And of course the bombers dont mean to kill innocent people at all do they they’re not really cowardly bastards. The security forces couldn’t make mistakes if this scum didnt exist
Gazlan, Have you ever thought that you ought to get out a little bit more, see the real world for what it is.
In my book it is cowards, homophobics who spout their beliefs on message boards and hide behinde anon names.
The majority of medical papers on homosexuals all point to the fact that it is 90% possible that it is nature not nurture.
Showing your dislike to homosexuals is not really healthy in this day and age – remember if you happen to get arrested and taken to prison – you will soon become an homosexual -and not by choice.
As for anal sex – may not be to your liking, but go down to your local morque attend a few autospsys and see how many indulge in this activity.
Oral sex that is just taken as normal today.
An ignorant fool you are………do you percieve all to be as weak as you????? have you not heard of the word celibate…or abstination…..or refrain….. how do you know that i have not served time at her majestys pleasure………you indeed need to get out more…perhaps to the nearest library…..pathetic….andtake your cronies with you…. :x