get any sympathey? wot a load of bull sh1t.
    its not like he intendid on dyin.. ppl go out drinkin every nite and have no probs and have a great time.. if they drank slightley too much do they deserve to die too?

    fckin hell… have a heart ppl. and i agree with jen. where do u draw the line. yh fair enuff sumbody gettin behind the wheel and crashin killin themselves is there own fault, but to say he deserve no sympathey cos he had a drink to may is disgustin. its not like he were driven or sumthin he was at home ffs.

    Well said will :o ……. well sort of :? :wink:




    @Velvet 1 wrote:

    @kent f OBE wrote:

    :lol: @ pure protein

    (sooo wetting my pants here)

    stop it!!

    Was once told that men that eat a lot of jaffa cakes have orange flavoured sailor stuff too…. or is that just another lie…. pfffftttt I really need to google the lines i’m fed at times :-k

    It looks like it’s not just lines you’re being fed :shock: :wink:

Viewing 10 posts - 741 through 750 (of 1,637 total)